Fixed Akin to wearing pants backwards or video taping breaking a bottle over your own head IMO :smt102
When women argue with paniro, he ignores it because it doesn't suit his agenda. More on topic, I don't see planking as either racist or funny.
with all due respect, you have to calm seem to take things way too serious. you don't know the man to make all these insults and you acting in this way doesn't show you in the best light. tbh with you, there is no definitive answer to how slaves were placed in slave ships, but for many including myself planking brings back those images. with all things you must consider a person's perspective instead of lashing out. i would take naacp's track record on civil rights over paniro.
I can't ride with you on this one. I like fucking with our overly agreeing wo(Man) friend here...but on this I 100% agree. He's a fucking idiot...and worse still he didn't find this information for himself its regurgitated bullshit that I'll bet his ass doesn't even understand. What an idiot.
I was actually talking about Frederick. He thinks that none of the women argue with you because you are apparenrtly cute or something.
ha....they defend brutha Paniro cuz they find him attractive... ...if it was my ugly ass they'd be sending me rep comments calling me an asshole or a jerk, of writting responses feeling sorry for my children. ha ha ha as for the bruthaz no calling him on his bullshit......where the hell of you been? We call him on his bullshit all the time. One think I can say about Uncle Rukus...I mean Paniro. He really doesn't get into the BEEF, so no matter what you say he's still gonna be him. ...and actually I don't disagree with some of the stuff he says (but you right about the women).
it's a waste of time arguing about these things. remember you are on a website(not real life), remember you are dealing with ppl of different races/backgrounds, many of them don't understand what it's like to be a bm, hence why they are ignorant to the tactics of the paniro types. or they are just so insecure they need ppl like him bashing blacks to feel better about themselves. either way its best to ignore and talk to those you get on with instead.
I haven't seen Paniro being defended by women... I certainly did not defend him, I'm quite sure he can take care of himself - I had an issue w what Freddy wrote - it has zero to do w Paniro and 100% w Freddy's usual tactics and that is what I took issue with.
You got me wrong bruh. I know that a lot of dudes here have gotten into it with him, but there have been a couple who defended him. My post was mostly aimed at the women though. I'm glad that someone else here isn't afraid to give an honest assessment of what's been going down here with regards to Stepin Fetchit on this forum. Respect.
What "tactics" would those be? My brutal honesty and fearless truth telling? Like my grandmother always said, if you can't take the heat, then get your weak ass out of the kitchen.