Would you date someone that has different religious/spiritual beliefs OR

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by ThePrince, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    a person that had none whatsoever? I was going to make this thread in the religion secton of the site, but I decided to post it here seeing I would get more responses here. I this whether or not to post topic knowing I would most likely get flamed, but what the hell. Screw it.

    I read a post while back from a poster named phoenixsosa talking about how he is an atheist and women would not date him because of it or something like that. I can sort of relate to that because I refer to mys elf as an agnostic and/or agnostic atheist. I don't believe in a God, especially a personal one. I don't believe in the power of prayer. I believe it does nothing. I don't believe in Jesus Christ. I don't believe he was our lord and savior. Well atleast not mines. I believe no one is. I don't believe in heaven or hell. I do not believe in the Devil, Satan, Lucifer or whatever you want to call him. Therefore I do not worship him, even though some people seem to seek we do. However, I do not deny the existence of a deity, god, supreme being, or higher power or what ever you want to call it. I don't have the actual knowledge of whether one exists or not hence why I don't believe. If there was one than I doubt it would be one that any religion describes. I believe religion is man made and is only around to keep people in line.

    I believe in science and how science explain things. Even though there are certain subjects science cannot explain. Atleast not yet. Science has made more sense to me than what the Bible has said. And it's way cooler. lol Basically my beliefs are based on facts and evidence and not faith.

    It's hard being both black and a non-believer. The black community and Christianity almost seem like they are synonymous with one another. Many people never heard or met someone that was a black atheist or agnostic. To come out as one is social suicide. You would be a minority in a minority. This article explains it:


    I am a member of that Facebook group the article is reporting about. I am a member of a few others on Facebook as well. The people in these videos talk about black atheism/nontheists /freethinkers on youtube:



    My beliefs would most likely affect my social life, especially my dating life. Women may be turned off because of my beliefs. If I only wanted to date black women than it would be a problem because the closeness of religion and black people. Dating white women would be a better option because white folks are not as attached to religion as black folks are. Same with asians. There are still have white folks that are moderately religious and overly religious. Just like what the woman in the video said, if you do go to an atheist event then mostly see white folks and maybe a few black folks if your lucky. Nontheism community is predominantly white.

    I'm no militant atheist. If someone said to me they were a christian then I'm going to go Richard Dawkins on them. I respect other peoples right to believe in whatever they choose, but I'm also a secular person. I believe in secularism and seperation of church and state. Like I said, people can belief in whatever they want. I just hate it when christians try to force their beliefs down my and other peoples throats. They feel the need to save you and convert you. That's my problem with them. Many christians(and other religious people in general) can be ignorant, intolerant, and use their religion to justify their hatred and commit despicable acts. Like how radical muslims use Islam to justify committing terrorist attacks. Like how christians spread homophobia around and protest at dead military members funerals. Now I'm not saying all christians and muslims do this. There are many that are more tolerant, respective, and open minded. I'm not going to generalize all of them.

    My beliefs are similar to that of Neil deGrasse Tyson rather than to someone like Richard Dawkins. Here's an example of what Tyson says about religion:


    I absolutely agree with what he said. If you feel that God and Jesus had blessed you and your loved ones then fine. If you believe and feel that they make you a better person and help get you through life then so be it. More power to you. That's your business. Just don't expect everyone to feel the same way and try to convert them. Just because someone doesn't believe in God and/or religion doesn't mean they are not a good person and/or that they don't have a good fufilling life.

    I'm sorry that this post is so long. I was just ranting. Just explaining my beliefs and explaining how hard is it for black nonbelievers like myself. The questions are would you date someone whose beliefs were completely different than your own? Especially if they were atheists or agnostics? Would you judge them? Would you let that get in the way of a friendship or a relationship? What about when it comes to family?

    I'm prepared for whatever feed that I have coming to me. Especially the negative ones and I'm expecting those BIG TIME. So bring it on. lol :smt066
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I am.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    oh yea I remember that one guy who will remain nameless

    as for me I already have. as long as you are not heavily religious than I am fine.
  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'm the same way. I've dated 2 guys who used to try and question my beliefs. I'm like umm, weren't you just sinning not too long ago or yesterday?

    I prefer someone who's not religious.
  5. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    I forgot to mention many religious folks are often hypocritical too. lol
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    For the sake of those people who are genuinely religious, say, "some", not many.

    Those 2 guys were very hypocritical. One used to get on me about cursing and tell me that I'm cursing myself, yet his ass used to smoke, drink, curse and fuck. SINNER! lol
  7. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    I was originally going to write "some" and not "many", but I thought "many" to me was more accurate. I didn't think anyone would care. I will write some instead of many in the future so I won't offend anyone even though I'm not really sure they would give me the same courtsey. Even I could be hypocritical at times.

    Was he serious? I don't smoke or drink and I feel more "holy" than that guy. And that's coming from a nonbeliever. I do curse however. lol
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Sorry, I didn't mean to sound arbitrary. I was just saying that cause most of the ones here who are religious, are respectful. You don't have to tippy toe in what you say, I just know that some people do take offense to things and then if you generalize, some will say something. You're right, you should give what you get.

    Yes, he was dead serious! lol The irony of the whole thing...smh
  9. satyr

    satyr New Member

    I've never dated anyone with strong religious beliefs which is not to say I wouldn't, but people in L.A. tend to keep that stuff to themselves anyway.
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Except the two I dated...lol

    Then with my first boyfriend, he took me to meet his sister and her husband and they were Born-Again Christians. They wouldn't leave me alone about believing in Jesus. Then my car was dirty and her husband washed it and said Jesus made him do it...wtf?
  11. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    It's alright. I hear ya. I wasn't trying generalize though. I said it in my first post(if you read all of that lol). If I really wanted to generalize then I would have said "all" and not "many". Many is still not all if you what I mean. I think there is a saying that says that the ones that are offended are often the guilty ones. lol

    I hope he didn't tell you killing is wrong too. lol
  12. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    Seriously? He said Jesus made him do it?
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I hear you...

    Nah, he didn't say that...lol

    YES! That was a big ole WTF moment...lol
  14. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I will do it as long as it isn't a big issue at some point.
  15. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    lol Did he say how?
  16. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    I was just happy that my car got washed and that saved me some money....lol
  17. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    My husband and I differ (greatly) on the subject of religion. What we DO agree on is that that part of someone's life is personal and they should keep it to themself. Meaning, no pushing religion or any kind of religion related belief (including atheism) on anyone.

    Not sure how we're going to raise our children though. I'm STRONGLY atheist and DH believes in god but hates church.
  18. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    That was a little weird. lol If it was me, I would've done it from the kindness of my heart.
  19. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    I believe that religion is a personal choice not to be enforced on your partner... For those devoutly involved in a belief with a partner that isn't, religion is usually a stick point that causes problems in the long run if the relationship is to have any legs, especially if the expectation is conversion/commitment from one side to another for either partner... The simple discussion of religion can bring out the devil in those passionate about their beliefs... I tore pants with organized religions when the deity preached about and revered and worshiped every Sunday, who supposedly loved the little children, left me as a child with two younger brothers, outside the door... My world travels brought me in contact with different beliefs and while I take elements from all of my exposures, I do not make religion a prerequisite to a relationship, nor will I accept the same in return. Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic who believes that love conquers all and that the details can be worked if both parties are willing to compromise... And maybe my belief is a religion....
  20. Athena

    Athena New Member

    My partner and I differ greatly as well. He is Catholic, and I am definitely not. I won't get married in a church, won't take my children to church -but if he wants to he can, yet the munchkins will get a critical thinking lesson before and after that happens. We have interesting discussions regarding organized religion and our differences have not been an issue.

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