1. Ray9968

    Ray9968 Active Member

    Madonna was one of the prettiest women ever when she was younger imo
  2. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You are the only one who implied she just last week started dating bm. The others implied other things to which I am not privy to knowing whether they are truth or not. I know what you say is not true.
  3. briancali

    briancali Member

    I feel that Lady Gaga or many of the new generation of stars don't have the charisma of the past stars. The music today definitely sound nearly the same and very commericalize. Sometimes i cannot tell the different between rihanna and Gaga, because they nearly sound the same. Also, they are less likely to take contraversial risk, than celebrities before them. (also, some of their music even dabble in social issues)

    There will never be another Madonna, nor Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney Houston, nor any other pop great within the current generation. The music now is very bubble gum! Maybe, the next generation they will be able to produce great music.
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Lets be honest though, Madonna would spread her legs for anyone.:smt042 She dated freakin Dennis Rodman & Vanilla Ice for Christ sakes.

    And she is not attractive either. Dont make me post unflattering non airbrushed pics of her! Believe me I dont want to do it but I will if I have to.;)
  5. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    This is from a 1996 interview with Madonna...

    Madonna says she was disrespected by the black men she dated; blames white racism, sexism

    Pop music superstar Madonna recently told Spin magazine, "I've never been treated more disrespectfully as a woman than by the Black men that I've dated."

    In Spin's January 1996 issue, the seductive entertainer revealed she never expressed her controversial opinion before, but she thought the way Black men treated her was a reflection of their culture.

    Madonna, who was once involved in a highly publicized relationship with colorful, controversial basketball star Dennis Rodman of the Chicago Bulls, went on to say, "I think Black men have just been s--- on for so long, that, in a way, Black women are maybe more willing to accept rage from a Black man, because they see what's happened to them."

    She said many Black men grow up without fathers or strong male figures, and they are used to seeing men disrespect women.

    In the exclusive interview, Madonna noted she thought she appealed to Blacks because she's a female, therefore in a minority group also. But she said she later realized that the Black community does not support her.

    "I identified with Black men because I thought in a way we experience the same things--people treat you like s---'cause you're Black, people treat you like s---'cause you're a woman."

    The outspoken singer went on to say, "And I came to the realization that a strong female is frightening to everybody, because all societies are male-dominated--Black societies, poor people, rich people, any racial group, they're all dominated by men. A strong female is going to threaten everybody across the board."

  6. briancali

    briancali Member

    You put the words straight out of my mouth. The dude that is fingering her is the rapper Big daddy Kane! He was popular back in the late eighties and early nineties. I think that picture came from Madonna book "SEX".
  7. briancali

    briancali Member

    and you think lady gagga is attractive?:???: i can excuse Madonna for being older, but what is Lady Gagga excuse, and she is young. Go figure! When Madonna was Gagga age she was very attractive! Again what is Gagga excuse, for not looking attractive at her age!:lol:

    At least Beyonce and Rihanna is attractive, but Gagga is definitely not a fox. That's for sure!
  8. Ray9968

    Ray9968 Active Member

    +1 .I dont find anything attractive about Lady Gaga, I find her gross

    I had the biggest crush on Madonna when I was a kid she was very pretty
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not because he's black more so because he's 24. Like I said before just for shock value in my opinion. Damn age is another sensitive topic on this board. We just make a list lol
  10. briancali

    briancali Member

    I did too especially when she did that "Like a Virgin" video. Man, she was real hot back then.
  11. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Not only did she date black men in her prime, she was ready and willing to marry and wanted children with black men as well. She was madly in love in Dennis Rodman and wanted to marry him but he wasn't interested in marriage at that time. She then dated Charles Barkley and wanted to marry him and have a family, but Chuck was playing the field too.

    When she rebuffed by Chuck it was more than she could take. She held a press conference and announced that she wouldn't date black men again because they didn't love their mothers. This was an unfortunate dig at Dennis and Chuck, who she pursued, dated and wanted to marry. It was a reaction to say, hey, it can't be me, so what's the problem, why won't these guys who I love marry me.
  12. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    By the way, Quincy Jones married a couple of different actresses back in the day, when they were in their prime, Peggy Lipton and Nastassja Kinski. He had multiple children with both of them.

    Sammy Davis Jr. married an A list actress, May Britt. They had children.

    Taye Diggs is married to an A lister in Broadway circles.
  13. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I'm not a big fan of Madonna nor Gaga, but I agree that Madonna's attraction to black men and men of color more generally has always been pretty obvious. I think she dated the one-named actor Leon (nee Robinson) also (Colors, 5 Heartbeats, Like A Prayer video). In fact, if I recall correctly, white men are the one group she dates least frequently.

    Before anyone puts me on blast, I am in no way setting myself up as the definitive authority on Madonna's "adventures in miscegenation". LOL
  14. Ray9968

    Ray9968 Active Member

  15. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Ray. I haven't seen this video in ages! Leon as Black Jesus!
  16. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Uhh where in the fuck did I say that Lady Gaga is attractive:confused:
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    some real shit right here

    that's true too

    lmao....JC smackin the black off mofos

    lol...they shown some candid photos of Madonna and she looks horrible without her Halloween mask, believe dat

    playboy chasin money and fame, that about it

    that sahara coochie , Skeletor lookin mothafucka aint doin nothin

  18. Evie

    Evie New Member

    I don't really like Lady Gaga - all her songs sound like really cheesy Eurovision entries! And her image is part Madonna/part Marilyn Manson/Halloween costumes. Out of all the new female pop singers at the moment, I really like Adele and Ke$ha - they both seem to have a sense of humour, don't take themselves too seriously, and are trying to do something original with their songwriting, performances and image. It's like they're actually real women musicians, being themselves, which is refreshing!
  19. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    true, shes nothing but a madonna rip off, i aint the only one whos noticed this

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    great post rep added...

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