Would you date someone that has different religious/spiritual beliefs OR

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by ThePrince, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Date? yes
    Serious relationship? Odds are it wouldn't work out.

    The reason is, I want to respect my partner's opinions on deep matters. If her opinions on life, society, this planet, etc... were given to her by agenda filled people and empires who lived thousands to hundreds of years ago, I simply cannot respect it. Everyone should be questioned.

    Its not the spirituality that I take issue with. I admire spirituality when its genuine. In fact, I believe in the possibility of a form of God myself. Its the lack of understanding of man's part in organized religion that I take issue with.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I would prefer to date someone who has some kind of faith. After all faith is how relationships are formed and stay together. If all used quantifiable data to dictate all aspects of our lives then we wouldn't do most of things that make life worth living like finding love. When you meet a person you have no indication that they'll be the right person for you but you take a chance. A chance which seems ill fated when you read current divorce stats but you do it anyway because the possibilty is way to good to just let go of.
    So we don't have to have the same religion(especially since I don't follow one) but we both need to believe in something not easily seen or held in our hands.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    No i wouldnt.
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'm an atheist and here is my take...

    First of all, ThePrince, congratulations on creating this thread. I shall rep you when the time comes. Secondly, I'd like to take the time to address much of what you said, so here are my two cents.

    1. I have and will keep an open mind regarding who I date regardless of beliefs. I'm an atheist first and foremost and my ex-girlfriend was a Wiccan. We never really talked about religion, mainly because we were pretty much on the same frequency level. Although she believed in magic, I never really took that into serious consideration because throughout the time there, she's always been level-headed and a realist.

    Plus, I liked the fact that she believes in a Goddess and to me, I find it more delicious and "realistic" in a metaphysical and epistemological sense.

    2. Given that the majority of the world adhere to a supernatural belief, and there are women whom I'm attracted to which falls into those categories, I'm probably more likely to be with someone who will be of a different belief system, notably Christian or of some branch of Christianity.

    3. Would I date a fundamentalist? Well, certainly. However, can it work out? As long as they don't inject or pump their beliefs into my life as though I'm a wreck. But should they do that, I'd be on the defensive and undergo militant atheist and open poke holes in their beliefs.

    This is all for now...more will develop soon.
  5. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    Dating someone of a different religious persuasion is a big gamble. Sometimes religious dedication amongst its practitioners goes into remission like cancer, but when the stress of everyday living hits, it comes back with an inexplicable intensity.

    I have seen it happen to loved ones. It was painful to see relationships irretrievably breakdown. It does work for many though. Still, nobody knows when tomorrow comes what fate awaits one. The risk would always be there. But life itself is a risk anyway.
  6. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Yøu make a good point Naija

    IN Australia most people are fairly apathetic about religion so I answer from a different perspective. The chances of meeting someone with very strong views are more minimal. If I was honest I don't think probably I could date someone very right wing conservative, which may accompany particularly right wing fundamental Christianity.
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

  8. that guy

    that guy New Member

    I've done that before, it's a lonely existence. I'm an atheist and I dated a woman with semi-strong beliefs and she couldn't make up her own mind whether to leave or stay no matter how much we got along on other issues. Eventually she chose to be isolated from me and I had no other choice but to leave.

    If two people are of two different faiths, enter at your own risk. And whatever you do, don't lie.
  9. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I would prefer to be with someone that believed in Christianity as I do. They wouldn't have to be the same sect as I nor would they even have to be active. I would just prefer they did kinda think God might be real even if they were not sure. My husband is Christian though so it's all good. But anyway I think I might be able handle being with someone that didn't believe in a God at all. I might be able to handle someone that believes in Judaism, or umm whats it called you know the Muslim religion lol. But I don't think I could be with anyone that believed in some other God.
  10. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter to me.

    Since I have no religious beliefs, the religion (or lack of it) of the woman in my life is of no concern to me, as long as she isn't a fundamentalist or trying to shove her beliefs down my throat.
  11. King Fox

    King Fox Member

    Bible, Amos 3:3:
    "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"

    In the case of Christian/Atheist, I don't know how a long-term relationship can work when our fundamental spiritual/religious beliefs are wildly different. Often times, that's what governs how we see the world and different situations (e.g. abortion, homosexuality, death penalty, etc.). And what do you teach your children? For me personally, I'd have to find someone I'm compatible with because of that. So anyway, I wouldn't mind dating, but I don't know about going further than that.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011
  12. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I'd give them all the information and let them decide for themselves. I've already discussed with my man about how we'd handle the subject of homosexuality (he's very against it) and we've agreed that we'll let them decide for themselves, but he has no intention of pretending he likes it. It's more a case of what we 'won't' say about it. The last thing either of us wants to do is to make them hate other people.

    But this has nothing to do with religion, it's about respect.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Easy to say until either they're gay or bring home friends that ar gay.
    One thing I've learned about people especially dating interracially. You see a person's true colors when the person/persons they never had a problem with is potentially about to marry into their family.
  14. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    There's a difference between being religious, i.e., believing in a higher power/purpose, and believing that literature re-written hundreds of times (whatever / whichever it may be, depending on the religion) is the stated word of god.

    I was born into a christian family, though I don't necessarily believe Christ is the one true god. I do believe in a higher power. I just believe this "higher power" has been interpreted several different ways, which is why there are so many different religions, yet they all point toward the same higher power. It can't be understood completely, as it was never meant to be upon this realm.

    Sin is a very odd thing to me. I just believe that as long as you are a good person in life and don't make it a point to be sinister or evil toward your fellow "man", you'll be fine when you go to the next realm. Hell? WTF, I'm not even sure that exists. This would be a VERY long conversation if I went deeper into my beliefs. that wasn't the point of the thread, but great question.

    Yes, I would date a person of any faith.
  15. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    Why so cynical?

    My mother always told her kids to marry a black woman until she realized the trend of her youngest two boys bringing home white girls wasn't going to change.

    Her reasoning should be stated that she was worried about how her interracial grandchildren would be treated in the hypothetical future (they as of yet do not exist). It's a fact, children that cannot be easily identified as white or black suffer from many issues that may require psychiatric help at some point. In modern society, people still feel a need to feel "accepted and included" within certain groups, whether it be racial or otherwise.

    We grew up in a primarily white suburb, so the idea must have crossed their minds early on about who their 4 boys prom dates would end up being. It's just silly that she ever actually let the words "please marry a black girl" cross her lips. That became obsolete when her oldest grandchild told her daughter (his mom) that he questioned his sexual preference (I.E. he's as gay as a 3 dollar bill). I knew probably 10 years before he came out, but i digress...

    Bro, it's sad that people do on occasion state their opposition to interracial relationships only when people close expose their desire to explore the idea in their view. It is a fact, but don't think every person is like that. We really have come far in this modern society of ours, and it's a select few that still take issue with such shit. It's a known fact around here that I live in Boston and most of the black people around here seem to think it's the most racist town on earth.

    Probably 70% of the people I grew up with were Irish, and you know they like to keep it in the family. Still, it's not a scenario that I would ever describe as racist or unbearable. Prejudice is everywhere, but it's not everyone.
  16. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I worry a bit about what would happen if one of our future children were gay, but I can't do anything about it until it happens. Except talk to DH. All I know is that I would support that child through thick and thin, and I couldn't care less about anyone's sexuality. How my husband would react is anyone's guess. Whether the child's friends are gay is not an issue. He doesn't like homosexuality, but he respects the fact that gay people are still people and would never disrespect them.

    My view is, you don't have to like everyone, but you do have to respect them (unless they're hurting people, or are bogans :smt037).
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What's a bogan?
  18. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy is open to dating someone...as long as that person was also open...it would not work if one of the two tried to convince the other to convert...i would also not date someone that was a fanatic...the bible beating shoving religion down everyone's throat is not appealing at all...i find that many people that are fantics do not walk the talk...they hide behind their veil of religion but can't live up to it
  19. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    White trash.

  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


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