enlightening to say the least,:smt038 i have never been a fan of the pants saggin trend. it just screams "i'm uneducated" or 'i like it the ass cuz i was a fuckboy in prison". no thanks thuggin
my mate wears his pants like that, if he didnt have a beach ball for an ass they would fall down when he jumps hes looking at doing 6 months bird tomorrow so will let him know bout the homosexual link, quite sure he dont wanna end up being someones bitch
I ain't gonna front, when I first came back to America, i used to sag my pants like crazy. All the brothas used to do it and i thought it was cool. My parents really despised it and used to warn me about it, but i didn't listen. One day, during a baby shower, my moms saw me sagging and didnt say anything . I was chilling with friends and shit, and she just walked over to me, and pulled my pants completely down to my feet. It was the most embarassing day of my life, i was nearly in tears. The only thing my moms said was that she decided to pull it down because that is how people really see a person sagging his pants, so she decided to teach me a lesson. I was mad at the time, but now i understand why she did it. You will never be seen as a responsible individual if you go around dressing like that. You can't get up in the corporate world if you walk in saggin like some prison scumbag. I sure have stopped doing it. In my opinion, any grown man over 18 still sagging his pants needs to be kicked in the ass 5 times.
I went there a couple of times to learn more about their ideologies and what they hope to accomplish in the future, and it's fun watching them whine about Heidi and Seal. I found that pic on Google Images, which happened to be linked to their website.
When I was younger, I sagged my pants too. Most of my friends did it as well. Eventually, you grow up and act like an adult
I'm personally against grown ass men dressing like prison scum and thugs, but such Orwellian tactics aren't necessarily the resolution in my opinion.
Agreed. These people who sag their pants will find out soon enough that employers don't look too kindly on job applicants looking like they came out the joint
Sadly they don’t realize that this look yields instant disqualification in everything from job opportunities to something as simple as qualifying for an apartment. There is a study that says this group, in particular, and more than any other undesirable group, experience the worst forms of continuous discrimination, profiling and broad scale denial of any kind of assistance from society in their general struggle to just live and eat. People in positions of power are apparently very turned off by the look also! Would somebody please tell the young thugs that the fashion is a train to nowhere!