1. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Yea, I guess it's both ways.
  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Naw I'd say 80%-20% or even 90%-10%. Remember, it's politically incorrect for a man to air his grievances with women, but women complaining about men is a billion-dollar industry aka double-standard.
  3. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    No idea how to break it down. It came to me as a huge surprise to see that it wasn't really the BW who were at the bottom of the US social ladder, but in fact the BM. So it's kinda understandable where the dissatisfaction is coming from on each part.

    Is it not PC? Then how come I keep hearing it from men all the time.
    And how is "women complaining about men" a billion dollar industry - that's certainly new to me. (Or do you mean the Tyra show and the Essence magazine?)
  4. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Maroon, love ya to bits, but you're not American so you have no perspective on this topic unless there are a lot of BM and BW in Latvia that you've observed.
  5. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Ok, you've got a point, onyx, however you don't have to live in the States to see it... but alright, I digress.
  6. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Turn-ons = Smart girls, big girls, small girls, black girls, white girls, red-heads, big booties, small booties, large boobies, small boobies, brunettes with green eyes, tanned chicks, pasty chicks, tall women

    Turn offs = who knows?
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Big turn off, guys who think they are "God's gift to women."

    Sorry Scott, I don't think you meant it that way, it's just they way it came across.
  8. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Just think about it, a MALE, a DUDE, who prefers not to approach women. He lets them come to him. Do these men prefer a woman to pay for their dinner and drinks? do they want to be proposed to by a woman and be given a diamond ring? What's with the feminine men nowadays.:smt086 There's a good dancehall song by Cecile about men who dress like they stole the clothes from their little sister. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeXiVtGwBa0
  9. YogaGirl

    YogaGirl New Member

    Fair question. My preference for wanting to date black men may seem generalized, and probably is; but like any relationship I've had before dating a black man, if the sex was no good, the relationship did not last long. That's the honest truth. I remember my last relationship with a former white male, the sex was terrible!!! He was fun to be with and we clicked on all levels except the sexual. I was miserable and wanted to just cuddle instead of doing anything more involved. I knew the relationship had to come to a halt when I was tempted to have an affair, something I've never done or ever will do.

    I guess you can say, I've opened the "women locker room door." Women talk about sex in details with our female friends and I think we can be worse than some males :eek:

    The difference in the two types of conversation is simply this. While I may do "girls locker room talk" here on the net, I will never bring up such a topic with someone I am just getting to know, or use it as a screening tool, or pick up line for a guy I'm interested in. Bashing one's own race, or any group of people for that matter is in poor taste whether it's meant as a means to impress someone else or in jest.
  10. YogaGirl

    YogaGirl New Member

    Where is an applause icon when I need one. This is what got my attention with my first interracial relationship. It was so cute, so unassuming and sincere. :D
  11. YogaGirl

    YogaGirl New Member

    Unfortunately, in the small town mindset I grew up around, the latter was the norm except they were said by whites and it was no big deal. It wasn't until i went away to college and traveled a bit that I was enlightened on what's unacceptable behavior and speech regarding race; especially the black race.
  12. YogaGirl

    YogaGirl New Member

    This is laughable.
  13. YogaGirl

    YogaGirl New Member

    Maroon, your moniker is interesting. Where are you from?
  14. YogaGirl

    YogaGirl New Member

    Let me answer the turn offs for you....women who are not comfortable in their own skin. You seem to like a confident woman based on your "turn ons" :cool:
  15. YogaGirl

    YogaGirl New Member

    Funny, I saw that quote and thought the same thing. Whooaa Scotty! they're lucky to have you pick them huh?
  16. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    How exactly did his "turn ons" mean confident?
    All I saw was "female"!
  17. YogaGirl

    YogaGirl New Member

    ...too much to explain, let Chosen One come with his answer.
  18. Complex

    Complex New Member

    The above happens to me at times. Please don't assume a lot (Not every) of White Woman doesn’t want to be in the "African American World" as well.

    I say African American because I've witness many fond of the African American style and seek out to live it to the fullest even when some African Americans choose not to portray the stereotypical African American that is sensationalized on the media.

    I can't say I have any turnoffs that don’t reflect all relationships of all complexions. The more you are categorized as an individual, the less complexion dilemmas will occur.

  19. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    So in short you are using a few examples from your life to generalize white and black men but when you hear a man do the same thing except hes actually decent enough to be open about it you are shocked?

    So just as I said before you think making sweeping generalization is perfectly fine just so long as its "in the girls locker room" but when a man is open to you about his generalizations formed from experiences you are shocked? Hypocrisy at its finest id say. As I said before im not a fan of negtive or positive generalizing but if I was a fan I wouldnt be a hypocrite about it and then try to save face by saying "I only do it in the ladies locker room". Either way, have at whatever works for you.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  20. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Nope, I dont consider myself gods gift to women but I do know my worth.

    Nope, I approach in a friendly day to day manner so long as it ties in to whatever i'm doing. I just said I don't chase and I never will. As far as everything else, those things dont apply to me what so ever. I always try to be a traditional gentleman.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008

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