:smt056 I've been going on 2 1/2 years of separation. I'm about to begin the process of writing up my divorce papers, finally. I hope it ends swiftly for you!!
Good luck to you Bookie. It sounds like you and your Ex are fairly amicable, which should help tremendously. I've just been really out of sorts with the whole damn mess for the last week, I'm tired of idiotic bullshit, but mostly he & his family really upset the kids and I have a very hard time not having it out with him over that. But I have to play nice till everything is finalized, and it's taking a major effort right now. It just gets really old sometimes, and I don't like it when I get forced to be mean and nasty. I do not understand why someone who is supposedly a human being refuses to act like one.
i'm so glad my divorce is over and done with...no lawyers, just mediation. good luck joanie bird & espy...remember my concrete boot business...just say the word and i'll make him up a pair and have him swimming with the fishes in no time
It's a real shame that adults can't act like it. I hope he wises up and realizes the pain he's causing his kids by his actions. You guys are like the mafia, too funny! Love it!! And thanks Tarshi. I'm sure it'll go just fine. (Famous last words. LOL) Edit: You two remind me of a guy I work with. A few years ago, before I moved out of my husband's house, I was at the bar after bowling and talking to a coworker. He's 100% Italian. And he looked at me, after I said what had happened between my ex and I, and he said, if he ever does that again, you let me know, because I know people. It floored me. And knowing him, I know he was telling the truth.
Were going into business together: Tar-Geek's Boots n' Knees... End results are excellent - satisfaction guaranteed. (ps - read the small print before signing anything, it might not end well for you if you dont live up to your end of the bargain)
i thought you were the kneecap guy...all we have to do is play a little barry manilow lmao...love it joanie...!!! yeah, i guess the geek & i are the wwbm mafia
Thanks for the offer Tarshi. I'm actually trying really hard not to remember all the tips my grandfather gave me on how to dispose of a body.
LMAO....!!!! i was going to say satisfaction guaranteed, no money back, just a kneecapping or a swim with the fishes
Money?? I dont know of any money changing hands... these concrete blocks are for Habitat for Humanity.. I have no idea what your talking about... shhhhh first rule of Tar-Geek's is you dont talk about Tar-Geek's :smt047
Mainly that would be because the laws give the money (child support) to the person who has the kids. Why don't you inviestigate the statistics on how many women take custody vs men. Most states have formulas for how many nights they sleep at one parents house vs the other and how much income each person brings to the equation. The equations don't say man or woman just who has the most work/responsibility. It stands to reason that person has the most expense after the divorce. You don't divorce your kids or your responsibility to them. Stop being a whiner.
Stop being so limited JC. He clearly was talking about alimony again for the thousandth time has nothing to do with alimony my friend. What you keep bringing up are child support matters not alimony a fricking stipend so that woman can live the lifestyle she's accustomed to.
Andrae he referred to a post by Espy that clearly referred to child support. Child support is not alimony. Child support is a given alimony is not.
I have never met a woman that has gotten alimony. It usually is child support. Maybe you have to be really rich or be dumb enough to not let the wife get a job for that to happen.
He highlighted the info on child custody Andrae. Jordan is absolutely correct that child custody is tied to child support. I think her point was not only valid, but it actually made me realize something I hadn't consciously considered. The person with custody of the children has more responsibility, and will direct a large portion of their finances to supporting the children, therefore factoring that in over the number of years till the children are adults significantly increases what being divorced cost that person. Interesting, thanks Jordan!