Tyra. One of those black women? Or just into white men?

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by kenny_g, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Although you can type more coherently than GL can, you are just as intelligent as he is. I suggest you consider leaving very soon from here, since the main reason you've joined is because you're trying to isolate particular members on them hating BW because they like WW. You really you would just prefer if everyone stuck to their own race like they did in the 1960s before public schools were integrated. We have come a long way with race relations, but people like you are determined to keep polarization with our coupling of IR relationships alive in this society. You need to understand what I am saying, and stop fighting on here.
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Aww...thanks for the support guys. I try to be a good WWBM citizen & fight for what's right (even if some folks think I'm too blunt about it at times). :smt003
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    This topic needs a little sprucing here and there!

  4. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Reminds me of super bad
  5. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Don't try that Mike. I thought you were a better man than that. No, I'm not leaving Mike. Nor will I accept your false accusations either. You know better than that.

    Did you go somewhere and get a drink? Think about what you are saying here. Then go back and read any of my posts and you will see that makes no sense. Oh boy!

    Mike...I haven't been fighting...I admit that I have been defending myself. Is that a sin or am I suppose to just lay down and be quiet? I didn't start this and I don't understand why you believe I did other than you want brownie points from your buddies. If that's the case then :smt071 me dear.

    I still love you but I won't take your lies and accusations...keep em' to yourself. Besides, didn't you tell me over an hour ago that you didn't want to talk to me any further??? Tell the truth...you really like me don't you?:smt050
  6. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I actually went to get some rest, not to get a drink. Just because you "think" you have some respect for me doesn't mean that I should hide my views or not say certain things about you. I said that I wasn't going to reply to you because I thought your argument would have died by now, yet you are still pointlessly fighting. If you're staying, you're keeping the tension alive within this forum, and most of your posts would be based on you complaining and fighting with other members and not really having anything meaningful to say. It isn't a pleasant experience for us, nor yourself. Also, I haven't seen a picture of how you look, so I can't decide whether I'd like you or not. I probably wouldn't anyway, based on reading your posts.
  7. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Okay, okay. I will leave for a while. Maybe when things have cooled off, I will come back and will learn to be a good girl. Say only what I think the thread mongers want to hear and speak only when I'm told to. I will never say anything about how pretty black women are and I will try and learn how to type like a white woman should. Maybe, I should take a break from being around some of my friends for a while. That way, if I am around my "own kind" I will become like them again instead of like those uneducated black women. *sigh*:arrow:I'm out.:arrow:
  8. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    We (or at least I) was never arguing about how pretty BW were. BW in the United States aren't that great, but in other countries, they are better. That was what I was saying and those are personally my views about BW. You still haven't showed us of either a picture of yourself or a picture of your feet, adding to the possibility that you're a BW who's signed up for the site for the purpose to pick a fight.

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011
  9. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Correction...I had a lot of respect for you, but no longer. Yes, I want you to speak your views. I have no problem with that. But it is funny how you think I should leave because I am defending mine. If it is peace that you really want, then you should be talking to the ones who are fighting me. LOL. You haven't seen a picture of me, so you can't decide whether you like me or not? Should I be concerned about that for some reason? Right, you don't like me. Now, if you truly want me to leave...and I mean truly want me to leave. Then see if you can manage to stop ordering me around because I'm not going to be pushed out because some of you have issues with me. Just call the pups off because as long as they keep biting, I'm gonna keep trying to keep them off of me. I'm human like you. I don't like being pushed and just because I'm not:prayer: to you, you think I should leave, but let me leave on my on terms not at your suggestion...ok?
  10. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    Or at least earlobes.

    Anyway, kudos to you. You've single-handedly accomplished what many here have been trying to do all night long. You've made her disappear.
  11. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    I haven't see a picture of your feet either. Yet, I'm not requiring you to show me a picuture to prove you are black. You look at my posts from the beginning and ask yourself if I signed up to pick fights...be honest.:smt103
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    If I never made any responses in this thread or never bumped this thread up from three years ago, we wouldn't be arguing and you wouldn't be saying anything about not having any respect for me. This thread was only around 4 pages long before I decided to make an inquiry/reply about it? Why do you think it's suddenly 41 pages now, most of which is fueled by the argument between yourself and others? Clearly you have an agenda. I also suggested you leave because it's like your pushing a one-man army here (Just you and Goodlove) while the majority of the posters on here have issues with you. It's hard to prosper in an environment when you're only getting respect from 0 to 10% of the active people in this community.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011
  13. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Message to OpenHeart...GET THE STEPPIN'!
  14. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    That is your opinion. It's not your fault that you brought the thread back. I have been dealing with these remarks from the first day I've been here. Usually when I defend myself they backoff. But today, they decided that they were going to make a drag out fight of it. More people begin to join in after I refused to say anything negative about GL. I mean they came out of the woodwork like roaches and you right along with them. I guess I should have left and went to another thread, but for some reason, I decided not to run. I had to ask myself, how many times will I have run before I can finally stop running. I just decided that here and now was the time to stand and not run, no matter how many of you came against me. I had no quarrel with you and some of the others, but when you came at me with such venom, I probably should have ran off and went to a quieter thread. But then, how many times have I done that already. You guys are something else. How many more newcomers will you do this too? Someone has to say something about the nonsense that's going on here. You know deep down in your heart that I am not here to keep you from loving white women. That is ridiculous. Ask yourself why do you harbor such anger,Mike.:smt009

    I was going, but no...I'm not. You and the others with you must stop this. I've seen first hand how you treat newcomers and it's not right and when I said something about it after Scovadd was compelled to prove she was white just because she thought Tyra Banks was prettier than Seal's wife, I admit that I really didn't like that. Yall have got to stop doing this to people who are newcomers and you have got to stop doing what you are doing among yourselves with the arguing and bickering. I tried to cool the fires, but then someone else would get one started again. Bottomline, you and the others love drama. You feed on it. You live for it. I've seen yall in action at other threads and you are so vicious with one another. It's a sad picture of what goes on in the real world. So until you get your own act together, you will not lord over me with any of your so called logic as to when and why I should leave.:?

    If you are really concerned with the contention going on in this forum way before I got here and continuing in several threads to this day, then Mike let me see you going to them because someone needs to lead the way. You would be good for that, if you are not afraid to take that stand. If you can calm water over in the weight thread, then use that same skill to calm the waters else where here to. Then that will automatically calm the waters here...feel me?
  15. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    This guy was a newcomer too, created a thread and it turned into a flame war.


    I am a newcomer myself, so there is still some hypocrisy/irony in your post. I don't go in the Welcome section often to welcome new posters. And, no, I don't feed off of it. I woke up a little earlier this morning (inconveniently) just to see if this was settled, and it wasn't.

  16. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    okay. My suggestion is still up for grabs. You've been here long enough to see what is going on. You're not blind to it. But let it alone. It's really nothing that can be done about it anyway. It's a war going on from the outside in.:?

    You wanna call it a night and pick up the fight later or is this a done deal?
  17. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    No it's not what someone as confused as yourself thinks it is. It's a war that you provoked, and got beaten in.
  18. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Okay...is that what it was,Mike? Ok...So then it's a done deal right? It's finished or no?
  19. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm trying to end it. The consensus is that you hate the fact that we exist, and we hate your existence also on this one planet we share. Lets just leave it at that. If we all met up somewhere and had this argument, someone probably would've thrown an object at you because of your arrogance and stupidity, just like they did to President Bush.

    You are a pathetic excuse of what it means to be a prosperous woman and a decent human being.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011
  20. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Whatever, you can leave it like that. I hope you really don't believe what you are typing, Mike. If you are trying to end this, why do you allow your fingers to type these wild lies in your head. All you had to say was yes or no. No superlatives needed. So let's see if we can say bye:smt039 without any animosity toward each other. The love starts here...okay?

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