The way he did? [YOUTUBE]nIYaqH0YAks[/YOUTUBE] While I understand the father's anger, I don't think I would have reacted that way. I would have pushed for that boy to suspended off the bus.
The father should of went to the school and talked to the principle before he got on the bus. Though I figure some of the students on the bus doesn't have their father living with them. The daughter should be lucky to have a father concern about her welfare.
While I don't condone his actions I can understand them. Schools aren't equipped to handle bullies and most times they look the other way. I wonder if it was reported before. You can bet now they will do something.
Knowing me I probably would have done the same thing. They put an open condom on his daughters head. She is handicapped and they kept on bulling her. He had gone to the school administrators a number of times. Nothing. There are two adults on the buss to watch the children but neither of them speak very good English. All he did was get on the bus and start yelling. I would have probably had my older song beat the crap out of a few of them to send a stronger message. LOL but that's probably too much of the military part of me talking.
Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands, but I agree with you. Nothing like a fathers love....
I was picked on by a kid at school and church. Told teachers, they told him to stop. He kept doing it. I came out of church crying one day and my dad marched up to the classroom and "spoke" with the boy. The boy never said another word to me again. As an adult, I remember that and hope my future kids will feel I will try to protect them. The dad went over the top on the video threatening the kids, but these boys were out of control too. Perhaps the mothers' of these kids should worry why their boys feel comfortable behaving in such a manner.
The school system over here is not much better. Bullies aren't handled harshly enough. Many of them keep doing it and some of them even have fist-fights with the teachers. Me and my parents had to take a bully to court and had a restraining order placed on him (the school principal was contacted by the judge and did testify to his behavior). Every time we fought, he always had other guys with him jumping me. One on one scraps is one thing, but you gotta draw the line when it comes to being dipped on by multiple boys.
i was always a big guy. I was pushing 6 feet 190lbs going into my freshman year in high school. Like I said, this clown always tried to get other boys to help him fight me. That's that punk shit, lol.
Get them little shits, pops. Fucked up, but I don't give a shit. I wouldn't mind stepping on some kids faces for this shit. Pops shoulda turned that bus into hell. I say dress the kid up like this for a week..... Cause that was some pussy ass shit.
messing with handicapped kids isnt cool... maybe they'll learn some respect as they get older, because that could EASILY have been them in her shoes. Need more Zen