WW...Bolder & Making the First Move???

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I've noticed from my own experiences and reading threads here that WW seem to be very bold, direct, and quite often made the first move on brothas that they like. For example, I was once on a dating site (long story) SPECIFICALLY for BM and BW, not IR relationships. But this site was packed with WW "looking" for BM! I was blown away!

    I was wondering...how many ladies here made the first move in their IR relationship?
    How many guys had their WW step to them?
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I support it 100% I love for them to make the first move because they know what they want instead of waiting for the guy to come to her,plus their actions informs the player that he is not for them. If the bros can't take it than that's too bad.
  3. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    When a WW made the move on me for the very first time, it caught me way off guard I guess the fact because its sorta rare....so I wasnt on my game that day.... which sucks...never again will I be guard. :?
  4. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    When a WW made the move on me for the very first time, it caught me way off guard I guess the fact because its sorta rare....so I wasnt on my game that day.... which sucks...never again will I be guard. :?
  5. designer

    designer New Member

    One thing I've learned about most women is that when they want something, they will go after it just like guys would. I don't mean like a guy in terms of style but most women know that guy's won't always make the first move so they'll either do it their way or they'll do it in such a way as to make the guy think that he made the first move.

    This is the nature of most women.

    If women do not make the first move then many relationships would never be.

    I've had a few white women make the first move with me which I have zero problem with.
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I wished more WW have the guts to go after the brother of their desires and wants.
  7. Sneakeedyck

    Sneakeedyck New Member

    Also dont sleep on chat lines. Many WW go on those looking for BM.
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I have not been on chat for while. Hope I will start soon.
  9. Ajay

    Ajay New Member

    the bolder the better

    I have been approached often by nice white women and I love their rap game, keep it coming ladies
  10. brewcitychick

    brewcitychick New Member

    Funny that you start a topic like this jellybird!

    I picked up my man at a bar, but I already wrote about it under another thread going about "meeting decent girls in bars"
    If you haven't read it, basically I saw this sexy bm at a bar, thought he was very fine, and did what I had to in order to get him to notice me. Fortunately (or unfortunately) he was so oblivious to my advances that I was forced to grab his butt! 5 years later I am glad I did! Although if I am single again, I don't know if I would go THAT far again - or I might just get slapped!
  11. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine any brother slapping you brew. If he did he is worst than a cream puff. At least you know what you want in a brother.
  12. brewcitychick

    brewcitychick New Member

    True true - but there is a definite double standard. Most women are VERY turned off when a man grabs their behind (ie: Mistress B :) ). Yet, when I grabbed a man's behind, well, it got me a man! I guess I should be thankful that there are a few double standards out there that are actually beneficial to women...
  13. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    And the double standard is even greater when the woman is considered "attractive." We (guys) will let a beautiful woman get away with almost anything. (I guess you must be quite a catch!)
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hey Brew,if a brother comes up to you and talk his game ask him if he wants his butt grabbed. If he says No ignore him. I don't mind if a WW did it to me. Forget those double standards. Time is too short for old fashioned methods.
  15. brewcitychick

    brewcitychick New Member

    Hey Soulful - I think maybe you misunderstood? :?:

    What I mean is that there is an "ass grabbing" double standard against men (sorry guys! I know it isn't fair :cry: ) Us women are lucky that most men would welcome that kind of advance. Whereas, about 99% of women would become angered if a man grabbed their behind. Honestly, I don't think I would neccessarily like it - but I wouldn't get upset. But then that leads to another double standard based off of attractiveness. If some Morris Chesnut look alike grabbed me from behind, I would probably "back it up"! :twisted: But if it was a creepy old man, well, then I would probably tell him to get his damn hands off me! I forget the comedian, but he joked that the difference between hitting on a woman and sexual harassment is how attractive the guy is!
  16. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    It probably because older white women have come to the realization that the hang ups they had when they were younger such as what would the family and friends think about her dating black men and her own don't matter anymore. Plus as white women get older their selection of white men are limited because those same white men are looking for younger women to fill the void.

    Now being mature, these white women are open to dating men of color because the pressure is gone.
  17. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    True Brew. A woman who has not known the man or is not attracted to him will get offended if he grabs her behind. Even when wasted she would not like it.
  18. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    I guess it's true, women like all the benefits but none of the consequences/responsibilities of acting like a man.
  19. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Haha that's funny you remembered that from another thread!! :lol: I should say...I love the ass grabbing if a/ he is sexxxxayyy and b/ he's made the effort to make conversation with me first!!
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Wished I met a woman like you in London.

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