What's scary is that this guy can actually win. Trust me. With views like these, Southerners will rush over to this guy. God knows, ife he gets into office, i'm moving to Sweden, Denmark or even Canada for the next four years.
Co-sign cris and raocha! Check this out, I found this pic of Ron Paul and the owner of racist site Don Black and his son. WOW, a presidential candidate openly mingling with white supremacist, not a good look for him. :shock: [/url]
Nasty!! I now disbelieve what he said before about not 'wanting' racist site money... Man, if you can't trust a politician, who can you trust?! :wink:
Nothing shocking there. Paul, like many other southern Republican politicians, has also cozied up to the overtly racist Council of Conservative Citizens. I grew up in Texas, so I'm quite familiar with his views. I was speechless when all of the Ron Paul hysteria started earlier this year. Hopefully, the so-called "liberals" and "progressives" who have taken up his cause will do a little more reason into him and get off the bandwagon. As for Paul being elected President, I don't think so. Despite the fact that his racial views are in line with the mindset of most Republicans, a good portion of the crazies who are going to vote in the primaries still support Bush's pointless war hence the resurgence of John McCain. Now that people are starting realize what a fucking fraud Giuliani is, I bet the nomination goes to McCain or Huckabee.
Every four years there's always some wacko/spoiler. Lyndon LaRouche, Ross Perot (although he didn't start out wacky), Pat Buchanan (remember he had that right-wing black female running mate?), Ralph Nader, etc. I dont get the hype on Ron Paul though. People seem into him.