WW, why don't you date WM::BM why don't you date BW?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by JennyArt, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. maybe I missed it, but why is Jenny's status banned?
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    "She" is a troll.
  3. Melemele

    Melemele Restricted

    have to agree. strong criticism
  4. babybro

    babybro New Member

    You wouldn't agree if you actually saw the person post history. A clear example of a troll at it's finest. But of course, nothing should be done about trolls. They should be allowed to spit their venom all across the only message board dedicated towards white women and black men, easily the most hated relationship in america.
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Some people don't get it.

    They just want a free-for-all with no moderation.
  6. babybro

    babybro New Member

    Straight up anarchy, which in itself is madness. That's the entire point of mods, to keep things in line and in check. Otherwise this forum would've BEEN overrun with trolls from across the internet criticizing BM/WF relationships. Just look at hater site for christ sake, it's the mods whose are single line of defense that keeps those crazy ladies away from this place.

    I enjoy the peace and serenity of being able to discuss wf/bm relationships without having to worry about being attacked by trolls. to discuss about the beauty and personality of white women without the evil eyes you see in IR romance pictures.
  7. qnet

    qnet New Member

    I think if they had read the other post, they would have understood more.

    I agree, that's what I like about this forum. I used to belong to a Black & Asian forum but, it wasn't like this one. I don't even think some of the asian women even dated or liked BM, they just seemed curious about it. The kind of stuff that's posted in the men's locker room would have never been allowed there. hell, if you even talked about "body parts" too much as one asian women mentioned, they got upset.

    There was a poster who upon his first post, blasted all the BM, calling us racist. I got in a few arguments with him and, finally just left because no one, including the asian women who took over the forum ( that was started by a BM), said anything to him.

    It was one of the worst experiences I've ever had on a internet forum and, I may have took it too personel.
  8. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    ever been to yahoo answers other cultures and groups section? bm and ww are allways blasted on there, say anything about any other IR combo and its all lies, but iam glad i found this forum, i know on others i would get weak ass white men complaining about me liking black men, i remember my days on the myspace forums in the love and relationships section

    allways used to get those annoying weak ass white men complaining about ww who liked bm, other wm didnt care just you allways got the few who did
  9. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    What is the name of this forum?
  10. qnet

    qnet New Member

    The name was blasian forums but, if you google it, you will find another similar forum that was started by a African dude, who got into it with asian women on the other forum.

    The original forum doesn't exist anymore but, if you go to the one started by the African dude, it was very similar to that one. That forum is pretty dead and, some of the last post were 2008. It's kind of sad because those types of forums are very rare and, there were some good conversations going on there. There was also some good arguments, just like here but, it seemed much more serious. if you visit there, my username was q1987.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2011
  11. qnet

    qnet New Member

    I haven't been to any of those but, I'm not surprised because, I've seen it elsewhere on the net. I stumbled onto a WM & BM forum and, they were even more stricter than this one, although this one isn't that strict.

    I guess I mean strict, in that they didn't allow anyone who even slightly criticized them on there. It was in their announcements/welcome section that if you had any issue with WM/BW being together, than you are not welcome, they didn't care and, basically stay away. Not a big deal to me because, I'm not a hypocrite but, I thought that was interesting.
  12. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Cool thanks.
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I'd say probably not. More than likely this person has the exact same mind set as the OP, but unlike the OP at least this person has the intelligence to keep their opinions quite more or less so that they may continue to lurk & post here as they want.
  14. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    BW just aren't attracted to me, as much as WW are.
  15. AL JAHIZ

    AL JAHIZ New Member

    I'm open to dating all women..
  16. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    I grew up in the suburbs. I am pretty sure if you are a WW you know my weakness is breasts. But also in my experience, some black families act like " meet the browns." The is more making fun of each other than love. I grew up in an adoring and loving home, and from all the black women I have met none, have been as loving, caring or affection as WW. I want a girl I truly love and she loves me. I thought about an ex awhile ago and though if she had a craving in the middle of the night would I go to the store for her, happily I would go. This is the type of woman I want. Where we don't second guess each other. Also I need to feel and hear love, otherwise I will think I have done something wrong. I love accents and hope to stop by the south U.S. someday, but as of now, I want to hear if the rumors of German and French girls are true. I guess light skinned black are in high demand France.
  17. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    Why date a ww over a bw.> WW tend to be calmer, more beautiful, more affectionate and able to express emotions in a positive way. Once you find the personality traits you adore in ww, their is not turning back. I also like Hispanic women, but I think ww find me more physically attractive
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2012
  18. King Charming

    King Charming New Member

    I like all races of women.:smt110
  19. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Without going into a lot of background detail... What's it to you?

    How does it change your life?
  20. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    If it's pink in the inside, I'll

    wait a minute, you typed date; Race is as important as hair color to me regarding dating, so I'd gladly date a BW if we were a good fit.

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