Wow!!! Now that was funny as hell. James Harris looked like a little girl who ran home crying, and he has the audacity to call himself a man. I dont ever fault anyone for their individual beliefs, I just want them to know and see the difference between right & wrong, or good & evil. I just gained a lot of respect for Shelley Wynter, he made some really great points about why he supports Obama while still being a conservative.
Mr. Harris has a right to his opinion and choice of candidate, but he also know there will be backlash to his actions and if he was any kind of MAN has to take responsibility for it and stick by his choice. Otherwise he will continue to act like a little girl and run. Being a radio host you have to grow a thick skin, but I guess his listeners agreed with him so much that he didn't realize that there are people outside his bubble that don't. Being the only black man in a crowd calling for Senator Obama's head will get you verbal attacks and he will forever be label "The Sellout". Whether Obama win or lose this election, over the next few months Mr. Harris will constantly be watching his back from people either real or imagine he believes that are "out to get him". That Mr. Harris is the price of choice.