Your idealistic and realistic partner matches?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, May 1, 2014.

  1. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Your realistic one is much better. Clearly you think quite a bit of yourself there girly.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well women are allowed to have standards and men should take whatever mess comes his way
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  3. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    Ok, yeah, I am not saying a man should pay a woman's living expenses, no where did I say that, I was saying that he should not hold it against her if she is struggling in an expensive area and has to have roommates to get by, I was responding to that specific part,

    and the part where I got it from his post I made it in bold in the quote on his list, if one looks carefully.

    I was saying in some places, it is impossible to rent without roommates, not all are fortunate enough to be able to afford to live by themselves.
  4. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    ok, I am not and many other more mature women are not expecting goldman saks or whatever, but I was responding to a specific part of his list that I bolded, that he does not want a girl who has roommates, well, that can be sometimes impossible in some areas, the cost of living is very high, and I don't think it is fair for a guy to automatically judge and rule her our because of this, that is all, of course most would much rather have their own place, but it is unaffordable sometimes and a person, man or woman should not be judged for it, there are many factors that can affect this.

    there are plenty of women who work very hard, are no gold diggers by any means, but cannot afford much.

    Another thing that gets me a little is when some guys complain of women expecting them to foot all their bills, yes, I do not believe in fairy tails or women expecting men to give them the world.

    But let me remind all here that women still do not make as much as men for similar occupations, there is still unequal pay for equal work, so that is a factor as well, so even if a woman works very hard, she still is not paid equally for her work if a man did the same work, so that will affect her ability to support herself as well.

    yes this did strike a nerve in me, as some people are very ignorant, and judge and do not think of their own fortunes before judging others, they lack understanding and empathy.

    It can be vey hard for some out there.
  5. GAmomlisa

    GAmomlisa Well-Known Member

    Idealistic would be Idris Elba and all he wants to do is make love and cook me food! lol, realistic is that hot guy with dreadlocks that bags my groceries and just wants to cross older white woman off his checklist :( Or an out of shape middle aged white man lol, i have so many great options!
  6. K

    K Well-Known Member

    oooh I get it! I didn't go back to his original post. Totally my fault there! Your post didn't show all of his post and I was thinking did she come up with all that?! LOL sorry about that.

    I can see where people wouldn't like what he said. I actually sortof can relate to it. I happen to have children at home. I live in CA. I really don't care for the whole roomie thing though. It can even be tough if you both have kids at home. At this point in life, the idea of having to deal with someone's roomie if you are going to spend the night together isn't too appealing.

    I thinks it's a bit tough to go back and pull up someone's "list" from several years ago too though. J happened to be one who sortof had a rep for maybe doing too much for women he was involved with. Clearly he was explaining that he doesn't expect a woman to make what he does or even pay what he does. I think the roomie thing may have been more about logistics and/or potential drama with the extra bs.

    Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with people having whatever list/standards they have even if they are totally out of the park. I'm even great with if I don't fit in it...cuts down the bs and wasted time.
  7. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    No problem, Yes cutting down on the BS is best, and a time saver.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
  8. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    Oh dear, too bad about the dreadlocked guy, does not know what he is missing, it is frustrating when guys only want young women, one day they will be old, and wanting the young women only for her to turn around say as I saw on a show, "I dont want old crusty men". Then the last laugh will be on him.

    Yes, bring on the cooks and making love, speaking of that, check out my last post in the beautiful faces on brothers thread in the ladies room, of chef Marcus Samulesson, handsome and cooks.
  9. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    not sure if this is a joke, or real, but I hope and you should hope she does not see this thread and this post, she might not be your realistic partner any longer, I don't think she looks that bad.

    Well, good luck to you in the search for a nice girl, you seem to have had a tough time of late.
  10. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Of course they could. But how realistic is it to do so several times a week? Unless you are just talking about a one time thing.
  11. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    My thing is... I expect that she'll come to the table being able to take care of her. I'm happy to share and even help her out if the need arises, but I'm not willing to take that on as an obligation. Thankfully, I haven't attracted many of the women who expects the man to be their personal ATM and so on. My nephew and I were recently joking that he couln't holla at many women because he doesn't have an upscale car. Then he reminded me that my car is old, so I also can't holla at a bunch of women.
  12. GAmomlisa

    GAmomlisa Well-Known Member

    Lol, the one im thinking of I dont think will ever have a problem getting ladies! And I dont mean to bash this guy either, we definitely had a LOT of fun! I wouldnt really expect him to want to like settle down with a woman in her 40's, maybe in my dreams :( lol
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol you crack me up
  14. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    Oh, well he does hang out with you though? so he does like your company? just not to settle with? yeah, he might not have trouble now or later, but time can be quite the humbler and people can change, and he will will feel time one day, nobody escapes it. A guy can be a total stud, and a girl can be a sex bomb in their youth, and then fall flat later on in their years, one can be surprised.
  15. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Lol! Part of me would've taken on the role when I was between like 28-40
  16. missshyness

    missshyness Active Member

    oh yeah, it would have to be a one time thing.
  17. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Very realistic, people do it all the time but gets mad old quick.

    Last week I went for a night time run at a local park near me at 8:30pm. Mid way thru my jog I hear a faint moan which stops me immediately in my tracks so I can focus on the sound. I hear a couple more moans which confirmed what I was hearing. I walk very lightly a few steps more not to be heard then spot a couple in this dark corner of the park fucking doggy style. It was so dark it was hard to make them out actually but I sat down and watched lol. Shit was weak to be honest.

    Speaking of which... here's a old video of me catching a couple in the women's bathroom at my old job

  18. MightyLighty

    MightyLighty Well-Known Member

    "This is Kelly, I want to meet Kelly, I know she's not that attractive, but she's good to me!"

  19. Reverie

    Reverie Well-Known Member

    Why not, it is summer after all. I am not happy about you watching them, though.
  20. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I was saying how realistic is it for people to pay for a hotel room several times a week ongoingly.

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