You may not understand this...(military shit)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, May 15, 2011.


    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    but again, when someone is provoked(and i believe he was), you can only ignore it so long...when someone looks for an altercation, they can't complain when they get one. the bump was a passive aggressive action,restraint, i'm sure he wanted to punch him in the face.
    to be honest, i don't see how being n the military makes you immune to emotion. the op didn't control his, and he is a seasoned vet, if he is to be believed.
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I'll get into more detail later but I'll say right now, I don't think we should be able to do what we want without consequences. Also, had I done the same thing as you, I woulda get lectured on losing my military bearing. It was the right thing to do as an NCO to stop him, but say you were going to stomp the shit outta him? Nah. And no, I'm not infantry.
  3. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    This is what I'm talking about - thank you Kunoichi - I didn't know quite how to say it.

    I saw your video, Ymra, and I understand a little bit more about the man that you are (both good AND bad). My initial assumptions about you are confirmed - that I like you (somehow) because you are a man of principle and high passions and some integrity. I have no doubt that your wife and children adore you - they picked you, anyway, which requires some innate compliance on their part and is inherent to their character. Not everyone could deal with an Ymra. Hell, not everyone (as well I know) can deal with a saintaugusta. I have been single for 10 years (and lost in love twice since) because of this fact.

    However. I still question why, as a man of such integrity, to you choose to antagonize and belittle people younger than you, or people not familiar with military protocol? You put it out there for us to give our opinion, and then attack some of us, which seems a little defensive in my opinion. Why should you not be a mentor for some of these supposed "ghetto-ass niggas" instead of confirming their opinions for the worse - that they would never want to be like you? It's not boys' fault for not having a father figure, and nobody likes a braggart. You would be better served acting as a mentor for people (even online) than trying to hee-haw and haaaaa-haaaaa them down, calling them childish names. It just gets to me, seeing you do that to your brothers.

    I am in some ways the polar opposite of you. I am not even American, and am an artist in the bargain (left-handed Leo - are you a Leo? You surely must be a fire-sign, unless I'm mistaken). I see much more that you can offer, if you surrender some of your ego... to be put into service for the country you love so much.

    Also very curious... why did you marry an Asian lady (I'm sure she is wonderful, to raise such a bright and compassionate boy that I saw on your video)? And yet you are on this site. Why???

    This from one Louisvillian to another...
  4. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Valid point,

    However, this is one thing that he will need to learn. "you never know who is watching" and on base. As a PVT he's not only been through boot camp, but he's been through his A-School (advanced) which is normally on a training base. On those bases are senior soldiers. If someone comes up to me and corrects me (which has happened more times than you know). I'm going to take it face value that this person either out ranks me, or what I'm doing is so egregious it needed to be corrected.

    If you are wrong, you can't say " me you out rank me" but it doesn't matter who the person is. Higher or lower...

    Every Soldier knows that anyone from the PVT to the General can make an on the spot correction.

    I think this SHOULD/WILL be a valuable lesson to the young warrior. Hopefully, but given the actions of his mother.............I doubt it.
  5. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Then you might have signed for the wrong line of work

    I sort of figured that out.

    Push an NCO...and then talk to me about losing military bearing. I could have stomped the dog piss out of the soldier and hope in my care and drove home, and no one would have said a word. He got off light...really. All that happened was his leave was revoked. He could loss money, gotten confined, or done time in the brig. (I can't remember what the Army calls the brig)

    Learn it now young warrior....I don't want you to mess around and think you are going to push the wrong NCO and destroy your career before it even starts.
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member



    Where in the hell?!?!

    First off simpleton. you will be HARD see where i have typed NIGGA...anyplace on this site. When/if I use the word it is in its entirety and for its intend purpose. Its a word that is simply not apart of my normal lexicon....ever.


    What the fuck

    Are you smoking something? Nigga???

    ....where did you get the word Nigga form with regards to this thread anyway. Was it on the tip of your tongue...waiting for the ONE MOMENT TO SPRING FORTH?!?! I can't stand it when WE use the word, so you know I must feel with some which chick uses it? Nigga??????????

    And then you follow it up with......

    FOR REAL?!?!?!?

    You are full of questions, so let me ask you a question? Do you think finding black men attractive. Dating black men? Fucking black men? Do you think that give you a green light to use the word?

    Answer me that.
  7. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I'm not sure how pulling the young warrior to the side, and whispering in his ear is a provocation; however, I did ask for opinions.
  8. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    You do realize that all of the belittling things you say to men on this forum (and apparently, young innocent unsuspecting men outside of this forum) ARE the EQUIVALENT of that awful word (which ends in "er" BTW, not "a" as you well know). I put "supposed" and a quote outside of the word for a reason and I didn't want to say it, but you have granite for a cranium. You treat more people like n*****s every fucking day than any man I've ever seen. Literally - I have never seen a man pose, posture, glorify himself, and then tear down perfectly legitimate human beings in the process. You need to get some counseling, Ymra. You will at some point be a danger to others, if not yourself. And not in a "God and country" kind of way.

    I was trying to give you a little insight (AND SOME PROPS, you idiot, but like an idiot you had to focus a fucking word), but you are too stupid to hear. In that way, you will never be the "MAN" that you claim your self so fucking hard to be.

    That being said... until your actions on this forum represent at least 1/4 of the speech you gave (which was entirely too long and not humble, not cool, imho - nobody else does that, not in Hollywood, not at artist's exhibitions, nowhere, unless they are invited to give a talk), you don't have much of my respect, and give me even more reason not to want to become a citizen, or ever date a member of the armed forces. You are scary, and not in a good way.

    Get some help.

    I want to like you, but you are making it very difficult. Almost embarrassed that you come from the same city that I live in. I really don't want it to be this way. You ignored every other good thing I had to say in that post.
  9. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    You didn't answer my question. In fact, you skipped over it. When you use the word "NIGGA" there are no good things. You can't use such a vile digusting word.

    Nigger, like the caricatures it encompasses and implies, belittles blacks, and rationalizes their mistreatment. The use of the word or its variants by blacks has not significantly lessened its sting.

    So what do you think the use of this word by a white woman does? I'm stilly trying to figure out where the hell you got it from or what made you think you could use it?

    Historically, Nigger more than any word captured the personal antipathy and institutionalized racism directed toward blacks. It still does.

    You can't use the word NIGGA/NIGGER in then in the same breath talk about "good parts" and "belittling of young men"

    ...and then follow it up with "But I as giving you compliment" You are a fool...


    For real?

    And you are embarrassed that I'm from Louisville. HA HA HA...

    What made you use that word? You are a slow witless fool. Now up to this point I've really treated you with kids gloves while you talked yourself into fucking circles? ha ha ha and you have the temerity to talk about "belittling"

    I'm still waiting on your a long worded explanation on your use of the "N" word. I know it won't make much sense, but do try to give it a shot.
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Brig is navy...stockade is army...most infamously leavenworth
  11. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    told you I was more comfortable around Jar heads and sailors.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    that was your first branch, so I guess ur just displaying some semper fi
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I'm brain washed.
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Don't joke about that....

    I know people that thought the corps brainwashed mothafucka's

    Who the hell charges towards the enemy after being caught in an ambush anyway :p

    don't even get me started on that do or die shit either
  15. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I was agreeing with you. I'm not the same as that soldier you corrected, if you were thinking that. Hell, I get paranoid texting while sitting down when I'm in uniform cause I always feel like I'm doing some shit wrong. I'm not gonna walk around with my iPod on(I took those days for granted).

    And why am I gonna push somebody? I ain't lettin' anyone fuck up my money stack over some silly shit. I sit back and watch altercations and laugh at them(that's what I did half the time in basic). I don't start them. I'll leave that fighting shit to the ones who get butt-hurt when they get told to shut up in formation by another soldier(that shit is funny).
  16. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Trust long as I've been a war fighter I never understood

    "react to ambush": Charge the enemy.

    But whether it be the Corps or the Army I've always been recon, and our reaction to an ambush is....


    react to near ambush: RUN FASTER.
  17. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    MY BAD....I misunderstood....

    I don't just correct junior soldiers, I correct the Senior Soldiers as well.

    Ymra: Excuse me sir, you know waking with your hands in your pocket is against regulation. I had a captain say "Thank you very much Sergeant First Class" you know you fucked up when they say your WHOLE DAMN NAME.

    ...My job, any Soldier's job is to make an on the spot correction, if you see something wrong you correct the Soldier. You don't "let it go cuz he's with his family" all the more reason to present oneself as a professional. And its not just the lower ranks. I had a SSG show up to class late.

    A lot of Soldier's don't want to be bother. Don't want to stree anyone out, don't want to take the time. Bah...and that is the reason our Army has to problem that is does

    ...Art 15's went up 100%
    ...rapes of women Soldiers
    ... assaults
    ...mofo going into combat......weapons don't fire because they didn't do something as simply as spray the mutha fukker with CLP.

    ...its what you do in garrison that prepare you for war. Whether your job is a grunt, commo, quartermaster, admin (etc). I don't want to go down range...god forbid something happen to me, and my family not get the word before CNN, cuz some ghetto ass punk private was listen to his iPOD with the CASEVAC came in.

    Now granted.....I'm recon....infantry, my outlook is LIL different, but when last I checked we hall worked off the same standards. Ask your platoon SGT if he was in the PX and walked past a Soldier wearing head phones...what he would do.

    I asked my Students this morning and the flipped the fuck out! Or better yet, what wold you do....young SGT.

    ...what would you do?

    I knew what I'd get when I posted this question, on this site, in front of bunch of civilians who have no concept of what I"m talking about.
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  18. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    I recall taking the bus once---this kid in the back- in army gear was chilling- listening to his music(or cellphone) with headphones on.

    Long story short, a couple of loud/obnoxious senior soldiers requested he removes his headphone -something about it being "against the uniform code of conduct". Well, he did, i mean, what harm could come from removing headphones?

    Well, the entire trip, the two senior soldiers were using every curse word in the urban dictionary, talking so much shit, and suddenly the lil guy was FORCED to listen to their nonsense and me?/....fuck that shit 'nigga' i got my headphones on FULL

    Generally, the main objective behind headphone invention was to prevent the wearier from listening to obnoxious egoists who love hearing themselves speak.
  19. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Shiiit...if we gonna play the "I know an asshole leader" game I could do that shit all day.

    If you used the word "Nigger" I'm sure you weren't that offended by what the Soldiers were saying. Come on dog, for real?

    I digress

    But form what I gathered lil dude was in the Army and you weren't so its really a mute point.
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    A lot of that shit has been going on where I'm at, too. Shit is ridiculous.

    What would I do as far as the headphones thing? Honestly, I wouldn't do anything unless an NCO was around and I'd be like "yo man, NCO/officer in the building. Might wanna lock that shit up for now." And yeah, that is wrong for me to let that just happen, but like you said, I don't like getting in other people's business and being a bother.

    I guess cause we see NCOs with hands in their pockets and walking while on their phones n' shit, we don't care. I can honestly say that I don't. I had to sneak my hands in my pockets back at basic(mainly because it was cold, not outta habit). It was killer on me because back home, my hands were in my pockets damn near at all times.

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