A story that is getting little play here in this country's controlled media is what the socialist government of Cyprus is attempting to do for their euro bailout problem. The government of Cyprus want to implement a 10% tax on the savings and retirement accounts of it's citizens. This will be done without the approval of the account holder. The government will literally raid the accounts of it's citizens with a tax without their approval. There is currently a run on the banks in that country. What surprise me is how little traction this story is getting in this country. Could it be that the elites who are controlling our media and government want to install a similar measure in this country without citizens being aware of it someday if this country should hit financial disaster which many are predicting?
I don't really listen to mainstream media (thank God) so the alternative outlet that discussed this last night was also mortified. The fact is this money they are taxing ... has already been taxed originally. It's just plain robbery. The good news for us here is this can not happen to us - because the U.S prints its own money (and would do that). Cypress does not. The bad news for the E.U and Euro is this is causing major investor panic on the European Stock Exchange....which ultimately affects our S.E.