You and your pets?

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by jaisee, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member


    I was having a conversation with a few friends of mine about animals. In the course of the conversation we began to discuss the differences between the way black people and white people treat their pets. The discussion centered around how black people generally see their pets as animals while white people are more apt to treat their animals as family members.

    So, my questions to you:

    1) What type of pets do you have?
    - 1 dog, 2 cats

    b) Do you see your pets as dependent animals or actual family members?
    - Dependent animals. I love them, I'd run into a burning building for them... but I'd get the humans first (relatives or not)

    iii) Do you sleep with your pets?
    - No. I'm allergic to them AND they shed... I don't even allow my animals in my bedroom.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2012
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    1) What type of pets do you have?
    - 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 budgie

    b) Do you see your pets as dependent animals or actual family members?
    - Family members. I love the animals to pieces and include them in my family.

    iii) Do you sleep with your pets?
    - All animals sleep dog is laying on my couch with me now, and both dog and cat have been known to snuggle on my bed, mainly boof the cat though and dips the dog likes to spread on the couch. my bed can get quite crowded when both kids jump in as well...
  3. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    When did you get a budgie??

    I've met all your pets and they're all rad. Well, except this mysterious budgie. And Tam's late dog. Dipsy is INSANE, but she's gorgeous. Bit like Sammy :p

    I love my pets (that I grew up with, I don't have any that live with me now), but they're definitely treated as (very loved) animals.

    No comments about cats in boxes >_<
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lol...yes, dipsy is completely insane and gorgeous :D

    a girlfriend and i "rescued" the budgie after a few drinks on friday night....
  5. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Does "rescued" mean "stole"..? ;)

    you mad, woman
  6. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    1) What type of pets do you have?

    1 dog

    b) Do you see your pets as dependent animals or actual family members?

    I think after reading Jaisee's reply I follow that thought. I would say I treat him as a animal.

    iii) Do you sleep with your pets?

    No he tries like crazy but I won't let him. He has his own pillow bed. When he goes outside and plays he is not discriminate about what he steps in be it dirt, garbage and other dogs poo. So no not on my clean sheets. :smt107
  7. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I've had dogs. I've seen them as animals, but as best friends, too.

    They've been of course family members.

    we've been together 24hrs, they accompanied me everywhere I was going (except flights). They were always in my house, because they were protective dogs, outside they cannot do anything. My relationship was always very intense, when I was sad, they were sad. They decided themselves, where they wanted to sleep, but preferred mostly in my bed, sometimes on top of me, when we've been not in our own house. i was never teaching them this, they checked always all and everybody around me themselves
  8. TheWilliam

    TheWilliam New Member

    This dog in my house is a burden and nothing but a burden.

    I put up a fake smile and deal with for my nieces.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    would that burden be in your avi pic? strange to put a burden in a pic like that....:rolleyes:
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    3 cats. I really didnt want or want 3 cats, but there it is. 2 geriatric cats, one of them very sick but hanging on. All rescues.

    Family-members for sure - but animals, not treated as kids.

    They occasionally sneak into bed - it depends, but as I am not closing the door to the bedroom, they can jump up there when I am asleep. If you are staying in my house, you better close the door of you dont want a visit from the cats because somehow - overnight guests are very appealing:)
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  12. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I only have one bird (cockatiel), in Australia, right now and I see him as an animal...although I love the little homicidal bastard to death (possibly mine).

    I've had dogs and cats in the past, and I see them as family members...HOWEVER, personally I think it's disrepectful to the animal to see it as anything but the animal it is. So, although they are my family, they are still dogs or cats and treated as such (regardless of what it may seem to people who witness me talking to them). I love them desperately and would risk my life to save theirs if I had to. And I'd, in most cases, rather spend time with them than humans. LOL

    My last dog's ashes still sit in an urn on my desk, his picture staring at me every day.
  13. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    1) What type of pets do you have?
    - 1 Dog (there was a time I had two cats)

    b) Do you see your pets as dependent animals or actual family members?
    - Actual family members.

    iii) Do you sleep with your pets?
    - Yeah, my cat Kasper used to walk under the belly of her while in doggy style position.
  14. Athena

    Athena New Member

    1) What type of pets do you have?

    b) Do you see your pets as dependent animals or actual family members?

    iii) Do you sleep with your pets?
    I would
  15. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    1) What type of pets do you have?
    2 dogs

    b) Do you see your pets as dependent animals or actual family members?
    They're absolutely family, but still dogs. I like my dogs more than most people, and I'd go absolutely insane if anything ever happened to them.

    iii) Do you sleep with your pets?
    When it's really hot, they sleep on my bed, because my bedroom has the air conditioner. But, through the rest of the year, they generally sleep on the bed in the spare room so they can see out the window. Nothing beats waking up to the little nose of my dog, Amos, in my face when my alarm goes off, or the way he lays right on my chest and looks into my eyes.... or, when Ella lays right up against me on the bed with her head on the edge of the dog bed that Amos usually sleeps in so she can look at me, too. Love them! :)
  16. Black DeNiro

    Black DeNiro Well-Known Member

  17. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    1) No pets, but I have a few wild bobcat homies I chill with.

    2) I see them as I see my boys(human)

    3) No, they don't play that shit.

  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    One cat.

    Dependent animal who does his own thing and who's company I enjoy and will miss once he's gone. He's my pet I :heart: and care for, but not my child.

    He sleeps with me more often than not.
  19. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I love your dooogggggssssssss :)

    And FG, I thought it was only two cats? did you adopt another?

    I like that I've met so many of your pets :D
  20. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Why dont you share where you keep your cat, Whikle 8)

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