XMarine Sgt PROTOTYPE 50 Cent: BotS ACE COMBAT 6 AFRO SAMURAI Alan Wake Army of Two™ Army of TWO™: TFD Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed II Assault Heroes Bankshot Billiards 2 Batman: Arkham Asylum Battlefield 2: MC Battlefield: Bad Co. Battlefield: Bad Co. 2 BAYONETTA Big Bumpin BioShock Blazing Angels Borderlands Bourne Conspiracy, The Call of Duty 2 Call Of Duty 3 Call of Duty 4 Call of Duty: WaW Cars Chromehounds Command and Conquer 3 Crackdown Darkness, The DEAD OR ALIVE 4 DEAD RISING DiRT™ Dragon Age: Origins Dragon Ball Z: BURST LIMIT Dragon Ball: Raging Blast F.E.A.R. F.E.A.R. 2 Fallout 3 Far Cry® 2 FC Instincts Predator FINAL FANTASY XIII Forza Motorsport 2 Forza Motorsport 3 Full Auto Fuzion Frenzy 2 GALAGA Gears of War Gears of War 2 Grand Theft Auto IV Halo Halo 2 Halo 3 Halo 3: ODST Halo Reach Halo Wars Hexic HD Hitman: Blood Money Hour of Victory Just Cause 2 Kameo Kane and LyncheadMen King Kong Left 4 Dead 2 LOST PLANET Madden NFL 06 Marvel Ult. Alliance Mass Effect Mercenaries 2 Midnight Club: LA Mirror's Edge™ Modern Warfare® 2 MotoGP 06 MS.PAC-MAN MX vs. ATV: Untamed Naruto Rise Of A Ninja NBA LIVE 06 Need For Speed Most Wanted Ninety-Nine Nights NINJA GAIDEN 2 OF: Dragon Rising Orange Box, The Outfit, The Over-G Perfect Dark Zero Pocketbike Racer Prey Project Gotham Racing 3 Quake 4 Red Faction: Guerrilla RESIDENT EVIL 5 Saints Row Saints Row 2 Singularity SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Spider-Man 3 SplinterCellConviction Stranglehold STREET FIGHTER IV Supreme Commander 2 TEKKEN 6 The Force Unleashed Tiger Woods PGA TOUR06 TimeShift Tom Clancy's EndWar Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warrior Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warrior 2 Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X Tom Clancy's RainbowSix Vegas Tom Clancy's RainbowSix Vegas2 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent Tomb Raider Underworld Tomb Raider:Legend Transformers 2 Transformers: The Game Transformers: WFC WANTED:Weapons of Fate WAR TECH:SenkoNoRonde WET XMen Origins Wolverine X-Men:TheOfficialGame
I'm a PS3 and Wii head I don't play them like I should, but here goes my list: PS3: Heavy Rain Saw NBA 2K9 Splinter Cell Double Agent Grand Theft Auto IV Buzz! Quiz TV Wii: Super Mario Bros Mario Kart Family Game Night Arcade Zone Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun CSI: Hard Evidence I'm also very picky when it comes to games I like...
I have three 360s, a Wii and a PS3 and I barely touch the PS3, only for blue ray and I never play with the Wii at all.
lol where do you find the time to play those games i got the red-light of doom when Test Drive:Unlimited came out, and never sent it back for repairs. So, I got a ps3 and that Japanese-made joint hasnt failed me yet. Dust and all. BUT...i would have liked to play Halo:reach, 3, and ODST. I really enjoyed the first one. Other than that, I mostly PC game.
I don't have a lot of time really I might paly 30 - 45 min a day If I get home early. My nanny gets off a 5 so if I can squeeze an hour in I'm lucky.
Sold a lot of my 360 games so here's what I have now. Fable 2 Fallout 3 Tekken 6 Mass Effect 1 Mass Effect 2 Naruto: The Broken Bond The Orange Box Virtua Fighter 5 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion skate. Rainbow 6: Vegas Gears 1 Gears 2 GTA 4 GTA: Liberty City Stories Fight Night Round 3
R6:Vegas was the truth. I was tempted to reinstall that on my PC, and see if I could find anyone online to play with. It doesn't have mic support for pc, so most experiences are pretty positive. People join up to play together, instead of worrying about races and shit. I have Elder Scrolls for PC also, but don't play it a lot. Graphics are tight but it takes getting use to, when you're used to playing the 3/4 isometric RPGs. Only shit I spend money on now are sports games, since their replayability justifies spending 60 fucking dollars. Dropping 60 to beat the shit out of the same guys, as Ryu aint happening.
I used to love shittin' on victims in Vegas. I would just turn my mic down. I used to love NBA games when I was younger. Didn't matter who made it and it if was shitty. I was on it. I remember when Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside game dropped when I was in like 3rd grade. I played that shit for years. I don't like sports games anymore, though. 90s sports games were the shit. None of that micromanagement shit you got today. I love RPGs now, but they have to be action ones with driect control of the character like Elder Scrolls. And open worlds are a bonus. No linear shit. Took me hella long to beat that game. Fallout Vegas has a midnight release tonight and I pre-preordered that shit back in May but I have no money right now. When I get my financial aid check, though, I'm gettin' that shit. Fable 3 is gonna be the shit, too.
lol...i remember work-study checks being deposited right into my bank account, although it's a form of 'financial-aid' I said this before, but don't buy MOH unless you want to play online. Campaign is very, very short. I may look into Call of Duty:black ops when it drops. As for RPG, you havent played shit until you get your throwback on with Final Fantasy:Tactics.
I haven't been a fan of Medal of Honor since it was on the PS1. I'll wait for my friend to buy Black Ops and play it at his house. He and our other friend are fucking addicted to CoD. They played though all those co-op modes on verteran mode and got that presteige level shit. They got a 12 houor CoD session in a couple weeks ago. Jesus. I was never big on FF. FF13 does look sick as fuck, though. I met the voice actress for the main character for FF13 last month at an anime convention. I felt shitty because I didn't have the game and couldn't find a poster in the vendor's room but I got an autographed pic. Plus, she played one of my favorite characters from Mass Effect, but I left my copy at home. She look pretty damn good too.
That's crazy. I do remember having long sessions with the GOAT WCW vs NWO, when I was in high school. I used to go over to my cousins house, and everyone would come over and 4-play the shit out of my nintendo 64. That's arguably one of the best wrestling games of all time.
Dude, you're tellin' me. Can't even begin to explain how heavy in rotation that game was for me. Played that shit at home AND at school cause we had an N64 at school. AKI Man, Han Zo Mon, Rey Meysterio and La Park ALL DAY!!!! And if you chose to play as Sting, you got a night stick from the start. I remember when I discovered how to pull out weapons from the crowd. I wouldn't tell that secret for shit. :smt043This game really was on Smash Bros, Mario Kart status.
Seriously I tried the other shit, that was coming out for dreamcast and xbox, but that game STILL had them beat. It wasn't even all about the graphics. The wrestling mechanics and gameplay made that thing a 5 out of 5. I havent really played a wrestling game since, but UFC stuff isnt bad. I got to get into the Smackdown stuff.
Dreamcast didn't have many good wrestling games. DC was my favorite system though. I was so damn happy when I got that system So much fun shit. Shenmue(favorite game of all time), Jet Grind Radio was RIDICULOUS, NFL2K was epic, Super Runabout. I didn't have a Playstation for most of the 90s but whenenver I went to my friend's house, we were all on Smackdown. I remember smackdown 2 had the Hell in a Cell and Table matches. Best feature EVER. Never was a fan of the UFC games, but I played a demo of the one from last year and it was preey cool.
dont slack on the DC...it was the first system with full-functional Marvels vs Capcom 2. That shit is BEAST. NFL2k was solid too. I remember watching the demo at Electronics Boutique, and was amazed at how realistic and fluid it looked. This was when Madden was pumping out the same garbage each year (like it still does). NFL2k came along and broke the mold. Too bad the series got dicked by EA.
DC didn't fuck around at all. Everything was on point Shame it met it's fate because of bad release timing. Started off strong, though. Capcom vs. SNK 2 for the DC. My favorite fighting game. I mastered that game damn near in the summer I graduated 8th grade. That controller was perfect(360 bascially bit the DC controller design). Only thing that will top Capcom vs. SNK 2 is Soul Calibur. Those graphics were RIDICULOUS! 1999 and that shit was damn near on some 2004 shit. THAT was one of the smoothest running games for the DC. It was one of those perfect 10 games. It was flawless.
DC was a good system. I skipped right over the ps2 with it. Next system I bought was the xbox. Even still, I kept the dreamcast on point, because Xbox didnt have a lot of stuff when it first came out. Me and my roomie played the shit out of halo tho. Shit I remember watching all the websites, to see if I could snipe a xbox package for like 600 dollars before Christmas. I still do that when new systems come out.