Obama looks like....SATAN??

Discussion in 'In the News' started by andreboba, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It won't fail as long as you have a group of people who can distract themselves with needless technology and a millions of poor people blaming poor people (that isn't them) for being poor. I agreed with everything you said except the gun stuff. Its truly a waste of time. There are far more pressing issues. Gun control is around 30th amongst the things Americans should be concerned about. At this point all it does is distract.
  2. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    It will fail if we can't facilitate a better future.

    Gun control is not a waste of time any more so than seat belt control was.

    I'm not exactly rich and I don't blame other poor people that I'm poor. I do well enough. I could do much better. I could also do a lot worse.
    You want to know a secret?
    You know when I come across poor, homeless people? I will give money. But I'm much more inclined to give it to the guy with the sign that says: I'm hungry..I like your leftovers. Yummy! Do you know why? Because he doesn't just have a sign. He actually literally sings for his supper. If I have a bit of cash on me, which is a rare phenomena, I give him a bit.
    I will give money to other homeless people too...but I don't see this one guy with his guitar as a victim of his circumstance. Because he doesnt either. He's maybe down on his luck or newly moved to the island. I should ask him the next time I see him.

    I've had the right to vote for *almost* 20 years.
    From where I'm standing it looks like our country is going backwards.
    Why vote? Not one candidate is actually able to put forth enough effort (either through his own initiative because he'd rather profit from his position OR what is put forth is blocked at every turn. But then again...HE IS SANTA!) so if everything looks like its going backward then the only thing I can say is "I want off"

    There are too many people on our planet. But we have the means to find a way to support our too many people. There's no reason that people shouldn't be encouraged to grow their own food. And STOP relying on a busted system.
    There's no reason we should have thousands upon thousands of foreclosed and vacant homes just rotting and at the same time have many homeless.
    Except that we choose to have it be that way.

    And yet give billions in aid to corrupt countries that don't use that money to help their homeless and their poor.

  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It could be as simple as a boycott and for people from the Western Countries to stop buying shit that has absolutely no value like diamonds. I do wonder what will happen when the major consumer markets no longer have the means to consume especially since the emerging markets have people in their middle classes only making 9000 grand a year at most. Who the hell is going to buy a 600 dollar ipad.

    You can't compare seat belts to gun control. People who adhere to laws were the types to put on their seatbelts in the first place. People getting and using guns illegally don't adhere to laws so trying to take them away from law abiding citizens (which I know will make you feel safe) won't stop it.
  4. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Well said.
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I CAN compare seat belts to gun control. Because seat belt regulation laws became a necessity after stupid people who wouldn't wear them would get into accidents and die by the buttloads. So yes, I most definitely can compare the two.

    If you and every gun nut out there want to keep your guns for safety (just think now you..if that 13 month old baby had a gun..we'd probably be talking about all the interviews shed be giving right now instead of the fact they are burying her) fine. Honestly? No one BUT you and your ilk even WANT your guns.
    However, those of us who can do simple math and see the correlations are saying (1) start with very strict back ground checks. For every legal, track able gun sale. If guns don't kill people but people kill people with guns then make sure people get a complete back ground check.
    (2) institute mandatory insurance, licensing, and training for all permitted gun holders. Every single year. Just like with cars and driving.
    (3) if we sincerely can't monitor gun sales (what a lame crock of shit cop out to continue being "amerikkan") then pass NEW legislation that monitors, tracks and also bans or severely limits the amount and type of ammo gun owners can buy.
    Assign track able numbers on every single piece of ammo and if it is found to have been used in an crime..HOLD THE GUN OWNER ACCOUTABLE.

    Or you can have judges uphold the 2nd amendment right for felony violators.
    That's cool too.

    That ALSO means that at the next mass school shooting or needless gun spree that those who don't support massive gun control measures CAN'T have a say in any of it.
    That's only about 7 percent of Americans.
    Thank god for something.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Gun nut? Come on knock off the insults its not cool.
    The reason you can't compare seatbelts to gun control is because we already have safety protocol in place and seatbelts are meant to protect you not the public. See the difference?
    There are background checks in place. Everyone in my state has to go through them to get a pistol.
    So you want to make guns more costly for average Americans so only the wealthy and law enforcement can have them? That's all insurance would do.
    Who is against the monitoring of gun sales? Surely not law abiding citizens who get a license to get a gun in the first place.
    As far as that baby being killed I don't know the details but I'm sure it was either an accident or an illegal act . Either way its rare, there are more babies being killed by small plastic toys but instead of banning them we trust people to be more responsible with them.
    I know you're scared to leave your house because the media has you thinking there's a spree killer around every corner but if shit was truly as bad as you think people would not be leaving their homes and they wouldn't be buying anything and you best believe this country would put a ban on guns tomorrow if that were truly the case. Second Amendment be damned.
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Oh, I'm not insulting you. I'm describing you. Really! I am!

    And hey..do you see how once I get brave enough to leave my house and get into a car I BECOME the public? Whamo presto! It's fucking magic! Just like that!

    So when I'm in a car driving down a road with OTHER humans I, and in turn, they, we all become the public.
    Mystery that.

    Background checks.
    You mean like the ones NOT done at gun shows because of the loopholes?
    Well hallelujah lord almighty!

    If your state can tell people that they can't drink a big gulp (which causes past her prime Palin to get up on a stage at CPAC..with spiked big gulps..at least something good came out of all that) then I'm pretty sure your state and every single state in the union can tell a gun owner how to behave in public (there's that word again!) with said guns.
    That's really all most of rational America is asking for. For people to learn how to behave in public with their guns.

    And great detective work, there.
    I know I regularly make it an on-going habit to shoot 13 month old babies NOT on accident and never, ever while committing a crime.

    What other NRA rhetoric did you bleed red in your post?

    Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying
    "We are all born ignorant but it takes hard work to remain stupid."

    When I see the other side of a debate with people who set common sense aside for their own ideology..
    That's really all I can think of.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    pretty ironic considering the man owned slaves for quite some time....
  9. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I am for the 2nd Amendment. But, I believe in licensing, registration and background checks. More importantly, I advocate training and education. Gunfighting is a martial art. Like the martial arts, it involves training(physical, mental and emotional), flexability and more importantly, adaptability. Personally, I don't need a thirty or more round magazine. I can get by on ten in a rifle. shotgun or handgun.
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    this is a definite..plain and simple

    PART of the problem involves people that dwell within a legal firearm carrying household

    if you have a relative with a mental illness for example, that could spell disaster. that needs to be addressed. I think the guy who shot up the school in newton was mentally ill, and ended up using his parent's guns to kill all those people
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok if you want to be insulting have fun talking to yourself. You make no sense. Sealtbelts domt protect others ie the public gun laws are meant to protect the public. You know what never mind. My fault for engaging you.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Good point. So registered owners should have to list people like that before getting or keeping a license
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    dunno...but the concept is obvious and the results from not having such prevention are measurable in real time

    people with active mental illnesses or that have been involuntary admitted to psychiatric hospitals should NOT have access to firearms

    and usually that works out..but there's nothing to say what happens when they reside with someone who does have guns out in the open and such.........................
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its irresponsible but I will say this the people who are suddenly concerned about this could give a fuck less about gun violence. They only care when it can possibly happen to them when it was restricted to poor areas it was all well and good.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    this is what our police commissioner was saying before

    he said he was aware of what happened in netown, and how it was tragic..but then he went on about how we have killings everyday in philly and everyone acts like it's acceptable
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    This thread went from ironically funny to seriously depressing in less than five pages. Awesome.:p

    The NRA has come out vocally against background checks for gun purchases, except for those with a documented history of mental illness.:smt085

    It's funny because I don't consider my own mother to be unhinged, but in a convo on the phone with her yesterday I asked if when she was married to my father during one of their epic battles, if she'd had a gun nearby would she have picked it up??

    She told me, "Maybe".

    Maybe my ass. Mind you, these were just VERBAL arguments that sometimes escalated to both parties throwing objects at each other.
    (Sometimes divorce is best thing two people can do for their longterm health.)

    We talk about seat belt laws like they were something that we transitioned towards very calmly based on the sound logic of driver safety. Um, no.
    I recently saw a documentary on Ralph Nader and his life was threatened by agents of the auto industry in the '60s when he tried to press Congress to require ALL car manufacturers to install seat belts.

    Unless the NRA is exposed as a shill for the gun manufacturing industry and gun dealers, we won't ever see major gun control legislation enacted.

    I agree with TDK the system is set up for a collapse when consumers can no longer prop up corporations with their spending dollars.

    The federal government has been steadily eroding for at least the last 25 years because of corruption and partisan in-fighting.

    If we elect a Republican POTUS with a majority GOP Senate and House, they've already said they want to 'shrink the government down to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub'.

    People have to learn when you keep electing people who believe our government IS the problem, you can't be surprised when they set everything up to fail.
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    They ALL did. Because it was LEGAL to do so.

    And it was somewhat of a fashion statement. Like the powdery white wigs they all owned along with the slaves.

    When it's LEGAL to own and do disastrous things (ie..assault weapons) a lot of bad shit happens.

    Do laws out right stop that cold? No, because there will always be the fuck you fringe.

    I think it's really sad that a part of our government actually has offices with this fringe in it.
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that i wouldnt agree with

    and how can you know if someone has 'documented mental illness' without a background check anyway?
  19. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    We were actually doing quite well until you brought up the problem with gun control.

    I've said it before and ill say it again:
    The NRA and NRA supporters approach to the gun problem in America is the same as telling a drunk that what he needs to fix his problem is more alcohol.

    Or what a drowning person needs is more water.

    I largely fail to see the logic there. Which is also why I fail to see your logic.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lmao so how do you explain drug use? Just the fringe using it huh

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