BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    You and let's see who voted up on this @ColiBreh1 (lol) are in the minority if you follow any of their fan accounts across twitter, reddit, tumblr, facebook, ect.

    It still has a VERY strong fanbase and one of freeform's and hulu's highest rated shows and socially active shows. They have other shows over they renewed with way lower viewership. I beg to differ with your view of the show's premise and action as do a lot of the fans and even critics(it's highly rated) I love the way they did the live action version. I do agree with the the social commentary but at the same time you have to expect with it being a MARVEL show that's how their programming seem to be going. Even Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. got feminissy(I know that's not a word. lol). I don't like the over the top political stuff so I agree there, but other than that I Love the show. Plus I think the 3rd season as they have confirmed to be moving forward with the love story will lessen those things.

    But with the crossover event happening I think it has a better chance of getting renewed. I don't want to jinx anything.
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Did you see it last night? She's married(to a white man) with 4 kids on this show
    and was flirting with David(Mike Colter) and got called out for it by what a appears to be a demon.

    So unless there's trouble in paradise which the show gives no sign of and a swift divorce is coming and Mike is going to play daddy then this will be one of the slowest burns yet. lol.
    I don't have a problem with slow burns but I understand the skepticism if that makes sense. The writing is good though, but the first episode moves slow altogether.
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  3. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    They did one of the same ole by the book coupling BS with "The Runaways" too. He's with a White or Asian girl or he's pursuring her, they make her gay and bring the obscure black chick in to couple him with. I knew that would happen as soon has he went to Compton to ask his dad's ex friend for help. I'm worried about "legacies" too. Mark my word, they'll pull the same type of BS on that show too.
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  4. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I just slow-binged "Runaways" season 2 a month ago.

    "Runaways" season 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Cloak & Dagger" season 2. It's not close. "Runaways" is just a more entertaining while "Cloak & Dagger" is often just boring.

    I really wish the producers of "Runaways" ( Josh Schwartz, Stephanie Savage, & their "Fake Empire Productions" studio") were also producing "Cloak & Dagger" too. Go look at the the other shows that crew has produced (I've watched most of those shows) and everyone 1 of them is more entertaining than "Cloak & Dagger". I don't even know who the showrunner of "Cloak & Dagger" is.
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Joe Pokaski. He was the showrunner on Daredevil as well.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    slow-binging is the only kind of binging I can do with shows. lol. That's why I try to catch them live or watch the episodes later in the week.
  7. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The gay thing is starting to get annoying. More so the alphabet people as Dave Chapelle would say. They were pissed that Jessica Jones didn't have a lesbian relationship in the last season. ACTUALLY PISSED OFF about that. Smh.
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  8. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    LOL. I literally just made up the term "Slow-binge" when I typed-up in my previous post. When I say "Slow-binge" I meaning watching at a scheduled pace instead of doing a true binge-watch. For example I might watch 1 or 2 episodes of show a day. Or I might watch 3 or 4 episodes a week (i.e. watching 1 episode every other day).

    I've rarely ever done a true binge-watch of a show. The only shows off the top of my head that I can think of that I've done a true binge-watch of, are parts of "Breaking Bad" & "Sons of Anarchy". Every other show, I slow-binged.
  9. 7C9F4FB0-A825-422B-B82C-D899A712835F.jpeg
    I didn’t read the rest of what you said but I’ll address your beginning statement: I never denied the show has audience (lol) but what I DID say is that it most likely has lower viewership — are you really gonna argue with me on this? Are you REALLY going to compare C&D’s interest & audience engagement to the likes of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Arrow or even AGENTS OF SHIELD??? Lmao stop.

    Also, of course we’re the minority, MOST PEOPLE DONT READ COMICS TO KNOW THE ACTUAL SOURCE MATERIAL LOL so the show’s fans are just defending what they know and are familiar with — the show.

    And just to drive that point home — most of the fans who ACTUALLY care about the comic and the characters have been saying that they hate this adaptation for a while now lol I’ve met a lot of them on twitter and tumblr as well! You’re not the only one who uses social media! Lol even other white female fans said they hate what the show did with Tandy, making her just a generic angry “tough girl” — they sapped all the originality out of the comic, all the memorable imagery, all the SUBTLE social commentary, and just wasted it all to fit into the framework of a freeform teen drama.

    I loved the casting of the main actors, Aubrey & Olivia, I liked Ty’s costume. But ultimately I think this show was a mistake.

    It’s not that I don’t want a C&D show (because let’s face it they’re too obscure for a movie) I want one done RIGHT that actually transfers what we love about the source material to the tv accurately, help tv watchers like yourself see what we see in these characters. And not the fanfic version of them lol.

    The show was announced back in 2016, it’s supposedly been in development for yrs before that. Deep down I kinda wish it stayed in development until it found a showrunner/writer/whatever that actually cares about them and the source material — with how short sighted a lot of you fans are, you don’t realize that you could’ve had the stuff you liked from the show AND MORE if there were people who actually gaf about these characters instead of just using them as a machine to push their race & gender message. Keep in mind, the comics covered those issues too back in the day, in fact it was GROUNDBREAKING when they did it! But imo the writers and showrunner don’t have anywhere near the storytelling prowess or subtlety of Bill Mantlo (their creator).

    It’s weird, I’ve wanted this show for a long time and I’m happy about the diversity and IR representation but deep down, part of me wants this show to get cancelled lol just to prove you can’t just take creators characters and butcher them to suit your own needs.

    Btw, Idk if this is still the case because it’s been a while and I don’t follow this stuff often but Marvel has paid Bill Mantlo DIRT while he’s been struggling fighting for life in a hospital bed since the 90’s — they’ve used Rocket Raccoon (co-created) & now his MAIN BABIES CLOAK AND DAGGER AND HAVE MOST LIKELY PAID HIM NOTHING FOR IT.

    Fuck Marvel
    Fuck Disney

    I’m a fan of Bill Mantlo, his classic comics, and what’s right!

    And this article is from this year lol so it’s still extremely bad.
  11. Also one more thing, just in case you try to say I’m “just some older comics fan who doesn’t get it” I just turned 22 a month ago lmao so I’m the main demographic for these shows. And it’s still wack to me.

    You can like the representation and the cute cast all you want but don’t try to debate quality with me lol.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I stopped watching Runways after I noticed they made sure the black kid was the only one without any powers or tech. He's utterly defenseless and you have to keep asking what is this kid doing here.
    Then we have the fucking hood narrative that for some reason is the universal existence of all black people. We see this in Black Lightning Luke Cage and even to some degree Ty from Legacies (even though props to them for having three black male characters with different and distinct backgrounds). White writers keep showing us they can't be trusted to write black or even Hispanic characters they simply lack the empathy and life experience to do it correctly on average.
    Actually white American writers because Canadians and British writers do a decent job more often than not.
    I don't mind the social commentary on C&D but for God sakes make it an episode or two not the entire season. Its getting overhearing at this point.
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Noooo. lol. I was listing their ratings as to what network they are on. Even with the drop off last season on FREEFORM they were one of their highest rated shows.

    I was not comparing their audience engagment to those other shows. You have to read what I said in regards to AGENTS Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    They have a huge loyal fan base. That is active constantly on twitter, reddit, ect. There's no debating that. I don't really want to pull up the numbers on that because I'm not trying to convince you of becoming a fan but we are at a impasse here.

    I understand how adaptations work and the changes that can happen, that’s why I chilled out for S1 and let them tell the story they wanted to tell — it was around the third episode of S2 that comic fans like myself started feeling jaded because it was like “wow, so you’re basically just going to retread old waters and not even TRY to bring it closer to the source material like we thought you would back in S1?” We were disappointed and stopped caring, it’s just a mediocre adaptation of these characters with no intention of elevating the bar beyond that.

    Hell, FX’s LEGION was nothing like the comic at all! But we all still accepted it because they had a specific vision and raised the bar in their own way — C&D’s whole vision instead is just quiet emotional talks in the church every ten minutes, repetitive SJW talking points, and something BARELY resembling a plot popping in every two episodes or so. It’s basically just a “slice of life” show about OOC Tandy&semi-accurate Ty. It’s not really focused at all.

    I went from jumping for joy at every news article about the show before it even premiered, to me and my friends all tuning in and watching together on its series premiere with all my tv’s in the house playing the show while also tweeting about it and talking about it in dm’s on the same night.

    If you remember those impressive ratings Freeform had for its series premiere, back in 2018? And everyone was saying C&D’s a step up and a win for their network? WE WERE PART OF THAT LMAO.

    The C&D comics don’t have a solid fanbase because They’re so obscure but best believe mad of us online were tuning in and got others to as well lol it was a mini movement in the comic parts of twitter/tumblr! Even look up those old tweets from before the show aired, there were folks highlighting the importance of the series because of its black lead and IR representation!

    Hell, I even remember LIL WAYNES DAUGHTER BEING PAYED BY FREEFORM TO AWKWARDLY TWEET ABOUT IT ON PREMIERE NIGHT LMAOO so don’t play w. me like I wasn’t a real fan of the show or a supporter.

    A lot of us just stopped caring when we realized the show didn’t care about us.

    And from how quick S2 was announced and how LONG freeform is taking now to decide on S3, I’m thinking we got our message across :D lol

    I’m not denying the ratings numbers but you *have* to admit, it’s a FAR CRY from what people were boasting about the series back in 2018 Lol no big articles being done this time.
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  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    impasse in how it's done. I'm cool with it. I don't like some things obviously, but the overall product has my interest especially if we get a season 3 and the direction the showrunner now wants to take this. Remember in the finale they were headed to LA.
  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Turned on WWE RAW after watching The Outer Limits just in time for a surprise treat.

    Lana & Bobby Lashley
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  17. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    The second season of the Facebook Watch bereavement drama, Sorry For Your Loss, starts today @ 12 PM PT/3PM ET with the first 3 of 10 half-hour episodes.

    How to stream

    Desktop: and search for the series.
    Mobile: Open the Facebook app and tap "watch" or tv icon in the menu.

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2019
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  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I'm going to be watching tonight while everyone else watching This Is Us and New Amsterdam. lol.
  19. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  20. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Key clip starts 35 seconds in.

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