WW like BM because they are easy lays?

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by fly girl, May 6, 2009.

  1. Big Charles

    Big Charles Banned

    Naw. I've just commented only on the topics that really interested me here so far.

    Like I said before, many of you are very oversensitive and immature. You can't handle the truth so you throw around insults. Try engaging in a debate for a change instead of acting like a little girl.

    Last year.
  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    So, the only thing that interests you about White Women are the ones you hate. Bigot much?

    I can handle the truth, and I happen to like insults. You call me a little girl, but you're a troll and as such humanly incapable of debate. If you want a debate, give me something real to debate, something more than a perusal of your favorite online personals. Give me stats, or give me anecdotes, or at least pretend to be a human. Because I like debate, but if it's not around I'll take kicking your troll ass, because hell, I'm good at it.

    Besides, I debated you without insults the last 3 times you were here. Maybe I'll leave the insults out the next username you use. Maybe.

    Liar. The only White Women you've seen are on tv.
  3. Big Charles

    Big Charles Banned

    I guess this isn't the right forum for me. I expected some intelligent discussion and was greeted with nothing but oversensitivity and insults. It's funny to see that some here get so upset when a brother simply says he isn't down with the white man's rejects and leftovers. LOL Ya'll probably just mad because you epitomize those type of women.
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    does that make you a black women's reject...if so, why would we want you?? you aren't here for intelligent discussion...in order to have an intelligent exchange you must bring something to the table and apparently you showed up at this buffet empty handed:(
  5. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Now now, Lipstick. Don't interrupt the man's swansong. He needs all his focus to choose a new username.

    We'll miss you, Big Charles, at least for the next 45 minutes until you show up under a different name.
  6. Big Charles

    Big Charles Banned

    I'm no black woman reject because I can get a good black woman. I date whoever I happen to click with, and I got the same standards for the black and white women that I date. There are a lot of things that I bring to the table in a relationship, but I'm not going to waste my time telling then to a hater like you.

    I brought my experiences and plenty of valid opinions to the table but ya'll didn't want to hear it.
  7. chicity

    chicity New Member

    You went to White Women Black Men for intelligent discussion about how ugly, racist & slutty the White Women who date Black Men are? That's all you've discussed since you go here. And you're really condemning people for not responding to that with more respect? Srsly?

    Yes. Every one of us is a Jerry Springer wannabe, complete with weaping bedsores and unpronouncable STD's. Run, before the Caucasian cooties getcha!
  8. Big Charles

    Big Charles Banned

    This is the same childishness that I was talking about. It's sad to know that you people can't handle someone with differing opinions without trying to discredit them.
  9. Big Charles

    Big Charles Banned

    Now, I didn't say all were like that. A very large number, yes, but not all.

    You're tryin to make a joke and its a generalization but there is still a lot of truth to that.
  10. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you may find that type of woman on the personals side but not here...if anything we run them off as well...we are a fairly tight knit group and although we don't always see eye to eye...most of the men here are of quality...the last thing i would want to see one of the guys here hooked up with is white trash...the flipside is that the women on the forum seek/find and deserve a man of quality as well...

    so when people like yourself come trolling spouting off about what you think you know about us...perhaps you should spend a little more time lurking/learning first or find yourself in the line of fire

    i hope we understand each other
  11. chicity

    chicity New Member

    You're now saying that the women at this site who you are conversing with right now are ugly slutty worthless crapbags, and you still whine about the lack of respect you've received?

    Hey, did you know? If you pour horse vomit down someone's throat, they can be so rude! They never even stop to thank you for the drink! Tsk. The nerve.
  12. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I think it needs to be recorded for time, btw, that this guy actually just suggested that there's "a lot of truth" to Caucasian Cooties.

    Run before they getcha!
  13. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member


    Sorry, there isn't much truth to it, Charles.

    Seriously, there is probably an equal rate of black trash women as there are white trash women. Also, why is it that everyone has a problem with a man dating a fat white women but it's great if they date a fat black one (I'm not fat for the record though, lol)? It makes no sense.

    If you're only seeing white women on Maury of course you're going to think they're all like that. I suggest you get out more. But In that case, since we're generalising, all black guys are ghetto thugs who don't look after their 10 kids, don't have a job and spend all day driving around in an old ass car that cost more to pimp out than the car cost itself.
  14. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    lipstick, I almost forgot why I love you so much! Way to bring it, Ma!

    BC, you're a joke, for real. You want honest debate about fat, sloppy, ugly ww? Here? come on, have you looked at us ladies? Not a sloppy, ugly chica among us.

    So what exactly are you angling for? A gushy "Yes, you are so right, big guy.....(a breathy) I mean, I know all those ugly nasty hoes getting on with those self hating brothas?" "Can you believe that mess?"

    No really. What do want? Honest debate? Someone to see your point? WTF is your point b/c I have obviously missed it, just sounded like the same old tired tripe I hear from haters.

    Like the people who get all mad when they realize you aren't fat, ugly and sloppy.
  15. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Damn you are good!!
  16. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

  17. :smt042
  18. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    word...I hear you on this one brah...I have many of white women, not to say anything bad about them, but they just was not my type. If you know what I meant. Yet, they remain so super confident that would get somewhere with me. I am always like wow, brothers are going to have to be more selective, these women heads are super blown up...
  19. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Sistas heads are wayyyyyy more blown up than WW. Ya'll need to quit.
  20. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator


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