Would you ever marry someone who never wants kids?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by craxy, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Actually that was 30 years ago, I don't know if they can now a days
  2. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    You are still young thought ;)

    Give it another 10 years hehe
  3. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    oxe, I think everybody now understood that you dont want kids. Thankyou for explaining.
  4. csbean

    csbean New Member

    I would not marry such a person. I was in a serious relationship with someone who didn't want children. He said he didn't because of the responsibility and he is too selfish. It turns out, his selfishness wasn't confined to the possibility of having children and this eventually led to our breaking up.

    I have a girlfriend who has sworn up and down for years that she never wants children and has even considered getting her tubes tied. That is, until she moved in with this guy who cheats on her and now she's trying to get pregnant and trap him. Fun!

    This being said, I'm sure there are completely normal people who don't want to have children for various reasons. I just happen to know some crazy ass folks.
  5. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Women like that are also apt to neglect said children or even murder them to be "child free" for their "man". We have had quite a number of such women in the news over the last few years. Scary!!
  6. csbean

    csbean New Member

    Yes, it is. She is my friend and I don't want to see anything like that happen. I do believe that no one, much less the child, will benefit from that situation. Here's to hoping she doesn't get pregnant. If it makes any difference to anyone, she's black and he's white.
  7. hntr18

    hntr18 Well-Known Member

    whts to stop him from just straight leaving the both of them in the cold like alot of men sometimes tend do, and he looks like a punk who cant think with his right head,lmao;) she deserves more, a more respectful careing man;):)
  8. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Sounds like the 2 are pretty much cut from the same cloth, if she is trying to "trap" him with a baby! Yeah, I hope she doesn't get pregnant.
  9. Serendipity

    Serendipity New Member

    Normal ? Who's normal ? :lol:
  10. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    I think the crazy people are the people who have a problem with people who never wants kids. Society has to face up to the fact that some people will never have children and might not like kids at all.
  11. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    No way. I want kids too bad.;)
  12. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    You trying to tell me all you run into is women who -

    a) Want Children or

    b) Have a child from a previous relationship

    Then I want your problem, all I run into is women not willing or women with one, two, three, four, five, sometimes six children from "many" previous relationships that are not interested in having children anymore; being left to push the baby stroller alone has turned them bitter.

    I am Childless but not intended to stay that way.
  13. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    I was in a "fence-sitter" relationship. My ex wanted kids. When I told her that I was never going to have kids, we broke up the day after that.

    Now it's childfree women for me only. I pretty much limited my preferences.
  14. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I disagree. I didn't want children for a very very long time - actually didn't even consider them until about a year ago. Even considering them will likely mean adoption for me as I don't feel an uncontrollable urge to spread my seed about and being able to give a child - who would become "mine" if I must possess it - a warm, loving home where they can thrive and blossom would be absolutely perfect.

    I have friends and relatives who never want kids and they are perfectly happy, and they have lots of spare cash with which to travel and experience life, lol.

    I guess in a round about way I answered your question about marrying someone who doesn't want kids - probably no as I will adopt at least 2 children and drag them all over the world with me :) But do I need to make my own babies - not necessarily.
  15. csbean

    csbean New Member

    I agree. While I want children and will not date someone who doesn't want children, it's perfectly acceptable to not want to have them. The human race is certainly not facing extinction.

    I remember seeing an episode of a daytime talk show (don't remember which one) where there were women who had children and were attacking women who chose not to have children. One woman even said it was the Christian thing to do and it was wrong to be married and intentionally not have children. The Christian lady called these women selfish but when she was asked if she would consider adopting children she said she wouldn't consider it.

    There is a group for people who don't want children called No Kidding where you can meet other singles who don't want them. My friend went to the meeting in our area and said it was mostly women who threw themselves on the few men who attended.
  16. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    There's a No Kidding in my area. I might check it out when I'm off work or school. I hope there are women my age who are in the group.
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Son, what is the big hoopla here? It is a lot easier to find a woman who does not want a child than one who does. It is also easier to break up/divorce when kids are not involved. So you should not have to jump all these hoops to find that lady.

    Personally, I live to procreate and will be honored if a beautiful woman would help me carry my: tall, slender, athletic, semi-funny, and half a brain gene to next generation.....
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2009
  18. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    I'm pregnant with Athena's child.
  19. Athena

    Athena New Member

    You're a lucky man. I'll take excellent care of you Saty ;)
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Careful. Someday he'll bite you in the ass with child support. :)

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