Zombie Fans : Walking Dead Season 2 Starts Tonight.

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ra, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Now I gotta wonder how does someone like that keep breathing in a world with guns. He's counting on fear and rationale at the same time to keep things in order. He believes people will be so afraid because he does over the top public killings but rationale enough not be so over come with grief that they'll say fuck it and go after him. There's no way you take all my loved ones and leave me alive and I won't be waiting a few months till your guard is down and get you from 300 yards away with a .305
    If you keep taking everything from people they eventually have nothing to lose.
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I don't like this show anymore. THey got too greedy in this episode.

    There's no cure for this zombie shit now or in the foreseeable future, and they're killing off major characters like it's no big deal.

    What's the point??
    There's this overwhelming futility and fatalism to the show that makes it hard for me to watch it anymore.

    I'll try a few more episodes but TWD is like on this 'fail' carousel from hell and there's no getting off.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Good point, if there's no hope what's the point. And seriously where are the people trying to rebuild society? No military trying to bring back order?
  4. Addolorata

    Addolorata Active Member

    Well Abe and Glenn do die in the comics, they were living on borrowed time :/
  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Is there any upside to the plight of the survivors in the comics???
    THis shit is like watching a documentary on the life of prisoners at Auschwitz concentration camp in 1942.

    (Spoiler alert, everyone dies.:()

    My favorite narrative arc of TWD was when they ended up at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta. At least there was a sense of hope and the potential of beating this plague.

    I don't know if Glenn was a major character in the TWD comic book, but he sure as hell became one on the AMC series.


    If this is just building towards a war between Rick and the Alexandria survivors against Negan's crew, been there. Seen that.

    There's a sadism about this show that's starting to get under my skin.
    It's more a serial horror movie than a dystopian human drama.
    And I'm not a fan of horror movies because of the gratuitous gore and death.

    If I was living in this crap fest, I would have blown my brains out in about six months.:smt101
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    That's what I don't get.

    In world that's totally gone to hell, as sadistic as Negan is, he's still not the scariest thing in that reality.
    It's not like dude is going to eat you.

    So why would fear of Negan be such a motivating factor for those who follow him??

    If you've been in lockup since you were 16 years old, when you get out at 30 some bully on the block isn't going to mean shit to you.

    This callous regard for human life by other human beings in a world where human beings are PREY just doesn't make a lot of sense.

    And someone like Negan doesn't seem like he would have so many people following him.

    THe Governor in contrast I could understand why people chose to form a community with him.

    As sick as he was the Governor tried to give the outward appearance of humanity and compassion.

    Negan is just a homicidal psychopath.

    You're right, one of his people would have tried to kill him by now.
    I mean what the fuck do you have to lose??

    Lastly, there are easier ways to kill someone.

    And a person who gets off on personally smashing the heads of other people with a baseball bat is just subhuman.
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Dude, you live in the real world where a turd like Donald Trump is seen as a viable candidate for president selling that very same shit. So if civilization actually does fall apart do you honestly think irrational people wouldn't view someone like that as logical & safe person to embrace?
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Totally different we live in a world of comfort. We are having these conversations in our warm comfortable homes on our expensive devices. Like Bobba stated in a world of never ending conflict where there are monster constantly lurking that will eat you how does this dick bag have a hold on people? In a world where your family can literally get eaten while snoring too loud or going to the bathroom in the wrong spot how does this maintain control. Especially when his motto is I get your loyalty by killing a loved one in front of you to keep you in line. Under those circumstances you get but so many days until I either crack under the stress or I just say fuck it I'll take my chances.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah I agree with the Governor statement at least dude was trying to create the illusion of safety. That's a leader you're going to fight for because he's given you walls and a community. Even though it turned out to be bs I can understand it. Walking around with a club and bashing people's heads in while everyone watches can't work for long. If I know my death is predicated on your whim or disatisfaction how long will my loyalty last. Best case scenario I flee, worst case scenario I bide my time until your guard is down. Either way zero loyalty.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It is good to be right!
  11. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    You're being to realistic homie. This is a television series. Haha

    Well, let's be realistic with it. How many people do you personally know that are "true" leaders and not followers when it comes down to it?? Example, Alexandria, no type of controlled fight in them. Rick's crew moved in, showed a since of protection, and they fell in line. In this world you have Trump and Hillary followers. Here you have diarrhea in one hand and a soft turd in the other. (IMO). And people still follow.

    Negan don't just roll up and kill. He just demands half your shit inturn for his protection from people like the wolves and that group Daryl got with. Remember, Rick's crew got cocky and attacked Negan's crew, so they had to pay (Abraham). Daryl is the reason Glenn caught the bat. And your 305 comment most likely wouldn't work. He doesn't seem that stupid to just walk up himself. He has people for that. You don't see Obama walking around in Iraq, right haha.

    Even though the world is at its lowest, people are bringing humanity back in small areas. That's hope. So people jump on board.
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    crap that was brutal..... I mean even for my taste. I wanted to shot negan in the head right then and there.

    This season opened big. Hope it doesn't get more dark than this because I am not sure I want to watch it.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nah remember the roadside episode with the rocket launcher. One of his guys said that was what they did to establish who they were. They'd just straight kill one person to make a point.
  14. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Maybe everyone including King Ezekiel (who in the comics are on good terms with Jesus.) teams up against Negan and the saviors, Remember Rick did kill a lot of his men, everyone combined could be able to take them on.

    I do know one thing, they made Negan so dark there is no way they can keep him on for the entire season let alone season 8. They are going to have to deal with him somewhere midway because he is so deranged he doesn't fit the show as a long lasting character they will turn viewers off. He is like some character straight out of one of Eli Roth's torture movies...his ice cold demeanor doesn't fit how they made the show for him to be a character that last long.

    What happened last night is the reason why you don't get yourself emotionally involved in characters on a show like "The Walking Dead" I heard people were crying over the deaths especially Glen's. Maybe the producers made a mistake in creating lovable characters.

    This show right now is for the comic book crowd, not the ones that follow the show more or only.
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Aren't you the the dude always talking about moving to some white centric black man utopia because America is too damn racist but can't grasp the concept of how a sociopath could hold sway over other people where what passes for the rules of civilization have actually gone out the window???
  16. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    I'm back in! Very nice! The show was getting way too safe.
  17. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    It wasn't just the loyalty of killing loved ones, it was the army he had. I don't believe he started out that way, but as time went on, his tactics proved more violent in accordance with the surrounding world. Comfort or not, people like that have always existed and people have followed them out of fear, admiration, and the feeling of superiority that comes with following a guy like that. Jim Crow era and before... heck, technically even now guys like that existed and still do today ( they just wear certain uniforms). The tricky part is that there aren't any laws or avenues of protest in TWD, so I see your point there.

    The problem with TWD scenario is that Negan isn't a force that they have necessarily dealt with before. They had the upper hand and it isn't just killing your loved ones, but more the idea that you can keep them safe by complying with his way of life.
  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Guys who take a sadistic joy in murdering others usually don't have a following behind them.

    Murder as a means of control, one thing.

    Calling a baseball bat Lucille wrapped in barb wire and literally bashing people's heads in until they look like ground hamburger meat?? Even in that TWD world I think even the most hardened killers would think Negan was totally deranged and not worthy of loyalty.

    IMO his character is too extreme and ultra violent.

    But then again, this was really about revenge for Rick's crew killing so many of Negan's men earlier.

    I forget the body count, but it seemed like Rick and company murdered at least 15-25 Saviors when they invaded their compound.
  19. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Ummm... I disagree with that statement. History as well as current situations in war riddled countries have plenty of sadistic people in power with many following them. Or do you mean in a fictional story sense?

    As far as the violence is concerned, I'm super used to it.
  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It's the difference between shooting someone in the head compared to killing someone, chopping up their bodyparts and feeding them to walkers in front of their loved ones.

    One killer is a murderer. The other is a sadist.

    Negan leans much closer to the latter, talking to his victims with their skulls caved in and bleeding to death.

    When you prolong the death experience to satisfy your own perverse pleasure, that's not 'normal'.

    Most sadists who rule countries do that shit in private because it's so offensive to the sensibilities of most people.

    But Negan does it in public, and we're supposed to believe his people are either cool with it or too afraid of ONE MAN to object.

    I don't see that logically from a narrative standpoint.

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