Be honest where you ever prejudice?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by ChromeDivine, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    Be honest where you ever racially prejudice?

    Where you ever racially prejudice at any point in your life? If you where what made you change your perspective?
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Everyone is prejudice every day. It's how we make even just our every day decisions.
  3. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    Hmm let me rephrase the question
  4. kneegrow

    kneegrow New Member


    i hate ereyone equally
  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    No, never.
  6. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    No, I haven't either.
    I've judged people by their financial status though, I'll be honest about that. I used to assume that people from rich backgrounds were all wankers. Now I've learnt that they aren't all wankers, just most of them :)
  7. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I used to really hate green people back when I was younger.
  8. thepolice

    thepolice New Member

    I won't talk about me cause everyone here knows about my history.I think everyone is at least a little prejudiced not only about race but also regarding social status, education etc. but rarely you'll find someone admitting this.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  9. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Ouch, Green Zorro's going to be crushed! lol ;)
  10. romeostarr

    romeostarr New Member

    I'm from Detroit Michigan originally, which anyone from the states will tell you is a rough city, predominately black. i went to all black schools and growing up i hardly ever saw anyone of a different race, except for on tv or a few of my school teachers and very few students here and there, i am a system baby meaning i was adopted and put through the foster care system. the consensus from all the homes i was in that white were evil. i saw so many white kids get picked so as i got older and every once in a while ran into a white kid, i never mistreated them but i wasn't quick to befriend them either. i remember being put in a juvenile detention center when i was 12 or so and getting into a brawl with this white kid named Rodney,, he was no slouch but neither was i. after we became friends and looked out for each other during our time there until we both entered the foster care system again. after getting to know him, i realized he was just a kid like me trying to survive and that my prejudice had no merit. then i ended getting to alot of mischief in my homes, i missed school i sold drugs(tried to at least but when your in the system they watch everything you do) and finally the agency decided that Detroit was not where i should be. so they moved me to a foster home in another city about 2 hrs away. this was a diverse more affluent area and i was placed in a predominately white school, talk about culture shock, did i face racism? you damn right, the tables were turned, i was called nigger so much it didn't even bother me anymore. i fell for a girl, her father and brothers threatened my life, our foster parents were harassed. i met my best friend he is white, his children are my god sons. and if i had kids mine would be his. the point I'm making is that prejudice and racism can be very damaging. now i feel sometimes like i don't fit in anywhere, sometimes my black friends say i'm not black enough and that i act white. and sometimes my white friends cling to age old stereotypes and i don't know sometimes if they are genuine, but i love them all the same. bottom line people are just that, people. that was long sorry
  11. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I'll admit that I'm prejudice against bogans (Aussie-speak for 'white trash'), and people whose speech is worse than a non-english speaker just learning the language. Definite prejudice there. However, I will give them a chance to prove me wrong. Rarely do they ever manage it though. :| And after spending 9 hours on a plane with a very large group of Asian men, I can say there is a slight prejudice there too...those guys were gross and disgusting. However, I've met plenty of Asian men who weren't like that so perhaps it's Asian business men on Kenya Airways that I'm prejudice against? :smt037
  12. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    haha true
  13. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    "Your not black enough." It stings just saying it. Like we don't go through the same struggles. Racism is based on skin color and ethnicity not on how you act.
    Black people who say things like that are lost and says alot about how intelligent they are.

    Sheer ignorance.

    It's like were supposed to be rappers, basketball players, or football players and nothing else. Were suppose to act a certain type of way.

    Meanwhile all the other race of men get a free pass in being lame.

    Well thanks for sharing.
  14. romeostarr

    romeostarr New Member

    thanks for feeling me chrome, that's why i say i feel like i don't fit in anywhere. hell even a few of my white friends say that i act white, some times I'd hear "your the smartest black person i know" i'm like you must not know many blacks cause there are plenty of brothers out there who are waaay smarter than me, and more refined and sophisticated. that's what i call innate racism on both sides and i cant stand it. its like why cant i just be me?
  15. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    I admit that I used to be prejudice when I was in high school. There were some tensions between blacks and Mexicans. While I had negativity about Mexicans, I also had negativity about whites.

    I was brainwashed into thinking that all white women make false rape accusations.

    I'm so glad that I graduated. No more drama.
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  17. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    Well hey, I got parents who were from the South and still talks about it.
  18. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    I live n a predominately Black city, and went to both Black and White schools. I never have been prejudiced.
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    No, I have never been prejudice.

    Have I made racial jokes? Sure.

    Nothing extreme, though.
  20. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    I adopted some anti-white attitudes during my late teenage years, mostly spurred on by the popularity of Afrocentrism and the Nation of Islam in black culture during that time.

    After working with and befriending white people, those feelings dissipated rather quickly.

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