lol man that's fucked up. Another thing a lot of people are discussing is how when jesus christ is made fun on, christians usually don't go ape shit about it and kill people or burn buildings. But when someone makes a muhammad cartoon... you better get your ass into some kind of protection cause they give you serious death threats!
just take a nice, long piss on any Muslims here, as if Christianity is without its pitfalls come on, girl
now now you said people that didn't conform were killed, so why would your people still be living? what else was I supposed to be thinking
Because a lot of people escaped, and fought back. They would have kids and tell them not to give in, etc. and eventually they could no longer keep us enslaved and we were freed. However, now a lot of serbian muslims hate serbian christians. Pretty sad.
i'm not apologizing or anything i just didn't know it meant that much to you, being as tho you're always tough and not really easily moved
I understand, it's just I guess most people on here don't know a lot about my culture and background and all the shit that my family dealt with. So I take it kinda seriously when my culture is mentioned and my ethnicity.
Yes go ahead lol. Even we do it... we put pictures of beavers and loons and elk on our money for god's sake lol.
I'm not taking a piss on anyone, & I'm not saying that there haven't been so-called Christians who took it upon themselves to kill who they deemed non-Christians supposedly in the name of God. There is definitley some ugliness in the history of Christianity. Christianity is based on positive principles such as love, forgiveness & serving the one true God. The only positive basis Islam was founded on is also that they are to serve the one true God (aka Allah). Both groups serve the same God (the God of Abraham) but disagree on His nature & His teachings. I've studied both in depth so I'm not just talking out my ass. There are sincere muslims, that are decent people, & there are so-called Christians who are not & vice versa. What a person chooses to believe is that person's business, BUT no one has the right to force it upon others. Especially when it comes to persecuting or killing those who disagree with our beliefs.
hmmmm I thought Islam meant submission to god? Isn't that what religion is all about? Are you studying Islam with Muslims, or pro-christian Wikipedia radicals?
The Islam religion was named as such because the word itself means sumission. Yes, the word is defined as submission to God, BUT it's also defined by the premise that everyone is to submit to the religion of Islam (even if it has to be by force). I have studied on my own, with Muslims, with Christians & by reading both the Quran & the Bible.
Tamstrong yep,you hit the nail on the head once again :smt023. Its nice to see someone who actually researched Islam before making their conclusions. The origins of Islam stem from other religions. Its a stolen religion but when else can you expect from a thief like Muhammad. I wouldn't have a problem with the muslims if they only changed their doctrine to something less counterproductive.
Thanks WIR I try not to be someone who runs my head without being educated on the subject. I think Islam is too prevalent in our society not to know what it's all about. Besides, I just enjoy learning. What is most interesting to me about Muhammad is that he started his quest for religion because he believed that polytheism was wrong. He adopted this view from the Jews & Christians around him. He also picked up other bits & pieces of scripture but he had the details jumbled. A lot of folks don't realize that he had nothing against Christians or Jews initially. It wasn't until they blew him off that he got pissed off. As far as their doctrine goes, they need to start putting that abrogation to better use.
This is true because any type of extremism is unreasonable, & counterproductive. Extremists are more concerned about being right while accusing everyone who doesn't believe/think/feel the way they do of being wrong. They're twisted in their thinking because they think they can build up their cause by destroying the causes of others. This never works because destruction breeds more destruction. On the flip side; love, understanding & respect leads to more love, understanding & respect. I forgot to mention that I think O'Riley is an ass. I think he acts the way he does for the attention & likes to piss people off.