Ex-President Donald Trump

Discussion in 'Politics' started by blackbull1970, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I love how Russia putting a bounty on American troops is both fake news yet at the same time something that he would have looked into if the information had come across his desk.

    And the way he says "Russia used to be a thing called the Soviet Union" makes it sound something that he found for the first time right before the interview. Jesus Christ, Trump is a fucking moron.
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  2. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    He idiotically attributed the blame of the fall of the Soviet Union to Afghanistan when that was his golden opportunity to bolster capitalism. Not that Biden isn't for capitalism but you know how they like to paint all democratic candidates as communists. It actually works on the people that are too dumb to capitalise off of capitalism.
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It's refreshing to see that many conservatives aren't falling for Trump's bullshit.
    Yall made a mistake in 2016. Move on.

  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

  5. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    The problem is, Trump never thinks that far ahead because Trump doesn't think, period. He reacts primarily off of his own instincts and as his life has shown us, his instincts are fucking awful.
  6. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad to see ads like this, and these ads need to be running in all the swing states until election day. At this point even the most die-hard Republicans have to admit that Trump is dangerously incompetent.
  7. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  8. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  9. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  10. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    LOL What? Out of 93 billion light years of universe. Not to mention our short time relative to the existence of this planet. And the other universes that probably exist that we don't know about. Joe Biden will hurt the creator of it all. LOL. That is one bad motherfucker. Watchout Thanos, there is a new sheriff in town.
    Trump claims Biden will 'hurt God. He's against God.'
  12. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Gods can be hurt, though

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  13. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  14. Tony Soprano

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  15. Tony Soprano

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  16. Tony Soprano

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  17. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

  19. Tony Soprano

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  20. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

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