Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. MightyLighty

    MightyLighty Well-Known Member

    That "Philly fine and stacked" lady that lurks here and there. ;)
  2. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Below are the top 10 Trump campaign promises to his followers/base... lets check his progress.

    1. ‘Build a wall’ — and make Mexico pay for it -

    Bids have gone out, but so far the $ being allocated is from the US not Mexico, and no clear plan has been communicated as to how Mexico will end up paying for the wall, incomplete at best

    2. Temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States

    Repeated legal rulings have blocked this ban or scaled back the provisions in the ban,

    3. ‘Bring manufacturing (jobs) back’

    Trump has said he will revitalize manufacturing in various iterations (i.e. "I’m going to be the greatest jobs president God ever created") and laid out how in his June 28 speech on the economy.

    In his first 6-7 months in office, the last 4 presidents have created more jobs (using the same measuring methodology that is being used to grade Trump the Dept. of Labor/Bureau of Labor Statistics) than Trump has, despite being handed a growing economy on day 1. Go to 3:00 of video below.

    4. Impose tariffs on goods made in China and Mexico
    Trump is not finding much support on this idea from his own party.


    5. Renegotiate or withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement and Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Trump has backtracked (claiming temporarily) on NAFTA, but did indeed issue an executive order to pull out of the TPP

    6. ‘Full repeal of Obamacare’ and replace it with a market-based alternative
    Big time fail

    7. Renegotiate the Iran deal

    No progress yet

    8. Leave Social Security as is

    No changes

    9. Cut taxes

    We are awaiting a tax reform proposal - cant evaluate yet

    10. ‘Bomb’ and/or ‘take the oil’ from ISIS

    Trump has in fact bombed ISIS controlled sites

    Overall, not much progress on these promises, while it is still early in the administration, there is not much there for Trump's base to be happy about.
  3. MightyLighty

    MightyLighty Well-Known Member

    So this compares to a psycho ramming a car into a crowd of bystanders???

    You're really showing yourself on this one bae.
  4. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    To me... Obama's policies and his general way of being at the very least suggests that he's a caring type. He actually has compassion for others, even when they disagree with him. Trump on the other hand shows that he cares about himself, and his immediate family. He also shows that even those in his circle mean nothing as he's quick to turn on them at the slightest hint that they have an opinion/view that differs from his. He's consistently disrespectful to any and everyone who dares to disagree and/or question something about him.

    I guess growing up weathly and getting all he's ever wanted has the concept of "respect is earned" totally escaping him.

    Also, I never said that Trump's followers shouldn't feel like he cares, but I feel his actions regularly show that he doesn't care about anyone and anything other than himself, his wealth and immediate family. He cares if it benefits him and his image in the public eye, of course.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
  5. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    The Trump rally here in Phoenix tomorrow truly has the city on edge, in talking with my political contacts, including the Mayor, there is real concern about the far right and racists groups planning organized violence, and/or plans to incite violence from the opposition so they can claim victim status. There will be a heavy police presence including a large number of undercover/plain clothes security forces deployed all around the city and especially the convention center. In all of my years of being involved with politics here in Az., I have never seen anything like this level of concern and worry, it speaks volumes about the current environment and perceptions of the Trump administration. I will be staying FAR away from downtown tomorrow and and I am advising all family and loved ones to do the same.

  6. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Right, and he also had Tavis Smiley in on it.
  7. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    Because the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, the head of the National Security Administration, the head of the FBI, and the director of National Intelligence all decisively reached that conclusion. I'm really not sure who I'm supposed to trust more than I trust them regarding national intelligence issues, which is why I'm asking.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well we don't see Commies marching the streets with loaded weapons chanting about taking the country back but we sure as fuck see them Nazis though
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Whuu? o_O










  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nice try now where's the coupling rant of kicking others out or taking the country. Don't conflate the two. Intentions and motives matter
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Its not a 'try'. It's protesters with guns.
    I actually didnt see the protest of the nazis. I would like to see if ypu have video. Now I did see tiki torches. I also saw Malitias with guns but they weren't chanting.

    I also posted earlier.. A jewish kid told to get the fuck out of Boston.
    There's another video l will post showing another kid with a hewish flag told to leave to chants of fuck Israel and we support with Palestine'..
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    On a side note...do these occupy, antifa alt-left. to alt -right Neo nazies etc...work?? :eek:
    (I seriously cant tell one from the other.)

  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Ideologically, do you think antifa and the Neo nazis and White supremacists are the same???

    It's not just methods, but motives that count most.

    Because for some reason there are a hella lot of Neo-nazis in prison for assault, robbery and murder compared to antifa members.
  14. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    Without even discussing the actual positions behind this debate, if I were a strong conservative in this day and age, I feel like I'd be alarmed simply by the names I'm giving my enemies alone.

    Just imagine a history book 30 years from now describing the current time period, and the groups you describe as your enemies you label as the "anti fascists" and the "social justice warriors." Surely that should raise some red flags, right? Like, if I ever find myself in a position where I call my enemies the "soldiers of the light" and I shake my fist at them as they pass -- "curse you soldiers of the light, I shall defeat you eventually!" -- I'd stop and consider the possibility that maybe I'm the bad guy in this story!
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
  15. MightyLighty

    MightyLighty Well-Known Member

    ^Ms Curves and her ilk seem to reach and create enemies , like BLM being a 'terrorist hate group', it's truly laughable.
    Call me a liberal, leftist, Social Justice Warrior, Socialist, I don't give a fuck.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I think WhiteSupremists and NeoNazies are absolute scumbags, the scourge of the planet. They make me sick to my stomach.

    l also don't support antifa tactics who are like brown shirts to me. They go after anyone who doesn't fit their anarchist 'philosophy'. They are the same occupy Wall st people as before, but violent.

    I believe BLM are getting lumped in with the Anarchists who have latched on to them like blood-suckin ticks. BLM protests were never like this. They had a specific message and got it out.
    Who are these multiple agenda, radical 'Antifa' who are beating up anyone, and throwing urine and feces at police and reporters and anyone bystanding? In fact, their next threat l heard is they will be throwing acid. Acid!

    Non-racist Constitutionalists, Patriots and BLM idealogies l completely support.
    The rest of those violent mutts l don't care for one bit.
    What about you?
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    They gave themselves the name 'antifa'. Their opposition actually see them as nazies, brown shirts and fascists. They are not social justice warriors. They're radicals employed by globalist radicals, and paid to fight. To agitate and thwart independence.
    The irony is l read some in the Antifa are starting to rebel against their puppet-master Soros.
  18. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    I've seen the nazis (actual nazis here) refer to them as "antifa" and to social justice warriors as "social justice warriors." These don't seem to be names that are self identifying, because I agree, everybody labels *themselves* as the hero.

    It's one thing if I call myself the "beacon of truth and love," but if my opponents call me that, it's a different story.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    They are self-described.

    Antifa is a far-left militant political movement of autonomous, self-described anti-fascist groups in the United States.
    The term is loosely used to refer to anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobia, as well as anarchist and anti-capitalist groups. Unlike the traditional left, the ambit of self-described antifa groups is to "oppose" fascism in direct action. These groups are usually anti-government and anti-capitalist, and their methodologies and tactics are more aggressively violent and anarchistic than those of associated groups in the far left.

    Antifaschistische Aktion

  20. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    I understand they call themselves this now. Social Justice Warriors also call themselves Social Justice Warriors, but the term actually came from those who oppose social justice warriors initially.

    The actual nazis -- you know, the ones who chanted things like "jews will not replace us" as they marched -- also refer to them as "antifa." Here's the strong-right outlet "National Review" referring to them as Antifa: http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...nored-civil-rights-commission-refuses-condemn

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