1. FreenOpen

    FreenOpen New Member

    The comment that people like Shit and Drama posted by KnCa I don't really agree with. I believe that people don't know how to handle Shit and Drama. Remember....Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you deal with it.

    Continue to be who you are and no one else...Most people will have an issue with a women of any race/ethnicity that has a strong mind, character, opinion, beliefs or views. It is there issue the key is not to make it your's.

    Move with your Heart my friend...Be strong in conviction but not aggressive in word nor action is my motto.

    My other motto is...When they stop Hating is when you start worrying...You take up their time dear so U R Important whether it is negative or positive.

    Screw anyone else who thinks otherwise. STAY ON ....We Value your Thoughts!
  2. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Interestingly enough I would agree with you and what you said aligns with what I have said. My point about people liking shit and drama is that they may go on on about how much they HATE drama yet if you look at what they do in life they can be rather drama/crisis addicted. Maybe technically they don't like it but they sure seem to keep it going.

    Now to DH....

    [FONT=&quot]I would imagine you as laughing a lot....rather playful and fun. You probably have moments of getting pissed about things but it doesn't last long. I think you just have a need to get things out...vent and then get on with it. You seem to really care strongly about those in your life and are rather flexible about things. You're an artist and I think I have a bit of insight into that unique type of personality given myself and my children...but of course everyone is different. Sometimes it's a tough thing because the intuitiveness/sensitivity that is so necessary to be a truly good artist can make things tough at times. But again...that is such a great quality too! You are probably you're own worst critic. I think it's great that you are willing to put yourself out there over and over again. You have a lot of courage. LOL you've got brass ones baby!

    Sometimes you may come across as a bit rough around the edges...but so what! The great thing about people is that everyone is different and it would be a pretty boring world if everyone was the same. I would bet in person it's different too. I know you've definitely had me laughing many times.

    I know it's been said to death and it's totally pop psych but you've got to love you. It seems to me that you generally have a really good time in life and that's important.

    And yes I completely understand when what we really need is a good hug and it's just not there in life at the moment - that sucks. Of course those are the moments when stupid shit like this happens and it just sortof takes it over the edge for that moment. Kick a person when they are down type of thing.

    I certainly don't understand the need for someone to go out of their way to be rude and say negative shit (give bad rep - PLEASE!) to someone unless it's someone who has really done something bad to someone else. Which to my knowledge, has never been the case with you. You seem to try very hard to like people and engage them.

    I understand what you mean....I type about as quickly as I think. It takes me no time to write out many pages.

    DH - I know you've had a REALLY tough time lately...much more so than any one of us would really know. Coming from another person who's lived a rather rough life....it WILL get better. You seem to generally have a really good attitude about life and are able to roll with things. You're definitely a survivor...thriving comes next :) Hopefully 2009 will be a really great year for you, and there are many great things in your future![/FONT]
  3. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    C'mon DH...don't let anybody run you off. That would give them the victory that they're looking for. Your presence here is very well appreciated by many.
  4. FreenOpen

    FreenOpen New Member

    KnCA...That is the Truth....Kind of like being in a bad marriage a saying you will get out but you stay! People sure like to B---t often and do nothing to correct it in their lives.

    I say walk away like a lady everytime and never let other people's issues dictate how you proceed in Life. We all have the POWER within, it is up to US.
  5. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Truthfully DH you are kinda of a drama queen and unfortunately somewhat weak minded. I've briefed several of your back and forth arguments with a number of folks here that left me shaking my head in amazement. The people who beguile and lure you into child like shouting matches should be worth less than a roach to you yet you get flipped and bent over what they say...

    Ultimately what is leaving going to do, chances are you've left other boards for the same reasons. Care less about what people say and like Equinox stated. Just do you....
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I don't get flipped and bent. that's my point. A lot of people on here seem to think I'm sitting at my computer shaking my fist at the heavens, when it's far from the truth. I'm not actually angry most of the time, I just don't take shit from people without saying something back.

    I don't take kindly to being insulted. I don't appreciate people calling me a slut. I don't care if it's on the internet or in real life, I will not lie back silently and say nothing.

    Believe what you want about me. I'm not a drama queen. I don't blow things out of proportion. Just because I respond in kind when rude things are said to me does not make me a drama queen.

    And no, I've never left a message board over anything like this before. I've been part of many message boards and chatrooms over the years, and generally I'd just leave because either the subject didn't appeal to me any more (as in the case with boards dedicated to making avatars) or because I wasn't really interested in the conversations going on anymore (as in the case with a gaming site I was involved with for quite some time). So please, don't make assumptions about something you have no idea about. You really don't know me.

    Shake your head at me all you want, it doesn't matter. Just as it doesn't matter what haters say to me, either. I really don't care. I just get tired of it sometimes. I'm a human being, and when I'm having a bad day the last thing I need is to read stupid shit written by stupid shits addressed to me on a message board. I apologize for being human, it's beyond my control.

    Oh, and please don't insult me by calling me weak minded. I am nowhere near weak, and if you knew me at all you would understand that, but I don't appreciate being called that. Especially since I know better. But you, just like everyone else, will form their own opinions about everything, and that's fine. We've all got that right. But don't for a second presume you know anything about me based on what you see on a message board, because, truthfully, that's pretty ignorant thinking on your part.
  7. Malik True

    Malik True New Member


    Look at that long ass reply to my statement, why are you even replying? It does not matter whether my opinion is right or not but here you are defending yourself against me like I matter to you. Did it ever occur to you not to reply? STOP. Pump your breaks Malik………….
    Good luck with everything DH
  8. csbean

    csbean New Member


    Oh, a pity party. FUN!
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    DH, I agree with you that even though you and I have disagreed on a number of points, we have been able to get along well. I like you and I think you are coming from a place I've never been so I can learn a lot from you. Please stick around, I have already learned from you, I still may not agree, but the education is in learning how to appreciate other thought processes.

    I think that's a lot of what others don't appreciate here. Don't give up. Just like you told me, ignore them if you have to.

    I'll be giving you some good rep soon, only I have to log off and go in through IE because it doesn't work for me in Mozilla Firefox. So I have to do it later.
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Please excuse me for being so naive, I really don't know who this guy is and I thought that song was beautiful. Can you direct me Happy?
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Frankly I can reply to anything and everything I want. I don't understand why me replying to things I want to reply to has any bearing on anything. If I wanna say something, I can. That doesn't make me a drama queen, it makes me an overtalkitive person, for chrissakes.

    Besides, I was bored in class.
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It's not about the rep, you don't gotta give it to me just because I bitched. It just annoyed me the way it was done.

    I get tired of ignoring things. To me ignoring something is just being apathetic, and apathy is not something I usually have. One of my pet peeves about society in general is the apathy that seems to cloud everything. No one seems to care about anything anymore. It makes me sad.

    I'm just being myself. And while I'm constantly told "Just do you, don't worry about other people" it seems to have eluded those people that perhaps it's just how I am. I'm not blowing things out of proportion, I'm just calling attention to something that bugged me. I'm not screaming for torches and pitchforks, sheesh. I am just doing me.

    People get so uncomfortable when emotions are involved with anything, even the slightest hint of it.

    Just because I talk/type a lot doesn't mean I'm overly invested in a situation. It's just how I am. I can type for pages about comic books, it doesn't mean comic books make me cry.
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It's not a guy, it's a group from the late 90s called Blackstreet. They only had about two major hits that I can remember, that song and "No Diggity". I liked them quite a bit back in the day!
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Oh I know that, I wouldn't insult you like that, I think you deserve it because a lot of us would just by "apathetic" about it, and you had the guts to bring it out in the open and talk about it.
  15. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I love you DH! :D
  16. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I've been on this site as long or longer than most people and I've seen far too many women leave because of various misunderstandings. If I was relatively new to the site, I might be inclined to think that DH is making too much of what's been going on.

    However I'm not relatively new...and I've seen a trend wherein ladies that are more expressive...become somewhat alienated and proceed to stop posting on the boards.

    And yes, there is most certainly a difference in some of our (our meaning the brothas) responses to various viewpoints depending on the cup-size/booty size/waist size of the particular lady that posts. DH writes very quickly (i've IM'ed her enough to know this) and she can put a bevy of thoughts down with little time wasted. Consequently her posts tend to be long and elaborate...which is a perfect parallel to her deep way of thinking.

    The emotion tied to her writing is much less than one might realize. When I post..it tends to come across as cavalier and detached (my own opinion). Her writing is often more energetic though it isn't the best descriptor of her state of mind. In other words...an aggressive post by her is generally written with a smirk or smile...I know because I'm on the phone with her quite often when she starts surfing the site while I lay on my bed.

    I have an exam tomorrow...so I'm not going to ramble...but this isn't my last word...I just need some sleep. See y'all later...I will be posting big time on my vacation!
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Oh, a hater. FUN! Anyway, I wouldn't call it a pity party. Just someone, like any of the rest of us, expressing herself, her feelings, and her opinions.
  18. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Don't leave DH. We all love ya here :rock:

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