After Ye's divorce from Kim-K, Julia Fox became friends with him. Recently, she made the statement that her relationship with Ye, which is now over, didn't involve any sex between her and Kanye. Why would the media even ask her what she does behind closed doors with a BM? Why are they so obsessed? Paparazzi used to camp outside Kanye's home at 4 a.m., as you can see in the video below. If Kanye was with a black woman, nobody would have cared. All the creeps want to know what he is doing to that white woman inside his house. People such as Beccamomecca and others, aren't commenting on what the obsession is all about! Watch the video and observe the media/paparazzi frenzy.
People have the right to be angry based on their horrific experience. If we can't empathize, the least we can do is not call them names. Ye grabbed mike from the beautiful Taylor Swift and started praising Beyonce, who never liked him and pressured her husband Jayz to end friendship with Kanye. Kanye West is an artist who has gone through a lot in the public eye. He has had a rollercoaster of success and heartache, and it’s understandable that he would feel frustrated. From his family tragedies to his political views, he has been a target for ridicule and criticism. He has every right to be angry about this. After all, his music and artistry have resonated with so many people, and that alone should warrant respect. While his outspoken nature may be controversial, it also keeps him in the public eye and allows him to stay relevant in the music industry. He’s certainly had a difficult journey, and, even if we may not agree with his opinions, we can at least understand why he’s so passionate about them. Kanye West has every right to be angry, and he should be allowed to express himself without fear of being ridiculed and criticized. It’s time to show him the respect he deserves.
What's your issue? Ye is the last person on the face of this messed up planet that I want to be knowing about behind closed doors. The only man I want to be knowing about behind closed doors is the black man I'll never have. Don't hate on me because of my deeply vested preferences, you think it's easy on a white girl from a predominantly white country? I wish I DIDNT have a preference! If I didn't come from such a white country i'd never come across as a thirsty woman, but we don't have that novelty. Don't lump me in as part of the sick fkz that get off on IR sex with no care for anything else deeper than that... Obsessed with what? I don't gaf about anyone's sex life but my own that i don't have.. His wife is a dopey whorish puppet for an aussie, thirst trapping girl like they all are over here for the black man. No amount of money would make me even remotely want to see that man in a compromising situation. Don't appreciate being lumped in as 'a creep' either that's lame of you to say. I'm not commenting because I'm barely on this forum any more and even if i am on here, the thread of ye and his classless wife is the thread that least peaks my interest....and I'm not alone in that view
I don't know enough about Kanye to comment intelligently on this topic. Other than his early production work for Common and a couple of tracks, I find him uninteresting.
TrumpYe is too weird. Don't know why KimK wants to have his kids. She could had found another brother but,the thirst of fame got to her head.
We have always been cool on this message board, I appreciate your kindness all the years we have been active on here. The obsession thing has nothing to do with you whatsoever, it was pertaining to paps and people who buy and use their content, they are the creeps not you sorry for the misunderstanding. I started my comment with words Greetings and salutations to beccaomecca that means "respect" have you not notice that ?
Welllll that's kinda what I thought, then was trying to work out what I did to get your panties in a bunch lol. I'm from a whole different world, I don't know all this American lingo, only some of it. I actually thought you were being sarcastic with the greetings part. I did clearly misinterpret it, so thanks for taking the time to iron that out for me. Appreciate that.
Him treating her the way he does just may be the nature of their relationship that she has no problem with. I don't see her complaining, so it may be all good.