What Song Are You Listening To Right Now...Part 2

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by wtarshi, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2022
  2. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

  3. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

  4. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Dammit, I posted these in the wrong thread. That's what I get for staying up past my bedtime lol. They are now in a picture thread where they belong.

    I went there to meet someone I had been talking to online for a while. Things did not work out, and I bet you would have been way more fun to hang out with. But I got to go Australia so it was worth it. I was only in the Sydney area when I was there but II still want to go back and see more of the country someday.
  5. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

  6. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I didn't know Aussies did 90s hip-hop. I learn something new every day!
  7. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Not all Aussies lol just the ones stuck in the 90’s haha. My ex thought I was wack, he was a year younger but knew nothing of the old school.
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  8. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    When it comes to hip-hop (and life in general) that's the best decade to be stuck in, and imma die on that hill.
  9. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    im right with you on that everything about the 90s was the best!
  10. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

  11. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    Babyface - "I Said I Love You"
    Prince - "She Loves Me 4 Me"
    Joe Sample - "In All My Wildest Dreams"
  12. vanille

    vanille Active Member

    I feel like this thread is a parody because all the artists are black xD
    Or do you only listen to music if the singer is black ? lol
  13. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    I’ve just had a revelation LOL I personally mainly listen to ‘black music’ apart from liking older 60’s-80’s songs where the artists are predominantly white.
  14. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    I'm not offended that you ignored my posts on The Beatles ("Come Together), Oasis ("Supersonic), Bowie ("Time Will Crawl"), and Led Zeppelin ("Trampled Under Foot").
  15. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

  16. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  18. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  19. vanille

    vanille Active Member

    Sorry, I did not read the 381 pages either :p
  20. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member


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