:smt045In Her Own Words: When The Owl & The Pussycat was finished, Ray Stark asked me if I wanted to go out to California and go to some of the premieres. I said, "Yeah!' So here I was--this little hippie chick who had always wanted to go to California--staying in a suite at the Beverly Wilshire. I had no clothes to wear, but it didn't matter because I never made it to the premiere. Why didn't I go to the premiere in Los Angeles? Well I met Jim Brown the ex football player at this club the Candy Store, and he asked me if he could take me to the premiere. I said, "I guess so." Well he's totally against drugs and all that stuff. So I'm waiting for him to come pick me up in my hotel room--and I'm smoking a joint. When he came to get me, he said, "You're smoking pot!" I said "What? I am not!" We were late to the premiere, so we couldn't get in. We went to his house instead. I was, like, there for 3 days. It was scary because he's a big tough guy. I liked him--of course I did. That was the exciting part of it.
Jim Brown was very anti- drug..which is funny how he and Richard Pryor became friends considering Pryor's heavy drug use. Usually people from thattwo opposite extremes don't have a lot of common ground.
C'mon Rasta you think a chick is going to stay at his crib 3 days straight and not get her back tore off?
Ah thanks Malik. I'm surprised that the Kid even said that.:smt120 After all we are talking about Marilyn Chambers & Jim Brown...both in their primes no doubt.:smt108
But, why would she be afraid to put what happened in her book???? One of the chicks that worked for Heidi Fleiss back in the day wrote a very explicit book...and named names (celebs). The Kid Rasta
Where did she say or imply that? She was speaking of being a lil' intimidated by him because of his presence...which is the same thing a lot of men have said about Jim Brown. Also & actually those statements/quotes are from a book.
Good piece nobledruali!....she was an ultra sexy porn actress way back went sex was cleaner and safer.....Boy, I bet Jim Brown must have *&%$! her fine ass.....I feel like Malikom in saying, I would have paid to have been a fly on that wall
He was probably far from the first black man she spent three days with. She liked black men and mentioned it in an interview I saw her do where talked about Behind the green door and her scene with Johnny Keyes