Covid-19 Central

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Madeleine, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    And my daughter's school district just made it official that summer school will ALSO be remote learning.

    I'm beginning to wonder if the schools will ever reopen.

    It was expected, and I'm mostly for it due to the amount of kids and adults in an enclosed space, but still...the rest of the world better not be closed for the summer.
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

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  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If you want this madness to end it has to be. Get some good fans because summer is gonna be hot.
    We need testing a shit load of testing so we can have some kind of normalcy again.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Shitload of testing for...?
    If you have it, or if you've had it, which one?
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm not explaining two plus two to you
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  7. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Testing can answer both questions. To be completely thorough people will need the standard test (If you have a current infection) and an antibody test (If you had COVID 19 but got over it). That way we can get the most accurate picture of this thing.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    See he was willing to explain two plus two
  9. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Being an internet know-it-all is one of my simple pleasures.
  10. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    They have done extensive antibody testing in one canton of Switzerland and found out that only 1 out of 6 cases went into the testing statistics. That’s in spite of the fact that Switzerland has one of the highest testing rates in the world. So the number of unreported cases is HUGE! I’m sure in the US Corona cases are in the millions.
  11. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    They can't test all 330M residents in this country. That's ridiculous. And cost prohibitive.
  13. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Switzerland is on place 18 with 26.293 tests per 1 M POP

    Iceland is place 1 with 132.143 tests per 1 M POP

    is a huge range in between these two

    btw, USA is place 46 with 13.145 tests per 1 M POP
  14. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Why couldn't they? and even if the tests cost $2000 each it would still be more cost-effective to test everyone in America (so they can track and fully quarintine the infected) than to shutter the economy indefinitely.
  15. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Norway is first, Switzerland is second by number of tests per 1000 people.

    Of course there’s a huge range, that’s why I said US cases is in the millions. The point I was trying to make is: Even in a situation where there’s extensive testing you don’t even catch half of all cases, talkless of when there’s no extensive testing.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    And impossible.
    Thank you for saving me the effort, Bookie.

    What the self-proclaimed know-it-alls don't understand is testing means shit in terms of "getting life back to normal".

    You can do a test on a person, have it read negative, they then leave the testing facility, go to a CVS for meds, pick up the virus, goes home, infects the family, he then gets sick, gets tested again, now positive, the family now gets tested, some who get it, some who don't, but on the way to the test, the new positive member gives it to the negative member who is still incubating... and then testing and quarantine starts ALL over again.

    Now X that by 360 million people. Over and over.

    Investing their eggs in testing to render a false life normalacy is futile because they can't test every one, and all it took was one to get the virus rolling.
    But Thump and TDK have all the answers.
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Because your test is only as good as the moment you took it.

    They're saying it's airborne, right?
    Your test renders negative, you walk into a section where it's airborne, now its on your hair, you touch your hair, then you touch your eyes or maybe your mask wasn't on tight enough...

    You go home, you think you're fine you didn't wash your hair when you got in ...You are asymptomatic, but you infect other people, your family members get infected now they have to do testing and you have to do testing again and so it goes on and on and on and who is going to pay for that?

    Who's going to have the resources to test you multiple times over, and test your next door neighbour, your family members, your uncle your aunties, the people down the street.. every last person in this country. Please Mr. Internet Know it All, tell us how it's going to work.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    How can she call herself an epidemiologist and say:

    “All this talk of ‘Oh once we get to herd immunity’ fails to recognize that the way in which we get herd immunity is that everybody gets sick,” says Ellie Murray, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Boston University School of Public Health."

    That's not true, herd immunity actually will protect many individuals to not get sick from it.

    We're not going to have a vaccine for a couple of years so life will not exist if we continue this way.
    We have to roll the dice, we can still practice good hygiene but this is the only palpable answer right now.

    For people who don't want to venture out, they can absolutely stay home until a virus vaccine has been created, no one should be forced to come out, just as nobody should be forced to stay in and not be able to work.
  20. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

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