Www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JAm96BI9lE Fox hosts disses 1st women fighter pilot after saying obama disrespected the military with latte-salute
Fox News is fucking garbage As for women aviators, they've been doing that in 'murica for years now But u know that white male privilege would rear its ugly head sooner or later
I'd be amazed if any of the folks on this website watch Fox news. They are major supporters of racism and sexism. Complete garbage as POJ mentioned.
I definitely don't watch Fox News Supposedly they can't be sued because the network is listed as entertainment instead of actual news, so they have no reason to be factual and courteous Seriously tho if a woman can pass muster, she deserves every right a guy has
Agreed. I dont understand the nastiness they spew In the same show they said obama disrespected the military with the latte salute. Wow
Dig the move tho..... Bush had some dumbass salute moments as well, plus presidents aren't really obligated to salute uniformed personnel anyway It would be nice if people realized that Obama made history as being the first colored president in a racist ass country and took it easy on him when it comes to trivial shit like that
Obviously I'm just sayin tho The first prez in history with some color in his skin and all these assholes care about is coffeecupgate Why couldn't they just be like congrats bro, u did it
Seriously you can really feel the hatred from these guys Any person of good moral standing would look at the history of the USA, and give the guy a break when it comes to small shit like that. But no, certain people are just looking to hate on a brotha for any ole reason
Yoko Ono Lennon wrote and sang a song called " Woman Is The Nigger Of The World." She used the N-word to show how woman are treated as second class citizens and lower who walk behind men not beside or ahead of them.
To me not so much having a black prez but the black and women vets you would think they would respect us.
Well women are being treated like niggers They're still being stoned to death, raped at alarming rates, forced to cover up their faces, sold into sex slavery and all kinds of shit in other countries None of this nonsense is happening to men