What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Yeah, my ex husband had a new girlfriend about a week after I kicked him out, before we even filed the appropriate paperwork. We'd been together a total of 7 years all told. Took me about 10 or 11 months before I gave anyone the oppourtunity to have a relationship with me. It'll get better after a while, but it's probably always going to hurt on some level. But it'll get better. Just do you for a while, that's what I did. It helped.
  2. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I guess he didn't waste any time there, huh? It seems to me that the person's time he wasted was yours
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Yeah, he was a douche. This retard even met up with his new girl -while we were filing the paperwork-. I think he did it on purpose, because we'd originally planned on meeting at the courthouse, but he talked me into allowing him to take me up there so we could be together, sign everything that needed to be signed more quickly, and so he could try to convince me to file my taxes with him on the way back. But after being left alone in his car for 3 hours while he was off talking to the bitch, ignoring me and ignoring the paperwork he needed to be filling out (I ended up having to do all of it myself. he just signed a couple of papers). Then we had a screaming fight in the car as he took me home because I told him I wasn't going to file my taxes with him, that I wanted to file seperately...because if I filed with him I would've gotten no tax return at all, and filing by myself got me a few hundred dollars...and caused him to owe the IRS 700 bucks :D I told him it was his problem now, and he should've found a job months before so he could pay the shit :D :D :D He wasn't taking any more of my hard earned cash, that's for sure!

    What's really funny is that he knocked her up about a week or two later, too! And maaaaan, is she an ugly bitch. I'm no small girl, but this bitch was twice my size around, 5 inches shorter than me, had two kids with two different fathers already, and from what I heard she lived off welfare. She used to come into the Wendy's I worked at all the time while I was still at home trying to start trouble with me. It never made sense to me why she would, though, because I didn't want the prick any more. *L* Just because he was probably cheating on me with her at the end didn't mean I wanted to fight the bitch. She got my leftovers, why the fuck would that make me mad? *L* She was just a piece of trailer trash.

    They both tried so hard to make me angry about their relationship before I moved, and I think it drove him nuts that I didn't care. I mean, yeah, it kinda hurt that he'd moved on so quickly, but honestly I'd been done with him for over a year before we finally got divorced, and I don't see how he didn't realize that. He was the one always begging me to stay and make it work, so I guess he thought his little skank (she was always stinky, too, btw. It was so gross) would somehow make me jealous. *L*
  4. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi! My mom saw my avatar and asked me how I did it (she's jealous, hehe). I told her that you did it and also mentioned that your mom used to have webtv, so she asked me to ask who was your mom (her username or whatever), my mom was pretty famous on webtv with her font site (MSM Fonts). And if anyone knew imaging, then they knew my mom. So my mom was just curious and asked me to ask you. So, I have :D I don't know when you and your mom had webtv. But we had webtv since 10 years ago. Until now, we have a computer. Welp, thanks. :D
  5. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Wow! Your ex has "FAIL" written right on his forehead. What a loser :lol:
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I think mom's username/email was something like eViolet@webtv.net, and mine was coco994@webtv.net. Mom never used it that much, honestly. She generally just surfed for psychology stuff, and census records. And I just used it for chat rooms cause I was like..hm..12 or 13? I believe. That'd put it around 1998 or so. We only had it for a year or so because mom finally broke over and bought a cheapo computer. I've been hooked ever since.
  7. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Ah..Looks like we might have gotten our webbies around the same time. Before my mom became famous on there for her website and we were all newbies. I mostly chatted too at first. LoL, it cracks me up reminiscing about webtv back in those days. Welp, I'll let her know, she was all excited like she might get to reunite with some long lost webtv buddy. She's so cute (my mom). Thank you anywho!! :)
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    That is so weird. I'm tellin ya, chica, you really are my doubleLT. Strange! I had a few friends who had webtv...now those girls probably would've known your mom's site, but I don't know what their names were on there anymore. It's been a long time since I've even seen a webtv.
  9. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    As for what's going on...My friend Pedro cut my hair last night. I was really nervous because while he cuts his own hair (does a great job too!) and his friends' hair....he's never cut a girls hair before last night. I think he did a good job, though, and it feels much better than it did before it was cut. I just can't see the back to know if he got it super crooked or not *L* It's curly right now, at least, so if it is crooked it won't be so obvious until I straighten it :D

    It's definitely not a bad thing to have friends who went to cosmetology school for a while!
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn. Webtv. That's a throwback right there.
  11. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    ah i feel so depressed, i guess its because the holidays etc. coming up:smt069
  12. Athena

    Athena New Member

  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    This is her (my mom's) website http://msmarcia.lbbhost.com/fonts/main/page.html It's kind of messed up because it was made for/on webtv, but that's the kind of stuff that my mom did. She's going to rebuild it now so it looks better on computer since she's reunited with an online friend of her's who is like the image maker genius and stuff, kind of like you do (like sparklies and different things) and she (my mom's online friend) used to alternate between webtv and computer. But now she's just on computer. She (Choco, is what we refer to her as) has a forum on the web where she'll post images for the people who go there to "see what you can do with it" and it's really fun and everyone shares and learns how to do different things. I used to do it on webtv once and a while. But in order to join you have to request it by e-mail. My mom gave me her friend's (Choco's) e-mail address so I can do it. If you are interested (it might be fun), I can give you her e-mail address if you want to request to join her imaging forum and you can just tell her I sent you. She'll let you in. :)
  14. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Away to go for a shower, I've been so lazy today. Need to go to the store to buy somethings for supper. Probably make some sort of thing incorporating mushrooms since like every meal I have involves mushrooms. I love them, they're so nice. Or I might just have a jacket/baked potato. Got to do a presentation today, for tomorrow. I've had about a month to do it but I always leave things till the last minute. Oh well, I'm off to get cleannnn.
  15. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Is webtv that thing that you get like a keyboard and stuff that plugs into your tv btw? Like... years ago?
  16. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yup. Back in the golden era n' shit. Old school.
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :smt003 Yeppers. It was okay for a beginner. It was a hell of a lot easier to figure out than a computer! Yep, they're pretty scarce now. You had a webtv Brother Ajax? :cool:
  18. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yup, I had webtv back when I was like in 4th grade. I'd be waiting days for a page to load. I think we kept it for a couple weeks and got rid of it. we then got a computer with *gasp*, 128 megs of RAM. HOLY SHIT!!!!:) Those were the days, waiting 6 minutes for a flash animation to load on a screen.
  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Just got back from Guitar Center. Bought me a keyboard. HELLS YEAH!!!!! Now i gotta learn how to play the mufucka. I like how there was a sign in there that said ""please no rap battles or street ciphers around the drum machines".HA!
  20. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    They had different editions or whatever of webtvs. The classic and the plus and stuff. Ours was pretty fast. What I didn't like about it is that a lot of things weren't compatible with it, like computer stuff and it was pretty limited with what you could do. It was nice on the TV screen though and that the keyboard wasn't attached. You never had to worry about any viruses or anything either. :D

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