1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    ...Wasn't quite sure where to post this, but this works I guess! It's a conversation, but he's not black, and apparently suffering severely because of it.

    Short background: Met him through deviantart, knew he was weird from the beginning (definitely -not- a person I'd ever meet in person. You know, one of "those" internet creeps.) He was interesting to talk to for a while, past few weeks he's been creeping me out cause he keeps asking me for porn and asking me to watch him jack off.

    I'm pretty open minded so instead of getting offended I just repeatedly explain I'm not really into that, and I'm not watching a guy wank unless it makes me horny, which it doesn't, so there's no point. Boring kinks like that should be reserved for those occasions when you want to please someone you love, not some internet weirdo. Anyway, this is our conversation, verbatum.

    Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

    Savvy says:
    Still don't want to watch>
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    No thanks. yer not black enough for me
    Savvy says:
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    Nothing personal, I just prefer dark meat!
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    haha, i made a funny.
    Savvy says:
    Yeah, your problem
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    I'm just teasing
    Savvy says:
    I am being more than polite
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    I'm in a weird mood. Though honestly, the whole watching thing just isn't for me darlin.
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    I appreciate the offer tho@
    Savvy says:
    You insullted me based on the colour of my skin.
    Savvy says:
    I'm not sure I can talk to you anymore
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    It was a joke based on my preference for black men. Sheesh.
    Savvy says:
    I could say a lot of things, but I won't
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    Some men like blondes, some girls like chocolate.
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    I apologise if I really offended you, it wasn't my intention.
    Savvy says:
    Some men are idiots, some women are... well idiots
    Savvy says:
    I am fucking offended
    Savvy says:
    Good bye
    Darling Nikki (Matt! Don't appear offline!) says:
    ok, then have a nice day, you fucking psycho

    The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
    ok, then have a nice day, you fucking psycho

    He blocked me, thus not recieving that comment, so I changed my screen name to "Darling Nikki (Hey Savvy, you're fucking psychotic)"
    He unblocked me long enough to send me this message, before promptly blocking me again.

    Savvy says:
    And you're a fucking racist

    Holy Ghost on a slice of toast, Batman!
    I must be in a funk lately, ain't nobody understands when I'm kidding anymore!
  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Oh geez....that must be awkward. You are definitely a cutie disposableheroine but if I was trying to steal you from your man....inviting you to watch me pleasure myself probably wouldn't be the way to do it....no matter how much "sausage" I'm handling... 8)

    If you were younger....that could have been one of those "Dateline" NBC pedophile busts

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