In order to sport a Kilt, your have to be either very sure of your masculinity, very sure of your calves in long black sox or be so wealthy that you just don't give a damn.....After 18 Years of pants hanging below the ass, the trend-setters are ready to take us in new direction.....
Lil Wayne in super tight jeggings a while ago was horrible as well. At least those guys have some air down there and not squishing their stuff.
what about flip wilson playing that geraldine character? brah....gotta stop obsession of getting mad over feminized bm.... as long they don't touch you.....
Samuel L. Jackson wore a Scottish kilt in the film Formula 51 with Robert Carlyle, Emily Mortimer, Sean Pertwee , Paul Barber(Horse in The Full Monty) and Meatloaf. He took it off when he won a game of golf.