There Has To Be A Reason

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Who's The Boss, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. girliekinduk

    girliekinduk New Member

    not me :D

    and i never understand this sort of discussion anyway
    it just perpetuates that race should be an issue
    speaking for myself, it isn't

    i don't see the difference between me dating someone with different colour skin, than dating someone with different hair colour, or eye colour...........
    should i not like Tyrese cos he's black and i'm white?
    should i not like Brad Pitt cos he's blonde and i'm brunette?
    should i not like Boris Kudjoe cos he has blue eyes and i have brown eyes?
    Should i not like jake gyllenhaal cos he's american and i'm british?

    This is why i think debates about skin colour are so pointless
  2. Miss Jenkins

    Miss Jenkins New Member

    lol, or I could just ask my cousin like I should've done all along.
  3. Miss Jenkins

    Miss Jenkins New Member

    Good point.
  4. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    No one said race was an issue.. the Question was why the attraction to BM.

    They happen to be my preference, but it isn't that I don't like my own race. I just prefer to date BM

    She questioned if I found (for example) Brad Pitt not attractive, and honestly I don't see the attraction. Although I enjoy his acting.
  5. girliekinduk

    girliekinduk New Member

    i don't find brad pitt attractive either
    but it's not cos he's white
    there are attractive white men out there
    just as there are unattractive black men
    i can't understand how anyone can say they have a preference of one race over another.
    thats just positive discrimination.
  6. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    Its not discrimination at all.. I just date who I am attracted to. There is no reason that I have to date white men.

    However, I have close friends from many races.
  7. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    it is positive discrimination, so what

    it is wrong in any way or something to blame? If one woman preffers white men with blue eyes (or black eyes) or whatever, what is there not to understand and call it "discrimination"? I think its a too harsh word for something like a personal taste.
  8. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Sassy, did I say welcome??

    in case i didnt, welcome :smt039
  9. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    Thank you Seychelles
  10. girliekinduk

    girliekinduk New Member

    because then it makes race an issue.
    it perpetuates the cycle of racism
    any kind of preference for something as unimportant as race carries the debate on
    adds fuel to the fire for people who have issues against mixed race dating.
    from my point of view
    i love my man.
    i don't care about his race
    i love him

    just my opinion
  11. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    so if a guy says he only dates blondes do you call that discrimination too?

    I have a problem with it being called an issue.. and issue means problem.

    Just because you are attracted to one race, does not mean that you have issues with other races, only that you prefer not to date them..
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Don't pay attention to those tired-ass platitudes..

    You NEVER read or hear that kinda bullshit when it's BW that prefer WM..or WM that prefer BM..Ever notice that??

    It's only wrong when BM prefer WW....

    A WM that likes BW can get away with shit that would get the average Brother killed..I know a white dude married to a BW that gets to cheat,AS LONG AS IT'S NOT WITH A

    If there was a site called White men..Black of the same complainers and shit-talkers would have their asses over there panting like the slobbering dogs they are..

    How come you NEVER hear them say there's something wrong with Robert DeNiro because he exclusively dates BW??????


    Not a single BW will ever say he hates his race or his mother..BECAUSE HE PREFERS THEM OVER WW...It's OK then..HE'S A COOL WHITE BOY..

    When was the last time somebody fucked with Dianna Ross,Dianne Carrol,or Saniaa Lathan for preferring WM...?????

    Where's the Soul patrol then..???

    Where is their "concern for the Black family" then????

    You see..

    Some of us are still on the plantation when it comes to the IR game..We're worse than that we only complain when the BM is laying the pipe..we're quiet as a mouse when the WM is doing the fucking..

    In the Black community..the IR double standard has a FEMALE BIAS that totally benefits men of other races

    If a white male comedian stood in front of a Black audience and said BW are the best..I don't even like WW.. HE'D GET A STANDING OVATION..

    But you let a WW do that shit about BM and SHE'LL GET BOOED RIGHT OFF THE STAGE BY THE SAME AUDIENCE!!!

    It's like we're still stuck in the Antebellum south..!!...Only the WM can lay IR pipe..!!

    Go to any Black family reunion if you think I'm bullshittin...

    A BM shows-up with a WW....the BW are all:

    "No that Black-ass monkey didn't bring that dirty pink-toe bitch to OUR gathering..!!"


    "Look at that shit..that's why I can't stand them niggers.."

    5 minutes later..

    A BW shows-up with a WM..and the SAME racist Matriarchs are all:

    "Awww comes Neicy and her new boyfriend...ain't dey cute.."


    "Chile you know you can't blame her..sorry as these niggers is..I can't wait to see 'dem babies.."


    Even BM like nobledruali participate in this bullshit..that's why he's here preaching his bedouin-bullshit and not at Mindkandy or the other BW/WM sites.....He's feminized..gelding..gutted and nutted..just like the bitch he is..

    That's why people come here to FUCK WITH us and not sites that cater BW and WM...THEY'RE FUCKIN HYPOCRITES and COWARDS

    FUCK EM' ALL..

    They can line-up to kiss across my fuckin dick..every last one of them dirty cocksukers..
  13. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    I can't even understand how you can think that, but I respect your opinion.

    how does it make race an issue and is racist? That means that by being attracted to dark features which I've been all my life (on white men), i have created an issue for the guys with white skin, just because i don't like it?

    so you love your guy now, but when you first set your eyes on him and you liked what you saw, there was some physical trait that you liked, maybe not the colour specifically, maybe his large shoulders lets say. Are you discriminating and creating an "issue" to the small shoulder guys?

    the particularities that attract someone are never "unimportant"

    what you find beautiful is. Then why didnt you get involved with a really fat ugly guy?
  14. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    Well part of dating BM as a WW is putting up with some of this. It doesn't surprise me. I do not back down about how I feel though. I have to right to my preferences. People can like it or they can not like it. Their choice.

    I guess this is the reason why some IR boards do not allow everyone on. I was a mod on another board where if you were another race other than BM or WW, you were not allowed on the board. They didn't want to deal with the drama.
  15. girliekinduk

    girliekinduk New Member

    yes i would call that discrimination if someone said they'd only date blondes.

    i understand what you're saying, and agree with you to a certain extent, as i am attracted more to black men than white, but when you say you prefer not to date one race over another that is disrcimination.
    for whatever reasons you may give - all white men are this, all black men are that..... whatever you are saying about a particular race, grouping them all together en masse is discrimination, positive or negative, i don't care......
  16. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    well we can agree to disagree.. because I'll never buy your point.

    If I refused to have white men as friends, then I'd say yeah sure I'm a racist and discriminate.. but since I have close friends who are Asian, Caucasian, Malaysian, Black, Latin, I don't feel discriminatory at all. I can love them dearly but I don't have to want to f*ck them.
  17. girliekinduk

    girliekinduk New Member

    how do you know i'm not?
  18. girliekinduk

    girliekinduk New Member

    i never ever called you a racist
    thats a strong word that i rarely use to describe anyone
    and your right, we can agree to disagree.
  19. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Are you?
  20. Silvercosma

    Silvercosma New Member

    I was about to type a response, but Flaminghetero already said what I wanted to.

    One thing I might add:
    The day BM and WW can express their preference for eachothers skin color with the same implicitness as other people can express their preference for any other physical characteristic without causing havoc, is the day we will know that we overcame racism.

    And no, not all chicken are my taste.
    Sue me.


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