Would you marry someone who worked from home?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by craxy, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    My ultimate goal in life was to get a secure job out there and meet my future s/o. As it turns out, I didn't pass my exam for this job I wanted. Now I'm considering online work. Any suggestion? Are there any legit internet jobs out there?

    And women, would you marry someone who was working from the internet and might be successful off of it?
  2. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I'd marry someone who worked from home - in fact that would be fantastic! The only qualifiers are that I'm madly in love with them and they are madly in love with me oh and they are a great human being.
  3. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I don't really care what jobe he does, unless it's dangerous.
    Having my man working at home could be cool, though :cool:
  4. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    It wouldn't matter to me as long as they could support themselves
  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i work from home...meaning i have a home office...i have office days for my job...working at home can be great as long as you are disciplined...i always have a list going of what needs to be accomplished...

    i told britty about a legitimate online work from home business called alpine access...i have a couple of friends that do this because they have small children and don't want to work outside the home...they pay around $15.00 per hour which is great if you are not paying childcare as well...

    there are set fees and home office requirements: computer, high speed internet, head set phone etc...but once you get on board you can choose your own shifts...i believe 4 hours at a time...

    as far as requirements to date someone...i feel like having a job and/or going to school is the only expectation...
  6. Complex

    Complex New Member

    I don’t really understand why you are giving up because you did not pass the job exam. Surely, the field you are pursuing is not monopolised by one company.

    Will working at home keep you financially stable in order to support a wife and child in the years to come?
  7. alli

    alli New Member

    If they were already successful then yes. No problem. I telecommuted for a while after my oldest was born and it was great. I had to quit once my second was born because it was just too much but before that it was perfect for us.
  8. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    I get nervous when I take a test. I'm not giving up, I'm pursuing something else.

    I did find a site called GDI. As for family, I have no interest in having kids. Fatherhood isn't for me.
  9. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Fair enough!

    From my analysis, many Women do not care how you make an income providing you can support their needs.

    I would imagine finding a Woman that does not want to have a child with the person they love a far bigger obstacle than one that will accept you for working at your flat.

    Of course, the girls you’ve encountered could differ from the ones I’ve dated.

  10. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Perhaps this is true to an extent. Personally, I would like a partner in whom I can be proud, respect and encouraged by. I want someone who is motivated and fulfilling their dreams. I can take care of my own needs and as long as he is stable, I would much rather someone interesting.

    I would not date someone who undertook work which I had a moral objection against. And this includes many things.

    As for working from home - I would hope it was a phase and that he was on his way to achieving something more aligned with his dreams. Unless of course his dream is to work from home. In which case, I would probably question whether we had similar life goals.
  11. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Such thoughts are rare in this day in age. You'll find many women would rather have a guy working at a newsstand making $300.000 a year versus a Doctor who would make $120.000 a year.

    Of course, a Doctor is more prestigious than a bloke operating a newspaper stand. However, the bottom line is the gross income. This will determine the type of lifestyle she can experience which, at times, holds more value than how sharp her husband looks in a tuxedo.

  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    What she said. :D
  13. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I can financially take care of myself. If I want something or anything, I am more than capable of getting it.

    I would choose the doctor, not because of money, but because he is more inspiring to me than a newstand operator. I would choose something else over a doctor.

    What someone chooses to do with their life is a huge indicator of their personal values. I cannot be attracted to someone who isn't interesting, motivated, ambitious, successful (to an extent) and realistic. The chances are that this will be someone who is financially independant...
  14. Complex

    Complex New Member

    As I mentioned in my previous post your thought patterns don't fall under the average girl’s mentality. For every girl who offers your characteristic there are five others that would select the one with the largest bank account.

    It is not a matter of “I can financially take care of myself.” It is more to wards a joint venture in which both parties come to a mutual agreement. This agreement consists of where each individual stands and, how much he or she contributes from an economic standpoint. Joint ventures are synonymous in contributing 50/50 to live a certain lifestyle that neither one of them could do if he or she had to do it on their own.

    While a joint venture is ideal there are more 60/40, 80/20 and, 100/0 relationships happening across the globe as oppose to 50/50. Under those conditions being looked upon only for Sex, A Boy-Toy, or Barbie Doll to show off amongst friends will balance the check (so to speak) for that is the mutual agreement between both parties.

    When you are classed as different, it means you do not fall within the average person’s demeanour. However, it is always good to know the average person’s thought patterns to get a better understanding of yourself and, why many would put you in a different category than the average person.

  15. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

  16. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    Funny thing you should mention working from home.

    I tried and tried to get a business loan from the banks to start my own business but couldn't. I starting thinking "out of the box", different ways to finance my company. I went to investopedia.com and started reading up on the different trading platforms out there, commodities, futures, currencies, stocks, etc.

    I started a virtual account, like you are actually trading but it isn't real money, with the ones I was interested in. Once I started making money consistently, I started trading a live account with real money.

    I set up a bank account and have all the money from my different trading accounts deposited directly into the bank account. I get dividend checks and interests payments deposited DAILY now.

    My girlfriend, who I thought was just going to be a one or two night stand, turned out to have one HELL of a business mind. One night, after we had sex, she saw my financial statements I had laying around from the different brokerage accounts. SHE was the one who came up with being professional about it and taking it to a whole different level. Setting it up as a business and trading from home.

    Not only is she a good lover but is helping me to make money. She went from being a one night stand to a KEEPER......BIG TIME.
  17. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Interesting that there seems to be this mentality that those who work from home aren't very successful.
  18. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I think that was the inference made by the OP....But, of course, it goes without saying that a person can be successful at anything, if they want to be. And, of course, it dependso on how you define success - a more important point, probably.
  19. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    In "Reader's Digest" magazine, I don't know if it's the Feb. or March issue but they give a lot of working from home advice. Legitimate ones like that alpine access. Also "Entrepenuers" magazine have many companies that advertise in them that has been doing the home business thing for years. Specialty Merchandise Exchange Corporation ( SMC ) is just one of them. Will walk you through EVERYTHING.

    This is America, many of the huge companies now started AT HOME. Apple computer was started by Steven Jobs in his father's garage. So was Microsoft by Bill Gates.

    Micheal Dell of Dell computers started his company from a college dorm room. Gateway computers was started in a barn for cows. Thats why it had that black and white spotted logo on it boxes, the color of cows....moooooo

    Usually, it takes dedicated and very smart people to build a company from scratch at home. Many of the big companies would lose out on that talent which was why they had a negative attitude towards it.
  20. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Of course this would be true. There are also some extremely wealthy people who work from home.

    Always a good idea to expand horizons and maybe take a look outside the box for those who may think that there is some negative connotation to working from home.

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