Good morning fellows citizens of the Earth. I'm here to help you grow and pursue the quest of happiness you have within yourself Let me help you open your potential as good citizens of the world by improving the nature of our relationship. I make a proposal with the agreement of the webmaster of the site and you: 1 The day of wednesday , morning or afternoon the use of the Chat room to discuss and exchange on every courteous subjects. 2the prohibition of the rubbish words here in the forum and the chat and personal attacks or any kind of degradating behavehiour even the use of irony to degradate any user of this site 3the right to keep one's privacy to answer or not to any invitation 4With the help of the webmaster the setting and the use of an instant messenger. 5 Election of moderators who will have the a- responsibility to defend protect and guide the interest of b-mission to create relationship and link with other group encourage tolerance, talked about challenge interracial groups meet wherever they live. c- Open a way to people in the world(from every continent) who are interested in interracial culture.This requires the knowledge of three language at least :french english and spanish or more spoken language in the world.In time we may add spanish d- Respect and accept people's viewpoint who do not approve interracial culture e-Create a library on line about interracial culture and gather all area of academic knowledge to provide the differents directions requested in Interracial Culture g- Invite professional worker or teacher talk and share about socilogical trends economical trends and all trends included which will allow a better integration of interracial children in society. I submit all this proposition to your appreciation and when ready we can start a democratic vote: one man one vote I'm waiting for your answers and appreciation Thanks
Hi citizens of the world I wanted to correct something on the pooint 5-c.It's not the use of spanish but chinese we'll add. Chinese language will be a reqiurement in time.It can be auseful tool for chinese are looking for opening on the world. It's a trend in China and the internet can be a way to promote cultural tolerance we need. My vision is the sevice of free volunteers to translate in many languages.
You have some lofty goals, maybe if it doesn't work here, you would like to start a site of your own. If you do, be sure and let us know about it.
Hi TinkerBell It's time to start , we have the "real stuff". Peolple living interracial culture. Don't you think we should work together you and me on this matter i.e electing a moderator , reducing rubbish words and the like. .I 'm sure we can do it YES WE CAN! See you soon and let me know your postion soon. Bye and have a nice day!
Like I said, I think you have great ideas, but I don't really think we have a right to try to change the way this site is run, I don't think we could if we wanted to. If the "rubbish words" really bother you, you may want to start a site where they aren't allowed. I don't use them, but in my daily life I hear them and they don't really bother me. I think if you try to do that you'll stifle a lot of very valid opinions. Sorry, I don't think I'll be helping you do it.
Hi Tinker I' m not a revolutionary.Or somebody who would compell people to change. Just proposal I did , that's all. I thought it 'd be nice to bring change. Ok forget about it . We "run" the business as usual .I mean the forum when I'm talking about the "business". Concerning rubbish words I 'll cope with these things and do as if I did not see 'em There a saying which states "My freedom stops when yours starts" Like one said here on this forum "Better can" So whistling of cops....I stop here. Have a nice day
Tinker To clarify my thought it was " Better can't" One can't teach a deaf to here sounds or words. NOT you of Course We leave it like that. They like it like that. I thought ...I thought Ok that's a universe here. Bye
You're right, it's best to just let it go. I do hope you aren't leaving us though, because I rather enjoy reading your posts. You have a very unique way of expressing yourself, I think you must be a very brilliant man, and I am sure you will master the English language if you continue to work at it. Some of the "rubbish" words as you call them may be more offensive to some than to others. Many people, in America at least, use profanity to joke around or even to bond with others. It's not all that negative most of the time. I don't use those words, but I've learned to tolerate them in my daily life because I really don't know very many people who don't say some of them at least once in a while, and being overly critical about it would only serve to lose friends and stifle freedom of expression nowadays.
Hello Tinker I'll be on the site and you're also a brillant woman too to acknowledge this qualities in Life To see it we need light to shine from within us and be our guiding inspiration. Yeah I'll be on this site and send my thought and opinion. Have a nice day Bye.