Newspaper Publishes Gun Owners' Names and Addresses

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    If it's not whole food, it's not worth it.

    The rest of that shit is poison.
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that's the consensus

    i do love my yogurt tho.....
  3. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Well, people who eat primally do eat yogurt, but I'd go as far as to say you're better off making your own than eating the crap they sell in the store.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that's way beyond my set of skills

    u have to give it to the food producers tho..they are taking strides to eliminate stuff like HFCS from products, and are making strides to eliminating other stuff too

    this is what happens tho when survival becomes a business however

    you see companies cutting corners to increase profits, by using HFCS instead of regular cane sugar or whatever
  5. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    No, it's not. You can buy a yogurt maker. All you need is a live culture and some fresh milk. ;) My friend is more primal and eats dairy and makes her own yogurt from raw milk. She swears it's the most delicious thing she has ever eaten in her life. So, you could if you wanted to. I have a huge problem with things like guar gum, xantham gum, carrageenan, and a bunch of the other additives they put in the food.

    They are making strides, but they're putting so much crap in the food that I just don't trust it. If I can't find the ingredients in nature, I won't eat it, and I've definitely noticed a difference. I think crap like pop should be illegal for all of the crap that is in it. How it can even be categorized as a food item, I'll never know. Same goes with most of the packaged and processed crap you find in grocery stores. It bugs me.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yeah I think I may have flunked chemistry once or twice

    *imagines himself going to wal-mart asking for 'live cultures'*
  7. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member buy some plain yogurt and use that to start yourself off. I was a freakin' English major in undergrad and passed chemistry with a D. As I said then, "you can't spell diploma without a 'd'." :)

    I'm just saying, if you were interested in doing it, it's NOT that hard or complicated. Any knucklehead could do it. ;)
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    there you go again


    as for a D in chem...i tell everyone that if you spend enough time as a scholar, you'll come across something that you really just can't master as easily. As long as you do well in other classes, that one subject won't matter
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Me too. If it have anything that says dye# it goes back on the shelf. Some say all these additives are killing our brains, making us sick....and um, crazy.

    Per the yogurt, I grew up watching my mother make it greek-style from scratch in the kitchen...ah gotta love my amazing mum! :smt054 Was delicious and when not used for home-made tzatziki, we'd sometimes have it with cane sugar and wheat bread mashed in, since it was so sour.
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i knew someone was going to mention greek yogurt here

    i definitely dont know how to make that
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Who but the Greek woman :D

    Barring calling her (but when i do, I will get her recipe just for you, Petty) I do remember she used a brick on the cheesecloth to push all the water out. :p

    Until then, here is one online you might try...
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    :smt005 yeah the shit was pretty stone-age. I figured it was either gonna drive you to the store, like 'fuck it...or be like no way in hell are you trusting any chick with a brick in the kitchen! :smt081 K, I'm done, haha.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    What is it that you're questioning about the official report on the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting???

    Do you really think it was a black ops commando attack to push through gun control legislation??:smt119

    You honestly think there's a Watergate or Tuskegee level conspiracy going on here??

    I understand reasonable skepticism and suspicion, but just remember that's only a couple steps away from paranoia.

    We have over 30 Americans a DAY who die from gun violence.

    That's no government conspiracy.
    That's reality.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No is disputing the clip I posted and no updated coroners report. How does a major newd corp get away witg saying it was four handguns and no one is calling them out on it. If a credible source is please show me
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    NBC News made a mistake. It happens.

    Multiple other news sources including a press conference by the Connecticut state police were more accurate.

    The actual coroner's report hasn't been released to the public. If a reporter misquoted it, or deliberately misrepresented what the facts were, that's still only one or two people.

    They may have an agenda, but it's not a media wide or government conspiracy.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its just weird no one publicly called them out on it especially since the major piece of this story is military style assault rifles. That put a shit ton more attention on whether Zimmerman said coon or cold on the Treyvon Martin 911 call
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Hand guns, not Bushmasters. Which btw, is the most popular gun in the U.S.

    Who is talking Black ops? :confused: Now look who's reaching.

    I'm am waiting for the release of footage of Lanza ringing the buzzer to be let in with this rifle on his arm and body armor on. You know the principal had it installed just before the rampage, because apparently she was suddenly afraid of her school's security in Newtown, population, 1,900. We were shown the Columbine two walking through the school mowing people down...and they can't show us him ringing a bell?
    IMO, the news conglomerates are too immeshed these days, run by big Corp who own and control all media, etc There is not much independence left. ABC owns all this, CBS owns all this, etc...
    So sure, I'd like to see a fearless reporter SNOOP around Newtown and at least give us a timeline of things. When one reporter from CNN tried, she said this.....


    Now in the age of electronics, don't you think that's odd? And the cops say, well Adam destroyed all his computers. Nothing can be done to trace his online activities. Um, ok.
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    God Bliss, you really need to step back from the right wing echo machine and just stop and THINK.

    Adam Lanza had a severe mental illness. He didn't have a job. He didn't go to school. He didn't pay taxes. He didn't have a driver's license(I don't think).
    He was at home most of the day taken care of by his mother.
    Why would he have a 'record' of anything readily accessible outside of his place of residence???

    That's not a conspiracy. That's the typical lifestyle of a reclusive mentally ill young man.

    As for his computer being destroyed at his home, authorities were still able to trace his whereabouts on the internet because they pinged his home's IP address. He was online playing first person shooter gaming sites all the time.

    The youtube clip you just posted is only curious for a person who thinks there's a conspiracy afoot.

    Adam Lanza was shot dead inside Sandy Hook ES. Why do you need to see footage of him entering the school??:rolleyes:

    Do you think his body was planted there by entities unknown??

    You may not be using the words 'Sandy Hook" and 'black ops', but you definitely are making the arguments spewed by the right wing tin foil hat crowd.

    You wanna timeline??

    Here's one; Adam Lanza woke up, stole his mother's AR15 and assorted firearms, shot his mother dead, then drove to Sandy Hook ES and murdered 26 little kids and teachers before being shot dead by authorities.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Youre an interesting dude my friend

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