Folks We'd Like To Remove From Black History.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by karmacoma., Feb 27, 2010.

  1. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    You can't come from a Mensa meeting and expect to have an intelligent conversation with people from Project Literacy.
  2. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    LMAO! I just quoted Karma in another thread and said the exact thing....

  4. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I love the way Jack Johnson went about everything. The way he dealt with life reminds me of my husband. <3
  5. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    did gl ever translated what he was trying to say to you in the other thread?
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    No, I surrendered! LOL

    He seems like a nice guy, but he doesn't read. He only makes threads and asks certain questions....
  7. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    I agree. I've evolved from being irritated by his threads to being actually entertained.
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Tell me about it.
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Are you serious man. you took what I stated serious. Honestly , you took that serious. damn , you took that serious.

    Im mean damn alot of people speak tongue and cheek thus you cant tell the difference. I mean damn.

    I bet you are the same mofu that sit there and make up threads like are BM dicks bigger than wm.

    Im mean damn dawg
  10. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    Wow, out of all the things I've said in the past, this one rattled your cage.
    And no, I've never made up threads like the one you mentioned above. But I will leave you with this one though:

    "do you have to look black to be black and the women who love them"

    No replies necessary unless it's translation.
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Just STFU ^
  12. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    You are from Canada and your education system is better than ours. We have to be kind to our Southern brothers, they can't express themselves as well as us Northerners.
  13. Espy

    Espy New Member

    "freak nasty what do you like to do that make people say yuck"

    "do you have to look black to be black and the women who love them"

    "a freaky question needs to be asked."

    "what state suffers most with jungle fever"

    "tell me how you like your sex"

    "dont want to sound antigay but....."

    "dumbass threads and people who love them"

    ...and that's just a few highlights from the goodlove thread library. I think perhaps it best not to question other people's thread topics, or suggest they may be inappropriate. You know people in glass houses and all that...

  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    so what ? the threads are just for fun. nothing serious. If you want to evolve go to the zoo and sit with the monkeys.

    if you want to get intellectual lets get down. because when an individual discussed phenotype you guys were perplexed and thought the dude was wrong until an anthropologist sided with him and the hush came across the thread and shut the thread down.

    it is very indubitable that an intelligent convo can not be carried in bucket of water here.

    thus the dumbing down must be down.

    lets look at the other threads that you like to indulge but dont have any complaints because you have not evolved above a slug.

    for example why BM date fat ww type threads . how about would you date an aussie girl. thats a question that man has pondered throughout time. OH OH here is a good one fellas blondes or brunettes. no problem with that one huh ? how about the black jew thread ? ( i enjoyed that one but it is kind of same ole same ole. very obvious huh) Inner beauty you took part in that one and have you evolved above that one.

    let me see you guys dive of into deciding is fair to have str8 line depreciation on taxes and not being able to perform sum of the years digits depreciation. they may have changed the tax laws since i looked at them but im sure that would be fun to talk about

    how about this should we get rid of the IRS as we know it and install a fair tax into the system or maybe a flat tax or a mixture of both. what will we do with the IRS personnel ?

    are the tax laws really fair ? I mean progressive tax versus the other taxes I mentioned ? what did warren buffet say about his taxes just recently ?

    how about what will the new health care bill do to the taxes for the wealthy ?

    how has opec harmed our economy and what should we do about it ?

    are we a true capitolistic society now are when did it go away ? at least tell me about what time period did it dissolve and why ? or maybe give me a current one ( the last 60 years ) when capitolism was destroyed ?

    lets talk bible I know a lot of you go to church ( this is a christian nation) so lets talk. What day are we really to worship?

    is christmas a day we should be having ? why do we celebrate christmas in december ?

    what in the hell we have easter for ? HMMMM ?

    lets talk about those , shall we ?
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2010
  15. Espy

    Espy New Member

    :smt019 Geography does not dictate one's ability to express oneself sugar.

    Please don't go lumping all of us Southern folks together based upon one person's attributes or lack thereof, it's unfair, and I know you're all about fairness. ;)
  16. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Sorry, sweetie, there's a disproportionate amount of dummies from the South. God love them. I know you're not among them but that's the cold reality.
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy happens to think that although some of goodlove's threads have been redundant/inappropriate...he has put some life back into the forum...this forum needs posters to step up to the plate and create threads

    if you don't like the thread then don't post in it...very simple:smt077
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Sugar, there's a disproportionate amount of dummies in the world. That's the cold reality. All I'm saying is the South doesn't hold the title on that.

  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    you need to read everything they stated and get a full view of the convo. I made a joke about the DC sniper and off they went. I stated hey lets not throw away the sniper he maybe (or maybe I stated he is ) first serial killer. go back and read. then you will see what is up. I have always stated and will continue to state threads are for fun nothing more. I do serious stuff all day at work dont want to do it at home . dig.

    if i want to be serious I would stick coal up my ass to get a diamond. if you want serious look at the other post and we can get down.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    thank you. You know not to take me serious. its just for fun.

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