Favorite Cities

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by stiletoes, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    What are your favorite cities? Mine are London and Savannah :)
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    LA, Pamona, Inglwood.
  3. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    London, Edinburgh, NY, Berlin.
  4. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    NYC and Moscow.
  5. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    Dublin, London, Berlin, Los Angeles
  6. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    LONDON !!! Madrid and Palma :D

    Not sure about Paris Prefer the above compared to Paris :D
  7. dudaroosky

    dudaroosky New Member

    Chicago Ill. Atlanta GA. Windsor ONT.
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Denver, Chicago, and Jerusalem.
  9. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boulder, Florence, Tokyo.
  10. obama82

    obama82 Member

    Chicago, London, Paris, Miami. :cool:
  11. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Los Angeles, New York & London
  13. New York and San Diego:grin:
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    In this order:
    1. Salem Oregon (For its Quiet Homie atmosphere)
    2. Tucson Arizona (Because it's not too big, yet has all you need and the best ever weather)
    3. Zamora Michoacan, Mexico (For it culture and fun shopping)
    4. Washington DC (for it's history and museums)
  15. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    My favorite city is Saint Petersburg in Russia...beautiful city! If i was still living in Russia i would move there for sure.

    Ido like Vancouver. If you love nature its the place to visit !

    I havent been many places thought so its hard for me to say. But one day i will travel all over the world and let you know whats my FAV! ;)
  16. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Would you believe I've never been there? Maybe I'll go someday.
  17. DI

    DI New Member

    San Francisco, Kazan
  18. DI

    DI New Member

    would you girls believe i've never been there either? lol and i definitely will go soon! cause they say its a magic city!
  19. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    How dare you not include Moscow? The capital city must be shown upmost respect, you far-away provincial person!:p
  20. DI

    DI New Member

    I dont really like Moscow. even though i dont like small towns either, i actually rather go to the big city, but not that big as Moscow i guess. I didnt like NY too much for the same reason, it looks so much like Moscow! I mean, yes it is beautiful and everything, but all the beauty goes away when you spend hours in a car traffic or everyday you spend about 2 or 3 hours to go to work and then back home. I hate it.:D

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