
Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by goggleyes, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. goggleyes

    goggleyes Restricted

    ps- Not that religion automatically leads to violence and oppression, but in principal yes, these are important questions and ideas should be debated and challenged, no man is an island etc.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its one thing to challenge and debate ways of thinking in an academic setting but to impose your thoughts and will on those who dont wish to engage you is tyranny, its oppression. All I know and all I've ever seen is that zealots create dicision and polarization. The NEVER bring people together.
  3. goggleyes

    goggleyes Restricted

    Yes, I guess that's why some atheists become quite militant in response.
  4. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    I don't really have a label. But, I don't believe in Gods and Goddesses or Unicorns and Ogres. That's just the way I am. I think fairy tales are good and they serve a purpose I suppose. I just don't believe the stories are real. To each their own. For those that try to pull the "Faith card". We all have faith in something, even if it is ourselves. But, Atheism is, by definition, the disbelief in a deity. That's as basic as you can get. That, however, doesn't mean that an atheist can't have faith in the progression of science and it doesn't mean they can't ponder. They simply do not believe in a deity. That's it. A deity, by definition is the rank or essential nature of a god, a god or goddess, or one exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful. Atheism does not mean that a person believes in nothing. That would be Nihilism... perse. So, Ultimately, Atheism does not claim that there is nothing more to existence. That is normally the existentialism in Nihilism. Atheism is just a disbelief in a deity. Just figured I would elaborate.
  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    An atheist professor I had in collge use to say "oh my dog ", as he asserted a dog is real and God is not. I don't care if someone beleives in God or not. Don't push your belief or non-belief onto me.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Amen sister. That incredibly simple fact is usually lost to them.
  7. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    That's funny. Atheists aren't the ones passing out pamphlets, knocking on peoples doors, enslaving people, blowing buildings up, starting wars, or stoning people to death all in the name of atheism.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Neither are religious people. Zealots do that shit. Anyone trying to emulate a Christ like life isnt exacting violence on anyone.
    Heres where athiest always get it wrong. You hate the pushiness of zealots but the same neex to spread your rhetoric only polarizes everyone.
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    They are the same. Quit lying. Or better yet, quit looking through a glass.

  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    But it's sorta like this.

    If I'm at an airport..minding my own business..or better home. With maybe my door locked and not disturbing anyone...(this is just a reminder of how I'm NOT actively looking for Jesus or to be saved)..
    And I get a ring on the doorbell.

    The person who is ringing is one of those people who "converts for the free toaster" types..
    I tell them no thank you..I'm not interested. they don't stop after that.

    The escalation of having to push my views on this person (thank you but no thank you) is in response to their need to push it onme.
    To respect someone and their beliefs means 'you can have yours..but if I don't want it..go away'
    But they come at you with this flawed judge mental stance that they need to save because they have been saved. And if I'm not then I'm going to hell.

    Thank you so much for defining my reality which you don't experience. If you think it's fantastic that Jesus shed his blood for your sins..hey! Awesome! I'm sure there is a support group of like minded souls who think just like you..I think it's called church or whatever and perhaps you should go witness their to people who want to hear about it.

    If a person is really interested in joining a religion there is no need to go out and recruit them. They will find you.

    Personally I get sick of the way a lot of our culture haves faith based undertones.
    It's any wonder people don't scream louder that their should be more neutrality regarding person faith choices.

    Freedom of religion means being free from NOT having other people's faith shoved down my throat. Or up my vagina as the case may be lately.

    I don't consider myself an atheist. I believe in higher powers. They do not include someone in "heaven" who is all powerful but seems to have his hands tied right now expressing that power to prove a point and it most certainly does not include someone tortured to death by the roman government.
    I think Jesus (or more accurately) yeshua was real with a real message. It's been poisoned and watered down and now retains none of its original truths.
    Plus..he was tortured to death on a piece of wood.

    How uplifting. :smt107

    Basically..if you are trying to get your message heard by the other party and they keep yelling..
    You either give up or have to yell louder.
  11. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    I never said all religious people were like that. I'm saying that some theists tend to be more extreme in their views and are more willing to use extreme measures than atheists are. Religion is more influential than atheism has ever been. Atheists are still one of the groups of people that are still despised in this society.
  12. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I got it!

    And I also always mean to tell you that is a fabulous picture of the morning star.
  13. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Is he an atheist then?
    So under what assumption does he base his statement that my life must require more faith than his and by not having faith in his god I'm denied blessings?

    I cannot know how much faith he has and I'd be hesitant to make a blanket statement regarding faith based on ones preference in deity worship.

    As a person who works in a field of exact science..his ability to use logic and rational thought process would mean that he should know this. But his insistence on dogmatic belief structures cancels that out.

    That's how I would interpret MS response.

    Go ahead. Shoot me.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Basically. But it seems like TDK has a difficult time understanding this to the tee. Hell, even there are discriminatory practices such as seven states bars anyone who is atheist to run for political office of any kind. Yet, it's often ignored.

    But, how can atheists be the least trusted when the greatest calamities were caused by those in the name of religion? It's a strange ordeal.

  16. lizziepindc

    lizziepindc New Member

    yeah, atheist here!

    no gods required . . .
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again its not religious people its those who claim to be religious. The truly devout dont seek to harm others. The fringe assholes speak the loudest therefore get the most attention. Besides if I kill in your name does that make you responsible or me?
    Eradicating religion wont eradicate those who are extremist theyll cling to other ideology like nationalism. Remember the Nazis?
  18. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Connected to this is the question if Hitler personally saw himself as the messiah of the German people; see Adolf Hitler's religious beliefs. Other evidence that Hitler was occasionally compared with Jesus, or revered as a savior sent by God is a prayer recited by orphans at orphanages. It runs as follows:[100]
    Prayer to Hitler

    Führer, mein Führer, von Gott mir gegeben, beschütz und erhalte noch lange mein Leben
    Du hast Deutschland errettet aus tiefster Not, Dir verdank ich mein tägliches Brot
    Führer, mein Führer, mein Glaube, mein Licht
    Führer mein Führer, verlasse mich nicht

    This translates roughly as:

    Leader, my Leader, given to me by God, protect me and sustain my life for a long time
    you have rescued Germany out of deepest misery, to you I owe my daily bread
    Leader, my Leader, my belief, my light
    Leader my Leader, do not abandon me's_religious_beliefs
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Whether he did or not nationalism was the reason forthe suffering blnot religion same can be said Mussolini ran Italy
  20. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Aspects of religion and a development of their own religion from those aspects mixed with nationalism. Kind of like how Christians attempt to do with this country. The truth is that most religions have screwed up scriptures, interpretations, and people. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is. I know you and I will never agree on this. I gathered that from your comments on your appreciation for Christianity during slavery. No worries. It's where we will always be divided. If religion works for you then go for it. I personally don't believe in God. But, I know you believe in it and hold on to it dearly. It's your choice and your viewpoint. I'm just a little confused as to why you are in a thread called, "Atheism" considering your belief in God. But, then again, if Jordan can jump in the men's locker room and bitch at us for the what physical characteristics we look for in women, then I suppose you are welcome here to bro...LOL

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