Would you date someone new to IR dating?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Chigirl, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. celticboy04

    celticboy04 Member

    I agree with what you are saying because if my next woman is not my race I would def would like to know where she stands on these issues. I have had two white women but would not date me because they were afraid of what society would say to them for dating black men but they actually did me a favor. If they care what society would say about them and not did what they really wanted then they can't think for themselves.
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    ..which is why this thread was started, to begin with..


    sometimes you'll come across white women, who like black men..

    but they come with a catch..

    they're the "discreet" type..

    they'll flirt with you, they'll kiss you..hell they may even screw you...as long as NO ONE else knows about the situation...

    they're the type that won't hold hands in public, or show other means of affection..

    I'm happy to say that the majority of white girls that I met, were open to doing things in public environments. Holding hands, talking, hugging, playing, going to the gym to workout together; doing things that people who like each other do. I can't imagine being in a relationship, where my woman would not want to do those things, for fear of how the public would respond.

    and if you truly love her/have a geniune interest in her, you'd feel the same, regardless of our past history and current societal stigmas.

    once that heart is there, don't let anyone or anything stop you


    ..also.. just as a tip... be prepared to handle situations, that don't go smoothly..

    expect the best, but prepare for the worst, you know that line right


    ..if things don't work out, at a cafe, or restaurant, wherever..remember that there are other ways to work that out...

    ..you can report employees, you can change restaurant, you can always do something different, because not everyone is against interracial couples..

    you two just have to be in it together...

    the movie "Guess Who," with Astin Kutcher, had a good point about that..

    I'd suggest checking it out, even tho it's a white guy with a black woman.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    on a totally unrelated subject, with regards to the original thread topic - don't read if you don't like thread hijacks


    .. I don't have 20/20 vision either. I wear glasses which corrects the vision to 20/20, but I know it doesn't matter, for aviators...no 20/20, no dice..

    makes sense tho.. I'm not sure if you ever tried searching the horizon for planes, in your spare time..

    if you have, you would understand how difficult they are to spot..

    now, imagine trying to spot smaller, enemy fighters, at the drop of a dime, with no question about what you're seeing..

    if you have poor eyesight, it would take you longer to acquire targets, which could be the cause of your death...

    ..in a visual range situation anyway, where your radar-tracking instrumentation was not working, or was not the best thing to be using at such close distances, depending on the plane

    however, there are obviously other things you could do in the military...

    I have an uncle serving in the Navy, who's eyesight was really bad..

    He had laser surgery on them, sees 20/20, and is still enlisted..

    There are tons of occupational specialities, that allow people that wear glasses, to perform their duty.

    Like I said before, I'm not in a big rush to sign anything.. unless it was for something that didn't require foot/humvee patrols..

    being ambushed by a bomb, is not the way I want to go..

    if I had to go, I would rather go down with a fight..

    not that I condone violence, in any way, shape, or form

    really late edit - taken from a LA-based Laser Surgery Doc's website. Excerpt snatched from an article about laser surgery and combat soldiers

    "The military remains reluctant about allowing LASIK surgery on aviators out of concern that high-speed ejections from aircraft could tear the flaps (created during the surgery to improve vision), officials said, and more research is being conducted."

    there may be some hope for future aviators, who aren't blessed with perfect eye-sight

  4. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I agree. There is no way I can see with my contacts as well as someone who has perfect vision. Though they have improved the technology, but it's still not the same.

    I don't know that I could get that lasik eye surgery. I seriously have such bad luck, I'd be part of the 3% or whatever it is, that it either didn't help, or made worse.

    I do love my contacts though! Glasses are a pain in the ass most of the time.

    They told me I could be a navigator, but I wanted to be a pilot. Ah well, it's too late for me to join the military, though at the time, I wasn't very disciplined. It probably would have helped me out quite alot! But, it just took me a little longer to get that focus that I have now.

    Sorry, for the topic hijack! Though this is just free form conversation, right? It's nice when conversations can flow in different directions.
  5. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hi chi
    Change is always good
    Aren't ya fed up of tasting same things
    :idea: :idea: :idea: I 'm always saying it today DIVE IN JUMP IN
    :idea: :idea: :idea: At Least you would haveLEARNED something instead of Making love with toughts
    Acts and have experience.life is to sweet and simple to complicate it, believe me :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
    King George 8) 8) 8) , the Shab, Lover of All Life
  6. celticboy04

    celticboy04 Member

    I have seen that movie and I love it. I live in the south currently and the problem is down here I run into more white women like that then when I did back home and when I call them out on it they get so offended by it but we can always tell despite what they think.
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    they're just afraid of being "black-balled," ( no pun intended :) ), that's all..

    not everyone is strong enough, to stand up for something they believe in. In this case, interracial relationships. Remember the old saying that everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face. The same thing applies here, in a slightly modified theory. Some people would be for going outside of their race, in a more open fashion, if the possibility of getting "punched in the face" (firguratively speaking, of course) for dating a black man, didn't exist.

    As for them denying it..well... they're strong enough to stand up to you, and fight their cause, and challenge your judgement...

    but they ain't strong enough to fight with you, in the face of adversity, and make the whole IR thing a reality
  8. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

    Sadly, there are some ww and wm who are just 'experimenting' and jumping on the bandwagon, but this does not account for the majority I hope. Now, can you imagine what would happen if bw were led to believe that wm had the biggest ding-dongs lol... Anyway, the debate about ding-dong size is all a load of cobblers anyway... Now please let's not get into a debate about which race has the biggest brain... I've heard it all before.... zzzz
  9. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    :lol: You are right!
  10. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.

    So true!
  11. malik_jackson987

    malik_jackson987 New Member

    Too many folks are caught up with this topic. I think its hard enough finding someone to be with, without being concerned over whether she has been in an ir before. of course it does pose a problem at times i have noticed, i'm just not sure if its any different than the newness of any other relationship initially.

    anyways i have been looking into this topic more and more these days and chatting with some of my other friends who are also open to interracial dating. i stubbled across this site where this guy talks pretty openly about the whole interracial dating experience. seems interesting, maybe other people will have a look and comment on it. personally i was a little shocked. :shock:
  12. live_life

    live_life New Member

    Everybody got to start somewhere.
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Wassup Brother from Zambia..?

    Post us some pics of your Country..Ive heard a lot of good things about Lusaka..
  14. WhiteBeauty

    WhiteBeauty New Member

    First of all: I am from the far more liberal Europe and not too much used to the racial differentiation as it is here in the US:
    I would just like to remind everyone, that even if someone has had no interracial relationships it does not necessarily mean he/she is not used to discrimination. In my case I grew up with a schizophrenic/paranoid mother who was sometimes months away in psychiatry, and I was left alone with my alcoholic father. Nowadays times have changed and all kind of mental diseases are way more accepted, but if you believe it or not: when I was a child some other kids were not allowed to play with me...
    Furthermore I am bisexual, and I think I do not need to mention what kind of offending statements I have already heard about "lesbians".
    And last but not least I am a woman in a men's world and have to stand my ground (do you say it like that?) in my especially male dominated working area ;-)
    I hope this everything did not sound schoolmasterly :oops: , I just had to say it!

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