smdh....THAT is all you took from what I said? Also, please, use better grammar if you want to actually discuss anything with me. You keep giving me a headache.
You're still going on about shit I never even mentioned , dude. I shared information and my opinion about the original post... It's what I thought of when I saw the thread. You're acting completely ignorant.
Actually it's all for shock value, but you're my number one inspiration for such lovely contents! I'm sure you'll perk me up with some of your lavishing delicacies of vaginal blood-mesh tesh.
Hey paniro, go read the first post where I replied to you, and then go fuck yourself. If you could actually read you would see I blatantly told you I wasnt talking about you in my first reply to you. YOU are the one acting stupid, and insulting me just makes you look even more like a fucking dumbass.
Oh, how fucking original. Aren't you just sooooo smart?! rmfe Riiight, so because YOU got butt hurt over something that wasn't even about you, and can't read very well, it's the proper thing to call me fat? You're a fucking joke. You need to get off your period before you interact with people. and btw I signed my rep to you, you shouldn't be such a wimp as to not sign yours, you fucking imbecile. Come talk to me when you actually have something worthwhile to say, maybe you can actually have a good conversation.
LOL. OH shit. Im sure LA would get off on that shit. BBW I think he would do his best to stay away. yall are killing me that is sooo true about gay men and trannies. the over-do everything.
Stereotype much? Two of my transgender friends are lesbians, and tend towards simple slacks and shirts, no make up. A couple of my gay male friends play rugby, box, and would out macho most of the guys on this forum. You'd have no idea they were gay until they introduced you to their husbands.
And they would find a dick and balls, based on the site you visit which is, no? (its in the addy for your pics). Maybe your "aisle 9" is code for 9 inches?? So anyway here, enjoy....
No, that's what you like, right? Because both dudes in the black dress and g-string who's panties you want to invade...have butt implants.
Um, you posted Damon Wayans with the jungle booty, not me, Kunoichi!:smt005 You think guys into trans-chicks think that sad dude looking at himself in the mirror is hott?? So I guess you're against breast implants for native women on principle?? There are guys who exclusively like women who were born XX. There are guys who like women who were born XX and XY. If you're a man who finds the dude you posted attractive, chances are you're in the 'man who likes only men' category. You don't find gay dudes into TG chicks, despite the plumbing.:smt119 It's not just about their genitalia, it's their gender, (masculine/feminine).
Wait - his ass doesn't look "feminine" to you? BTW, you said - "You think guys into trans-chicks think that sad dude looking at himself in the mirror is hott??" So since this pic is a TG, I'm to assume guys into TG's will say "she's" hot..yes? -
Yeah, like EVERY native female is considered beautiful and desirable to EVERY man walking the There are ugly women. There are skanky/monsta tranny chicks.:smt061