I hope people don't downplay that boys trauma, because he is a male victim. A Traumatic event like this can have just as deep of repercussions in a male victim as it can in a female one.
lol...I will never get that...whatever any of us says -is as important as if a sack of rice is falling over in China..
Now darling, you know your comment will be dismissed because how dare you speak for the rice of CHINA!!!! What the hell do you know about RICE?! you just eat it!!! :axe:
I completely agree. Rape is RAPE, no matter the violator. Men are also raped by other men. I know of a similar story where a man was raped. He was hitchhiking and a car with 4 women stopped Once inside, and he was ordered at gun point to undress and was raped. People asked "how can you be raped as a man " but I recall that he had said that the fear and terror caused him to have an erection. He was not excited at all. Much like when a woman is raped, she may secret fluids, but it's involuntary.
31 years, huh? Will she serve them all or will they release her early like they do those nasty pedos that rape three year olds. They will probably keep her longer than they do those known sex offenders. Oh no she didn't. Oh yes I did.
Pedophile rapist bitch. :smt093 My heart & prayers go out to him. I hope he gets the care he needs to get through this.
Or got pregnant. What a weird disgusting mess. She'll be raped in jail probably, if she doesn't rape there herself. Pure vile trash.