1. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    yup....what she said!!


    and book, i'll holler at you on myspace....maybe is mr. newpower were on there, i'd holler at him too...but i guess some people just aren't as cool as us, lol!!

    :D :D :D
  2. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    thanks! :)

    that's cool...my husband is a "concrete technician" now. he worked as a field tech before this for a civil engineering work - that company sucked. but the FDOT seems great so far - he's got set hours, benefits, and the pay is def more than his past job. he's happy, and i'm so happy for him! :wink:
  3. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    That's great news superchick! Congrats to you guys! :D
  4. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Some people just can't be as cool as us! :lol: :p
  5. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Congratulations to you and yours. It's even more heart-warming to know that you had his back the entire time he was laid off. You gotta be a down-assed woman to go through something like that with your man.

    Kudos to you.
  6. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member


    Excellent excellent point Tony. Well said.
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Congrats... :D

    Did you hear about that deal the state of Florida made with some company regarding the Everglades???
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

  9. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i heard something about the Everglades, but it was in passing. what did they end up doing?
  10. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    thanks tony! it was such a stressful, stressful few months. we are both so relieved now. me and him have been through alot together in the 8 years we've known eachother....this is just another story to tell our grandbabies. :wink:
  11. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I dunno...gotta look it up...Florida is supposed to be receiving a couple of billion dollars for the deal...
  12. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member


    well let me know if you find anything. you can myspace me if you want, haha.


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