So I take that brother Andrae just busted you for putting dudes who ain't packin' on blast, but it's "bashing" when I say that I don't like fat women. Once again, it's demonstrated that most of the broads here are straight up hypocrites.
OMG, you dont get it... I was making fun of one man that that called himself a mandingo etc - your taking it out of context again. It was a comment against one particular man that acted like a fool. It wasn't about men who are not packing and men who are not packing were NEVER put on blast. Anywhere. Andrae did not bust me either - I stood up and owned that I said that - he didnt remember.. and again, it was one comment about one particluar man. Also, I repeat, one comment about that is not equal to several BBW bashing threads. dude get a grip. There is no hypocrisy here... You will not find male bashing on here, except one random post here and there when someone is mad at one particular man or something like that.. not constant put down of a certain group of men. It doesnt exist. so calling hypocrisy is just weird. You cant find anything in the women locker room or anywhere else on here that comes even close to all the stuff that has been said in several threads against bbw. For anyone to even deny that is just odd, its all over the board I have never said anything about you and your comments,regarding this topic. ever. - again, I repeat, its not about not liking bbw, its about the several threads they have been bashed in again and again.
Actually FG I wasn't talking about you. Its another regular poster but I'm not gonna put her on blast. The dude with micro penis was some white guy that another poster put up. I didn't think of it as bashing as much as making fun. But in the context of this thread and some of the others I don't see much bashing just airing of frustration. Just like women and men do in the Relationship Griping thread. When women make statements like "there are no good men" and I personally don't get upset even though a lot of the griping is directed at all men. We all make general judgements when airing our frustrations, its a heat of the moment kind of thing.
Bandwagon? I don't think so. I was replying to you comment to me, or did you forget that you had made one? My point was that it seemed a rather inane comment to say that you weren't a bm. That suggests that one can never see another's point of view without being that person. If that's true that we can see why people stand on opposite sides of the wall. But, fortunately it's not and one need only be open enough to empathize and think, if only by anaology, to understand another's viewpoint. In this case, there were women who did that, and acknowledged that they understood.
Of course I remembered that - that is what I was refering to, sheesh. I cant be held accountable to how you interpret what I wrote - I completely disagree with you that saying that I'm not a bm and cant totally understand what that entails, equals to that I can not see opposite views. I find that a rather odd conclusion. I think you would be rather offended if I claimed I knew perfectly well what it entails to be a bm. How that translates into being unable to see opposite views is beyond me. As well as you can never fully understand what its like to be a woman. That does not mean you can not have empathy and understand their view point or struggle, you can relate, you can understand... we are intelligent creatures that can process thought and feel empathy. Few of us here are incapable of that. Its an undeniable fact that you don't know exactly what it is to be a woman and I cant understand exactly what it is to be a man.. that is not mutually exclusive to understanding opposite views. Not even.
And somehow you find that a respectable rebuttal, lol. I completely understand why you constantly suggest that other people don't get it. It's easier to do that than admit when your arguements are weak or misplaced. Kinda like your suggesting in another post that stealing one cookie doesn't make you a thief, though in your case suggested that 1 infraction of making fun or bashing doesn't make you a hypercrite, a similarly weak and unresponsive arguement much like your post above.
I'm not sure what your issue with FG is, but you need to back your shit up. You're trying to start an argument where one need not exist. She stated her pov plainly, if you happen not to agree with it that's fine, but that doesn't make her wrong and you right, or vice-versa. You appear to have chosen to be openly antagonistic, to what was a non-antagonistic reply to your post. FG is right in this instance, there isn't a WW on the planet that knows what it's like to be a BM, just like there isn't a BM on the planet that knows what it's like to be a WW. Certainly we can attempt to empathize, but at the end of the day we cannot truly know. Anyone who thinks differently is deluded and is not being honest with themselves. As for your first post in this thread, I didn't agree with it, and I saw no merit in replying to point that out. As for your initial comment that it's a pity more women aren't commenting. As FG pointed out, this thread is full of women commenting. There are 69 pages of back and forth, some of it woefully off track, mean-spirited, and disappointing. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I can tell you I had no interest in this thread because of the way several posters chose to approach the subject, and because the OP is someone who has a track record of being disrespectful and hateful with people. Not to mention this topic has been discussed up, down and sideways entirely too many times. Two things I've learned in the year I've been a member here, don't discuss weight or religion because some people cannot remain objective and polite during the discussion. Arguing is pointless, debate on the other hand is beneficial, however this is one of those topics that it appears impossible to debate as emotions seem to always run high on both sides. One last thing that caught my eye, I personally would think carefully before I called anyone a hypocrite, especially if I lacked sufficient interaction with them to actually know if that was true. I think it's also a good idea if you plan to call people names that you spell them right, but I'm kinda picky that way. In general if I can't back up what I say with some credible proof, I find it best not to say it. But you appear to desire to incite rather than discuss, and IMO it's a complete waste of time to pander to people like that. I suspect you'll find no shortage of people willing to take the bait, or high-five your efforts, I won't be one of them. I don't dispute that both men and women make disparaging comments about the opposite gender Andrae, however it really does run something like 5 to 1 on here against the women most of the time. That's an estimate based upon my own personal observations, I am not about to take the time to go through every post and actually tally that up. However I think if you are going to cite a specific post and use it as an example, it'd be a good idea to find the post and link to it so people can see what you're talking about. The post I believe you are referencing was a photoshopped pic that obviously wasn't real and was intended as a joke, therefore the comments about it were in that spirit. I doubt you would find a current, regular poster on here making any kind of derogatory remark about any of the men here, I don't care how small his dick might be. As a whole we seem to be a pretty pleasant and polite bunch of women, and we get along surprisingly well, and you don't know how hard it is for a group of women to do that... I assure you it's rare. I think we do a pretty outstanding job, despite all the complete and utter horseshit we have to read on a regular basis around here. I know your take on this is that you and others are stating your personal experiences, and I have no issue with that. But you don't often state it that way, you tend to state it with a broad undercurrent of 'all women are (fill in the blank with the negative attribute of your choice'). Now I realize you aren't talking about me, or the women here, but you know what... a new poster wouldn't know that. That's honestly my only real objection to the overwhelming amount of negativity that pervades the forum at times, I think to myself what would someone who is thinking about joining think if they read the recent threads? I don't know, but I'm betting it doesn't put forth a flattering impression. Were it me, I would have the impression that most of those ridiculous stereotypes that the trolls throw out are accurate, and it wouldn't seem like a very welcome place to be. I realize you don't care what anyone else thinks, and that you believe in speaking your mind, and your no BS attitude is one of the qualities I like, however I think you can speak your mind politely, rather than in the most blunt way possible. I always speak my mind, but I do strive to do so as inoffensively as possible. There's just no point in trying to be hurtful or hateful to folks, and even if that's not how you meant it, if that's how it's interpreted then that happens to be what matters. Sometimes there is just no way to say something without offending people, but more often than not it can be done. I'm not just talking to you Andrae, many of us have had moments when we could have said it better had we just put a bit of thought into it, it's human nature, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't think before we speak or type. I suspect we all encounter enough negativity, hate, and just all around nastiness in our real lives to last us a lifetime, I sure don't see the point in coming here for more. I don't think the forum has to be all smiles and puppy dogs, I don't think people should have to be PC all the time, and I don't have a problem with spirited discussion, but truthfully how many threads offer that? I see people commenting on the lack of topics with substance, and yet it seems those just devolve into petty, childish altercations, so I can see why people don't start threads, or comment in threads as much as perhaps they used to. I can only speak for myself, and I'm just not going to argue pointlessly with anyone, there are far better ways to spend my time. I also refuse to make this a women versus men thing. There are women and men here that I think highly of, and I love some of y'all like family... and you know who you are.
Esp I'm not gonna front and act like I read everything you just wrote. I'm just happy to see you posting. Now come give daddy a kiss baby girl
I know you didn't, cause you replied while I was editing. I was thinking 'man he's a damn speed reader tonight' LOL. And I'm not posting more than this. You know how it is when someone pisses you off, I know you of all people actually understand that.
I'm honored you actually read it Tony, I know you aren't fond of long posts. I didn't actually think it was a long one when I was typing it out, seemed kinda quick and short actually, guess that's what happens when you keep your thoughts to yourself too long... they multiply! Spontaneous interaction is better for me anyway, you don't ever want to give me time to think, I'll wear you out. Thanks Kunoichi too, and Bookie & FG. I'll put myself back on mute now. :smt081