Would you hit a female if she did this?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, May 25, 2009.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned


    Its funny how dudes laugh at this,but prbably wouldnt do anything if it happened to them

    A girl punches you,and you dont do anything = pussy,coward

    A girl punches you,and you punch her back = pussy/coward for hitting a woman
  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Why does he have a pink panther on his arm?
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Not sure if I'd hit her or not, because I don't wanna catch hella shit. I'd at least push her ass. If dude cracked her jaw though, he would get no hate from me. I wouldn't be mad at him, and couldn't. It's not fair that he can't do anything back, not that I want him to hit her back, but if she faces the consequences of punching somebody, then hell.......

    Also, how this dumb bitch gonna come at a person like that and hit him mid-battle? He didn't slap the taste outta your mouth when you were trying to go hard on him, so why do you get a free pass to do so?


    I'm sensing high levels of testosterone from...HER.
  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    wow, she punch the shit out of him.
  6. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    We men have been programmed to never strike a woman even if she beats the holy hell out you. But, times are changing.
  7. csbean

    csbean New Member

    That was some good shit. I've never punched a man, but I did slap two wm I used to date. I don't think it even occurred to them to strike me back. Are bm more likely to do so?
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I would.
  9. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    More likely to do what, hit women? That a serious question where you want to find the answer to, even though whether or not the person hits somebody is based on the person, not their skin color?
  10. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Haha she cracked him good!
  11. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Seriously. She is no lady.
  12. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  13. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Fuck malikom. I'd beat his ass silly.
  14. Serchas

    Serchas Member

    hard to say on this one.I`m a member of the " any Man hits a Woman for any reason is a Bastard and a Coward" Club.If a woman tries to goad you into assaulting her,real men walk away.having said that,in the video the lady was way out of line.Equality here or there,if a woman tries to fight a man,LIKE a man,she deserves to get KTFO like a man!Ladies,no matter what you think,there are somethings you`re not capable off.Beating a man in a physical confrontation is one of them.keep your hands to yourself.some men will look at you like you`re crazy if you punch em.Others will snap.Just my $.02cents
  15. Leheke

    Leheke New Member

    Yup, I agree with most of this, comon that punch was pathetic, I'm sure the guy could hit ten times as hard so men shouldn't definitely hit women because it's too unequal. Pff, I guess it'd be like hitting a biting puppy. Still, I know one woman myself who can fight like a man and I saw her beat up a man who was half bigger than her, but she could do that because of her past: ran away from home when she was 13 and lived on the streets, shes 25 now. But really, anyone with a less rough upbringing shouldn't hit men, because what if one hits back!?
  16. beautiful02

    beautiful02 New Member

    She deserves to get her ass beat by a woman not a man. NO MAN should hit a woman. I don't care what the situation is. I don't tolerate ANY of that period.
  17. chicity

    chicity New Member

    If you are any kind of feminist: if you believe you as a woman have as much right to a job as a construction worker, if you believe you as a woman have as much right to a job as a cop or solider, if you believe you deserve equal rights in any fashion, then you must also be obligated to equal responsibilities.

    In the old movies, women would slap men and that was okay.
    In the old movies, women would be punished by men -- either by having their allowance revoked, or by being spanked like a child.

    I don't want those days back. I want to be treated as an equal. I don't want to be treated like a child or pet.

    If I hit a man, it is because I expect to fight with him, and because I think I can hold my own. If I hit a man I clearly can not fight, it is because that's my only option at the moment.

    I don't hit men, tho, in general because I'm not interested in getting into physical fights. (lawyers solve everything better, and you get money in the end!) I don't depend on there being strangers around me who will automatically take my side because I have a vagina. I don't depend upon the rules being unfair enough that a man will take anything I do.

    A man who hits another man but can't handle a hit back is a pussy and a douche. Women need to grow the fuck up and realize that if we are equal, than a woman who hits a man but can't handle a hit back is a pussy and a douche.

    We also need to draw a line between men who hit women because they are abusive, and men who hit women back because they are being abused.

    Finally, as White Women, we should be more sympathetic to Black Men in videos like this. More and more, I see Black Women treating Black Men the way White Men treated White Women back in my mother's and grandmother's day. Seeing a Black Women treat a Black Man this way is as offensive to me as watching a White Man in 1955 teach a White Woman a "lesson". It's messed up, and we should speak out on it, as allies.
  18. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    It's 2009. Step up like a man, get beat down like a man. Act like a lady, you'll have no problems.
  19. csbean

    csbean New Member

    I feel that men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law (equal wages, education, opportunities in life), but outside of that, we are not equal. I have skills and abilities that men do not have, and men have skills and abilities that I do not have. I have no desire to equate myself to a man. I love being a woman.
  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Co-sign. :smt023

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