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Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Mikey, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Bree Olsen, a phenomenal scientist at the department of human Anatomy and physiology. Her expertise in the handling of the male Anatomy has earned her the nick name Godess from Charlie Sheen.

  2. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    That's me. I liked to be punched, kicked, spanked, tied to the bed and kicked in the face....

    ...no wait


    ...ok never mind.
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member


    This is unrelated to the topic, but the forum went through a "rough patch" with regards to how the men treated women back in December and January when I was browsing on here and I first joined the site.

    You should view that thread and go to Page 3 and read the 21st post, which was made by Tamstrong. If you feel the need to make a response directly to it, I would recommend making a post there and bumping that thread up if you want to.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Elizabeth H Blackburn

    2009 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine
    for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase.
  5. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Wow. Tamstrong rocks. And she's right there, the Oppression Olympics doesn't help anyone. Winning means losing.
  6. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member


    Sister Elizabeth Kenny - Medical Pioneer

    Elizabeth Kenny was born in Warialda, N.S.W. on 20 September, 1880. At age 9 her family moved to the Clifton district and later to the Nobby district. When she was 18, Ms Kenny began training as a nurse in Sydney, but, before completing her training, she returned to the Downs where she opened a small hospital at Clifton.

    This was where she treated her first polio victim. While doctors immobilised the paralysed muscle in a cast or splint, Sister Kenny treated the limb with powerful massage and heat packs to keep it mobile. Sister Kenny enlisted in the AIF as a nurse when war broke out and was appointed a sister on 1 November, 1917.

    She returned to Australia in 1919 after having been wounded, receiving a British War Medal for her services. Back in Australia Sister Kenny became involved in the life of the community, being responsible for the formation of the Nobby CWA and became its first president in 1925.

    In 1926 Sister Kenny invented the Sylvia stretcher to be used in the transport of accident cases to reduce shock. It was patented and sold in many countries. In the same year Sister Kenny adopted Mary Stewart who later became one of her most significant therapists.

    Clinics for the treatment of polio victims were opened in Townsville, Brisbane & Toowoomba. Although her unorthodox treatments for polio often brought her into conflict with the medical profession in Australia, Sister Kenny won acclaim in the U.S. where the Kenny Foundation for the treatment of infantile paralysis was set up in Minneapolis & other clinics were opened.

    LH files – LH/Kenny, Elizabeth
    Wallace, Elizabeth – “A tribute to Sister Elizabeth Kenny” 1950.
  7. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    The Mercury 13


    25 women, narrowed down to 13, who participated in and passed the very same physical and psychological tests that determined the original astronauts. These 13 women - Jerrie Cobb, Bernice Steadman, Janey Hart, Jerri Truhill, Rhea Woltman, Sarah Ratley, Jan and Marion Dietrich, Myrtle Cagle, Irene Leverton, Gene Nora Jessen, Jean Hixson, and Wally Funk - passed the same tests as the Mercury 7.

    But they were not allowed to be astronauts because they were women.
  8. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Women writers in history part 1

    As for the arts, http://echidneofthesnakes.blogspot.com/ has been running a very interesting series on women writers in history. I'm lifting part 7 and posting it here because that blog isnt set up to let me link directly to the article, but if anyone's interested I can direct you to the first six parts, which go back to 2250 BCE. I assume this series will continue up to the present. I have to split this post into two sections to get it all in.

    Julian of Norwich (c. 8 November 1342 – c. 1416) was one of the most
    important English mystics, venerated in the Anglican and Lutheran
    churches. Little is known of her life apart from her writings. However,
    it is known that at the age of 30, suffering from a severe illness and
    believing she was on her deathbed, Julian had a series of intense
    visions of Jesus Christ. She was at home during this time, and gives no
    mention of her personal life up unto that point, so some scholars have
    suggested that Julian was unmarried or possibly a widow who lost her
    husband and children in the plague. In any case, Julian wrote down a
    narration of the visions immediately following them, which is known as
    The Short Text of the Revelation of Love. Twenty to thirty years later
    she wrote a theological exploration of the meaning of the visions,
    known as The Long Text of the Revelation of Love. These visions are
    also the source of her major work, called Sixteen Revelations of Divine
    Love (circa 1393). This is believed to be the first book written in the
    English language by a woman. Julian's theology was optimistic, speaking
    of God's love in terms of joy and compassion as opposed to law and
    duty. For Julian, suffering was not a punishment that God inflicted, as
    was then the common understanding. She believed that God loved and
    wanted to save everyone. Similarly, Julian saw no wrath in God. She
    believed wrath existed only in humans but that God forgives us for
    this. Julian's theology was controversial in regard to her belief in
    God as mother. In her fourteenth revelation, Julian writes of the
    Trinity in domestic terms, comparing Jesus to a mother who is wise,
    loving, and merciful. Julian's revelation revealed that God is our
    mother as much as He is our father. Julian became well known throughout
    England as a spiritual authority: the English mystic (and author of the
    first known autobiography written in England) Margery Kempe mentions
    going to Norwich to speak with her. Grace Warrack's 1901 version of
    Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love, with her sympathetic informed
    introduction, introduced most early twentieth-century readers to
    Julian. After this, Julian's name spread rapidly as she became a topic
    in many lectures and writings. In 1979 an annotated edition of Julian's
    work was published, and after this her book was widely sold and
    discussed, at a time of renewed spiritual searching by many. Her books
    are widely available in English.

    Christine de Pizan (also seen as de Pisan) (1363 – c. 1430) was a
    Venetian-born woman of the medieval era who strongly challenged
    misogyny and stereotypes prevalent in the male-dominated medieval
    culture. As a poet, she was well known and highly regarded in her own
    day. In her The Tale of the Rose (1402) and Letters on the Debate of
    the Romance of the Rose (1403), she attacked Jean de Meun’s writing for
    its immoral, often vicious portrayals of women. She endured criticism
    for being too pointedly on the defensive. By 1405, Christine de Pizan
    had completed her most successful literary works, The Book of the City
    of Ladies and The Treasure of the City of Ladies, also called The Book
    of the Three Virtues. The first of these shows the importance of
    women’s past contributions to society, and the second strives to teach
    women of all estates how to cultivate useful qualities in order to
    counteract the growth of misogyny. The Book of the City of Ladies is
    commonly held to be the first feminist text written by a Western woman.
    Christine’s final work was a poem eulogizing Joan of Arc. Written in
    1429, The Tale of Joan of Arc celebrates the appearance of a female
    military leader who, according to Christine, vindicated and rewarded
    all women’s efforts to defend their own sex. Besides its literary
    qualities, this poem is important to historians because it is the only
    record of Joan of Arc outside of the documents of her trial. After
    completing this particular poem, it seems that Christine, at the age of
    sixty-five, decided to end her literary career. The poem is available
    in English and French at
    http://www.maidofheaven.com/joanofarc_song_pisan_contents.asp. The
    standard English translation of The Book of the City of Ladies is by
    Earl Jeffrey Richards (1982). The first English translation of The
    Treasure of the City of Ladies, also called The Book of the Three
    Virtues is Sarah Lawson’s (1985). Some of Christine's writings about
    Jean de Meun's writing are available in "Debate of the Romance of the
    Rose (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe)", translated by David F.

    Margery Kempe (c. 1373 – after 1438) is known for writing The Book of
    Margery Kempe, a work considered by some to be the first autobiography
    in the English language. This book chronicles, to some extent, her
    extensive pilgrimages to various holy sites in Europe and Asia, as well
    as her mystical conversations with God. She is honoured in the Anglican
    Communion. Her work is widely available in English.

    Teresa de Cartagena (b. c. 1425) was a Spanish author and nun who fell
    deaf between 1453–1459, which influenced her two known works Arboleda
    de los enfermos (Grove of the Infirm) and Admiraçión operum Dey (Wonder
    at the Works of God). The latter work represents what many critics
    consider as the first feminist tract written by a Spanish woman. Both
    Arboleda and Admiraçión are semi-autobiographical works that provide an
    authentic written voice of the Medieval female, a true rarity among
    works of the Middle Ages. Teresa’s first essay, Grove of the Infirm,
    examines the effect of her deafness on her life and its spiritual
    development. After being devastated by the initial onset of the
    illness, Teresa meditates in the silent prison of her deafness and
    ultimately concludes that God has afflicted her in order to separate
    her from the distractions of everyday noise. After much reflection in
    the prison of echoing sounds within the cloisters of her ears, Teresa
    reasons that her soul would have been purer if she had never been
    exposed to speech at all, which makes one turn to the outside material
    world and forget the inner spiritual world. The copyist, Pero López,
    indicates that her work was addressed to Juana de Mendoza, wife of
    Gómez Manrique, a poet and prominent political figure of the time, but
    within Arboleda, she addresses a “virtuosa señora” (virtuous lady) who
    may be Juana de Mendoza and suggests a female audience at large.
    Despite her strategies to disarm the male reader in Arboleda, men still
    rejected Teresa’s work as plagiarized. In response to this male
    criticism, she composed Admiraçión operum Dey, making the argument that
    if God created men who could write, then he could just as well have
    created women who could write, and while men have been writing for
    centuries, it does not make it any more natural for them to write, but
    rather it seems natural because men have been writing for such a long
    time. In addition, simply because women have not traditionally written
    like men, it does not mean that female writing is any less natural.
    Cleverly, Teresa argues that if God bestows a gift upon men then he can
    just as well bestow the same gift upon women, thus concluding that the
    criticisms of her opponents call into question God’s authority to
    distribute gifts and consequently offend him. The “virtuosa señora”
    addressed in the second work as in the first acts as the female
    listener who sympathizes with Teresa’s concerns. To further illustrate
    her point, the author makes use of various imagery and references,
    alluding to the Bible story of the powerful Judith who kills Holofernes
    after a whole army of men could not perform the task. She also expounds
    upon the virtue of the interior life of the housewife. Her writings are
    available in English as "The Writings of Teresa de Cartagena:
    Translated with Introduction, Notes, and Interpretive Essay.",
    translated by Dayle Seidenspinner-Núñez.

    Gwerful Mechain (1462-1500), who lived in Mechain in Powys, is perhaps
    the most famous female Welsh-language poet. Little is known of her life.
    Her work, composed in the traditional strict Welsh poetic meters, is
    often a celebration of religion and sex, sometimes within the same
    poem. Probably the most famous part of her work today is her erotic
    poetry, especially Cywydd y Cedor ("Ode to the Pubic Hair"), a poem
    praising the vulva. It is a work in which she criticizes male poets for
    celebrating so many parts of a woman's body, but not their genitals.
    "Let songs to the quim circulate," she declares. As for the pubic hair:
    "Lovely bush, God save it." This poem is available in English. Unfortunately there does not appear to be an English translation of a
    collection of her poems at this time.
  9. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Women writers in history part 2

    Laura Cereta (1469–1499) was a Renaissance humanist and feminist. Most
    of her writing was in the form of letters to other intellectuals. After
    the death of her husband she concentrated on scholarly pursuits,
    publishing a volume of her letters in 1488, called Epistolae
    familiares. She was highly criticized for publishing her own work. Her
    father died six months after she published her letters, and she no
    longer felt inspired to write because of her father's death and the
    large amount of criticism from both men and women of her time. Cereta
    died unexpectedly in 1499 at the age of 30. No writings from her last
    years of life survived. In her letters, Cereta defended women's right
    to education and fought the oppression of married women. Her letters
    circulated widely in Italy during the Early Modern Period, and laid the
    groundwork for the feminism of the Enlightenment. Cereta's letters also
    discussed war, death, fate, chance, and malice. Her letter to Bibolo
    Semproni has one of the few medieval references to the 1st century BC
    woman poet, Cornificia. Unlike most women of her time, Cereta was able
    to partake in letter writing because she had the social contacts to
    participate. Laura Cereta's complete letters are available in English
    as "Collected Letters of a Renaissance Feminist (The Other Voice in
    Early Modern Europe)", translated by Diana Robin.
  10. Formyfriends

    Formyfriends New Member


    WOW! All you ladies rock. I never knew almost any of the information you are all writing about. I am making a short list of things to read. Keep it going.:D
  11. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ellen Swallow Richards
    Chemistry and engineering
    Born in 1842-1911

    Ellen was the first woman to enroll in a technical institute (MIT), in 1870.
    She has founded the science of home economics and promoted science for women.

  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    nice meeting you welcome to the site
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    nice thread

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